New Spider-Man 3 Set Pics

We’re still so far away from Spider-Man 3, but the hype is already insane. People (including me) are so looking forward to this flick it’s nuts. Can’t get enough? Well lucky for you some more WONDERFUL Spider-Man 3 set pics have made theri way on the web. Below are just 2 of them. To see a TON of Spider-Man 3 set pics (much larger too) you can just go here. Enjoy.

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  • 1. Alex replies at 26th June 2006, 9:42 am :

    I know this is early but i don’t see any pics of Mary Jane, so does that mean she is going to die in this one? But then again the pics are mainly highlighting Eddie Brock and Gwen Stacy.

  • 2. Joel Gustafsson replies at 26th June 2006, 9:50 am :

    Any mirror sites out there for the WebSense impaired? :/


  • 3. Varun replies at 26th June 2006, 9:58 am :

    I submitted a post about this over the weekend…..good eyes….good eyes.

  • 4. A.J. replies at 26th June 2006, 10:20 am :

    Gwen looks great and Topher Grace could be a great Eddie Brock. I actually like him more as an actor than Maguire. I really don’t like Dunst at all so here’s hoping that there’s more Gwen in this movie =)

  • 5. Kyle replies at 26th June 2006, 11:46 am :

    These are old. They were released via SuperHeroHype about a month ago. Why are you just getting these now?? And why no credit to Super Hero Hype?

  • 6. Henrik replies at 26th June 2006, 11:58 am :

    The best part of this are the links on the bottom of the page:

    “Jessica Alba NAKED!!!!” & “Angelina Jolie cybersex video!!!!”.

    Why somebody would want to see a video of cybersex is beyond me ^_^.

  • 7. John Campea replies at 26th June 2006, 12:43 pm :


    I credit whoever I get the stuff from. I didn’t see it at SHH, so I credited these guys. That’s the way it works.


  • 8. wolf replies at 26th June 2006, 12:53 pm :

    Topher is looking good as Eddie and Howard is looks da bomb, shes looking perfect in the role.

  • 9. darren seeley replies at 26th June 2006, 6:12 pm :

    Topher looks good, Bryce …well, some shots are fine, but in others…kind of frumpy. There was a great shot of her and Tobey (or stuntdouble) doing wirework. I dunno…maybe the pink top hasto go. Throw on a leather jacket or something nice, not that ugly thing. It almost makes it look like she’s got a bun in the oven.

    But what I want to know is…in that one pic….
    What is Spidey “doing” with Captain’s “Stacy”?

    Ha Ha Ha Ha
    Ha Ha Ha Ha

  • 10. hi replies at 26th June 2006, 6:29 pm :

    Brce looks great, so does the Spidey-suit. You gotta love it

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