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Kate Holmes Back For Next Batman. Dies?

By John - June 29, 2006 - 10:53 America/Montreal

The guys over at Moviehole have put up a VERY interesting comment about the upcoming Batman movie revolving around the poster girl for “Waste of potential” Katie Holmes. Despite the fact that almost NO ONE on the planet wants her in the next Batman flick, it appears she will be there… but maybe that’s a GOOD thing! Here’s what he had to say:

Yep, Katie will indeed be reprising her role as Rachel Dawes for the “Batman” sequel - as brief as her turn may be. Can’t say anymore without being pummelled by David S.Goyer.

Ok, so this COULD be a good news/Bad news situation. The bad news is obviously that Holmes will be back in Batman (If you believe the story that is). However… saying it’ll only be a small part… that COULD be FANTASTIC news. Think about it… why else have her in there for a short time unless THEY’RE GOING TO KILL HER OFF!!! Oh man! Can you imagine the cheers in the movie theaters across North America if that happens! People want to see a “dark” batman? Imagine how “dark” they can make him if his girl gets beaten to death by someone (probably the joker… but I’m just guessing). Man, that would set up an AMAZING hate on between Bats and Joke.

So yeah, by all means bring Katie Holmes back… and then kill her. JOY!


  1. lion says:

    beaten to death? kinda morbid aren’t you? don’t suppose she may live and leave gotham, or if she dies, could just get shot?

  2. nova says:

    I’m still not sure why so many people had an issue with her. well, not people i know, but mostly online people. i don’t think ANY actress would’ve been suitable for the role because no one seems to want Batman/Bruce to have anything that could potentially become a love life. and it’s just a shame that Katie should bear that burden.

  3. Henrik says:

    Couldn’t care less about this new Batman series, but I will say this:

    That picture of her on this post is HOT.

  4. Meli says:

    John - I’m with you on this train of thought, if the story is true. I think it would be a fanstatic move to have Rachel die in the next movie. Hmmm….the twisted thought path begins. There’s no telling what they could orchestrate for her demise.

  5. hi says:

    I for one didn’t mind the character or the way Latie played it, but it was her behaviour with Crusie taht kinda bothered me. But if she can get her act together i welcome her back

  6. Kristina says:

    She sucked in the movie. Girls in action movies and comic movies usually do suck the big one. MJ in the Spidey flicks and now this. Kill ‘em all except the Sin City gals.

  7. themarina says:

    You’re so right - biggest waste of potential. She has tons of it but she’s done nothing with it. I find it interesting that the women that marry TC all have potential but it gets lost behind the big name. I didn’t realize Nicole could act until they split! I’m afraid we may have seen the best of Katie. Too bad.

  8. STICKMAN says:

    I loved Batman Begins, the best of the entire franchise for sure. I would love to see Batman go mental with rage over the death of that worthless character

  9. JWP says:

    I’m all for her getting whacked off in this….could they do us another favor and throw in a cameo by Mr Cruise and also have him killed off too!!!

  10. A.J. says:

    She was a pointless character in Batman Begins. I don’t want to see her in the second one. Give the screentime to some other character.

    Although she might be a better actress than Alba for example, she had zero chemistry with Bale in the movie.

    It seems it’s hard to find proper young actresses for these superhero movies… Bosworth seems to be equally miscast in Superman Returns.

  11. Martin, UK says:

    The problem with her character in Batman was that she was basically doing the same thing she always does. Childhood friends who never got together with big bunches of sexual tension? That’s Dawson’s Creek. I didn’t like that about BB even though - mock me all you want - I liked Dawson’s Creek. I didn’t give a flying fuck about her character in Batman so using her as a nifty plot device to show us how crazy and evil The Joker is would be fucking awesome in all kindsa ways.

    Slightly off topic but does this bug anybody else in Batman Begins. That fucking old man at the end! I HATE HIM! HE ALMOST RUINS THE GODDAMN ENDING! You know the bit. Batman and co. are fighting on the train as it speeds towards Wayne Tower. It’s all very tense and actiony because if they reach Wayne Tower then the city is essentially fucked. We know this. Dracula told us it twice already. THEN! During the fighting and blowing shit up, some RANDOM OLD FUCK shows up to spout some shamelessly lazy exposition, apparently some Wayne Towers employee who has NEVER BEEN IN THE STORY up to this point. He gasps a lot and says things like “If that train gets to Wayne Tower then the whole city’s gonna blow!” And then he goes away, never to be seen again. It makes me so damn angry that it almost knackers the ending of the whole film. I hate, hate, hate that guy. They should bring him back and have The Scarecrow’s horse rape him in half.

  12. A.J. says:

    I don’t know if Batman even needs any more angst… I think the death of his parents is all the motivation he needs.

    As for the Joker… has it been confirmed that he is in the next movie?

  13. Lizardfreak says:

    Her death would justify Harvey Dent coming in as new D.A. A desperate Bruce Wayne calls upon an old friend to come in and help take down the clown prince of crime. He would find that as Batman he cannot take out the Joker, and the long hate between the two is forever set into play until one of their deaths.

    In Burton’s Batman he put placed drama in conflict between Bruce and Joker by having Mr. J the one who killed his parents. In this new franchise, it seems drama will be put in between the two by the laughing man killing off Wayne’s love. Now, Holmes could just be in there for 5 secs and have a talk about Dent coming in or some shit. And if so this brings up the possibility of Robin, and Batman taking the little boy under his wing.

    If Robin is in, the line where this film might feel campy and dark will be drawn and bloted in like blood, a dramatic conflict between Batman and Joker must take place. And if it doesn’t lie within Batman losing Rachel from the Joker. Then it would more than likely be Robin, kidnapped and tortured by the Joker. Joker taking Robin would give the dark knight more than enough reason to go ape shit running through the city frantic and pissed off, trying to find the sinister clown. Thats another reason for D.A Harvey Dent to appear.

    So many possibilites my head is spinning. Even how Batman kills the Joker has already crept into my mind.

    Maybe in a third or later film they could have something where the Joker goes too far, and Batman finally realizes “he must do what is necessary.”

    I can picture them both bloody and beaten on a rooftop from kicking the shit out of each other, Batman weak and the Joker weak as well; out of thugs and tricks thinking of a way to escape. The Joker’s gun lies in the middle between them, Batman picks it up…the Joker’s laughing his ass off…pulls the trigger and shoots him right in the head and he drops over the top. (Since Ra’s Al Ghul is immortal) Ra’s shows up having watching over Batsy for some time, most importantly the battle that just took place. And is proud that Bruce has finally giving in to the whole “doing what is necessary” moral, and Ra’s helps Wayne to his feet and helps him to his manor.

  14. wolf says:

    I didn’t mind Holmes in BB. She didn’t annoy me and she didn’t have that weird smile. If the Joker is in fact in BB2, killing her off would be a great way to heat the fued between Bats and Joker.

    Specking of Villains. Whatever happened to Scarescrow? We know he’s not dead, so maybe he might appear in this one?

  15. Spiderman R00lz my Mother says:

    If the movie Starts with Katie Holmes saying, “Bat—” and then cuts to a scene at her funeral, then I’d love it.

    If she gets more than 5 total minutes of screentime, I’m boycotting it.


    The movie was fantastic and didn’t need her. There needs to be a stronger character actor besides her… no depth at all in her approach. Too girlish and not woman enough.

    Ve NEed UnT VOMAN!

  16. get carter says:

    bashing her performance in BB is a total bandwagon thing.
    she wasn’t that bad. she was no worse than any other jobbing actress out there….she was fine. is she the best actress in the world? of course not but she didn’t ruin the film and he performance wasn’t even the worse thing in the film…that would fall to tom wilkinson who fell short of ruining the movie although he gave it his best shot.

    john your joy at the thought of seeing her beaten to death is a wee bit strange isn’t it?

  17. Drewbacca says:

    Wow! A woman being beaten to death? You sick twisted bastard! Still, it would make for a great vengeance tale if she is killed off. Maybe she’ll just fall down the stairs though, or L Ron Hubbard may pick her up in a flying saucer.

    ~ Drewbacca

  18. Jay says:

    I dont really get the hate for katie holmes. She had the un-enviable task of basically playing the physical embodiment of Batman’s conscience. Think about it… the speech in the car on the way to Falcone’s, the speech outside the restaurant, the speech at the front door of Wayne Manor. Her entire role consisted of expository speeches. Any actress faced with the task of delivering all those lines would probably be hated just as much. I, for one, understood the point of her character, however I just wished the information she was trying to get across could have been written in a more conversational and less “term-paper-y” way. That being said, I do have to agree that the way her character could serve the sequel best is to have her killed. Her death would cement the hate between Batman and the Joker, and send the sequel into even darker territory. And to be honest, the more grisly the death the better. I say this because I want my Dark Knight stories to be DARK. I want the Batman to want to go after the joker harder and with more ferocity than I can possibly imagine. And to make this happen, I feel that racheal has to die. I actually like Katie Holmes and I like her character, but story, plot, Batman and the development of His character come first.

  19. Salem says:

    Ok, Katie didn’t annoy me THAT much in BB. BUT, I must admit, as some of you already pointed out, if they have the Joker kill her then it would better fuel the hate between him and the Batman. I think seeing a psycho Batman on screen would be awesome! And plus, it would make room for Harvy Dent’s charecter to move in. I’m with John on this one….she should be beaten or killed. In some hidious way, I would love that lol

  20. Kate says:

    Bring her back on the grounds that she gets killed within the first half hour. I think she is very annoying, especially with that gimp Cruise around her.

    She’s just not a great actress. She was the only let down in Batman Begins. I loved the film, but not her.

  21. darren seeley says:

    I have to second Get Carter. I felt there was nothing wrrong with Holmes in the character.
    Also, it should be pointed out that John Campea’s jumping the gun. The idea is that she will be in “briefly” this does not mean that Miss Dawes will get a tombstone. Hey- remember “Superman III” where Margot Kidder had a brief role as Lois Lane. Did Lois Die in ‘Superman III’? No.

    There are other possibilities:

    1) Her character isn’t a focus of a story.

    2) Her character leaves town for a few days.

    3) There is a restructuring of the Gotham justice system; she
    gets a new ’safer’ job. At a desk.

    4) Her character gets a bun in the oven- it isn’t Bruce’s kid, but rather, it was a sperm donor. Bedridden for two months. Okay…maybe NOT THAT ONE.

    5) Hospital time-she was ‘almost whacked’, life support …you know.

    6) She writes a tell all book, does talk shows, but avoids Oprah for some reason. Okay maybe not that one either.

    7) Visiting the folks/relatives up somewhere in Florida, or where ever they reside.

    8) Dumps Bruce for this dude called Green Lantern.. Okay, maybe that won’t happen either.

    9) Katie Holmes is the new Wonder Woman.

    {[[[Darren avoids the hurling stones!]]]]


    No, seriously. I thought Holmes was fine in “Batman Begins”. I hope they don’t knock her off just to knock her off.

    But…if Dawes did get killed….I want it to be like an accident.
    Or by Ra’s daughter?

  22. Kate says:

    Just to say, i am not jumping on the band wagon thingy-ma-jig!

    I honestly thought she was bad, but hey, thats just my ickle opinion. just don’t think the poor girl is good.

    I would have to say she is on the same wave lenght as Orlando Bloom! But with the exception that she is getting more stuff coz of the whole Cruise business ( i know its boring at this point, but true)

    If she is in it, i can deal.

  23. Tayster says:

    You know, I’ve always said that my favorite movie featuring Drew Barrymore was “Scream” because she died a horrible death in the first twenty minutes. If only all of her movies started that way.

    And while I don’t hold that much hate for Katie Holmes, I would love to see her die in the next Batman.

    In fact, I think they need to bring back Chris O’Donnell as Robin for the first scene and make the Joker kill him also.

  24. Cody666 says:

    Yeah, this sounds about right. Okay, so Katie Holmes is gorgeous. Sort of. But you need more than good looks to succeed in the movie industry. She has a fair bit of talent in her, but the girl in Batman movies are basically the complete opposite of a suitable role for her. The only ever movie she was good in was The Gift. I would have absolutely no problem with her being killed off in the next Batman flick. It would piss off the Caped Crusader that much more. Let’s just hope there’s no cheesy one liners where the camera zooms in to Batman’s face and the music darkens, and he says “this time, it’s personal.” Kill the bitch off. She ain’t right for playing Rachel Dawes anyway.

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