In The Name Of The King Trailer

In-The-Name-Of-The-KingOh my sweet goodness. My eyes have beheld perhaps the worst trailer I’ve ever seen in my life. Uwe Boll’s new film “In The Name Of The King”. Thanks to Vaurn for the heads up.

One of the things that REALLY stands out (although there are many) is how bad the casting is. Not that the movie looks like it’s filled with bad cast (actually I like most of them in it) it’s just that they’re the wrong people for those roles. But then again it’s a Uwe Boll project… so what was I thinking. You can see the In The Name Of The King trailer here. Warning… this thing is HORRIBLE.


  • 1. Henrik replies at 26th June 2006, 2:51 pm :

    Does not look that bad. Looks like D&D with decent effects.

    The last line of the trailer cracked me up though. I do not think I need to explain why.

  • 2. wolf replies at 26th June 2006, 2:53 pm :

    I have no sound on my computer at the moment, so I can only see. The trailer doesn’t look too bad….don’t like the casting though.

  • 3. 1138 replies at 26th June 2006, 2:58 pm :

    Egads!!! John!!!

    You’re right. At first I thought I was watching a SNL Commercial spoof! That is the weirdest cast I have ever seen!!! i couldn’t stop laughing!

    Now like Jason Stratham…I think he can be a badass character in almost any action movie, but he looks really misplaced here. And Burt Reynolds in a medieval adventure!!? Wow where’s Dom Deluise!? And Matthew Lillard? I want to scream!

    Boy I need a drink…or did I already have one? Can’t tell with this trailer.

  • 4. TM replies at 26th June 2006, 3:05 pm :

    It’s too much like everything that has already come and gone, Gladiator, Lord of the Rings, etc. I’m not impressed. The trailer seemed too long for me and I almost closed the window during its running.

  • 5. igl replies at 26th June 2006, 3:11 pm :

    he should have stopped the trailer at about half of it. It would look really good :) But this trailer still looks better than previous promotional videos for studios :) They showed more of acting and dialogue. Now, that sucked. Completely miscast, otherwise, the movie might stand a chance :) Oh, wait, the directing would kill it. LOL

  • 6. carl replies at 26th June 2006, 3:11 pm :

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha fucking priceless,strathams career can only get better now cause he cant sink no lower!

  • 7. Varun replies at 26th June 2006, 3:26 pm :


  • 8. Norddeth replies at 26th June 2006, 3:37 pm :

    I kinda agree John, the worst thing about this trailer is the casting, its all wrong and you cant help but blame the casting director, but honestly, if I didnt know this was an Ewwwwe Boll movie I might have found it intriguing, but the reality is that I KNOW it is a Uwe Boll film and won’t be paing money to see it.

    I will however download it, indulge in some recreational drugs and laugh my ass off.


  • 9. Nazz replies at 26th June 2006, 3:56 pm :

    Correct me if I’m wrong but was there a guy in a suit in the trailer?

  • 10. thegoodfella replies at 26th June 2006, 4:11 pm :

    “You have no idea how powerful madness can be!‚Äù ‚Äì that‚Äôs now my MSN screenname, brilliant stuff‚Ķ

    I had a look on IMDB and they say the budget is an estimated $60,000,000, which is a goddamn joke if it’s true because another thing that stood out for me about that trailer was how cheap it looked – the CGI and the orc, sorry, krug costumes look like something out of Power Rangers…

    Turns out Boll has grandiose plans for this movie too – I read on wikipedia that the cut of the film he releases in the cinema will be a ‘mere’ 150 minutes long but he plans to release a 190 minute cut on DVD so fans will get plenty Boll for their buck… yey.

  • 11. Thijs replies at 26th June 2006, 4:33 pm :

    I don’t think it was the worst trailer ever (Alone in the Dark had a worse trailer), but it was very, very bad. Could this BE any more of a horrible Lord of the Rings rip off?

  • 12. CrzyDJM replies at 26th June 2006, 4:44 pm :

    Oh my yes, that’s bad…

  • 13. Pineapplehead replies at 26th June 2006, 4:47 pm :

    Does anyone else just see a fan film?

    And what’s with the awful fonts they use. Is Uwe just knocking the whole thing up at home?

    You can imagine him looking at templates.

    ‘Too metally, too watery - ah, now that perfectly captures the feel of swords and sorcery I’m going for!’

  • 14. Josh replies at 26th June 2006, 5:03 pm :

    Burt Reynolds, Mathew Lillard, Ray Lloyta! In a midieval action flick! Hahahahahahahhaha!

    Although I must admit, this trailer looks a lot better than any of the trailers for Boll’s other films (I haven’t seen a single one of his movies), in fact, at some point I actually was interested in an early afternoon on Sci-Fi channel sorta way.

    But I can’t get past Burt Reynolds as the king! I’m not sure it could get any worse than that..well, maybe, if it were called “Snakes on a Throne” it could be worse..

  • 15. darren seeley replies at 26th June 2006, 5:47 pm :

    “But I can’t get past Burt Reynolds as the king!”
    That’s nothing. Even Tom Selleck was the King Of Spain once…you want to see pain and boredom? Ha Ha Ha.

    I can’t get past anybody else in the roles they play. At least Jason Statham’s got the Italian Job sequel do soon, and he could always go back to another Transporter…

    Look, everyone sings praises about Uwe. Some actors dig him because he gives them a quick paycheck when no one else is calling. And y’know, maybe he’s a real nice guy, gets along with everyone…but he can’t direct a duck to water. Is he “getting better”? I think so. No, really. I think that’s true.

    By the time he’s a brilliant director? We’ll all be dead and gone, into heaven or in hell, and he will only be working with the lost footage of Jenna Jameson.

  • 16. DarkKinger replies at 26th June 2006, 5:47 pm :

    Does anyone know that this movie will be THREE HOURS LONG!!! And he is being PAID $60 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????

    I mean, who did he have to fuck to get THAT much money?!

    Uwe Boll vs. Roger Ebert… BOOK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 17. darren seeley replies at 26th June 2006, 5:51 pm :

    “I had a look on IMDB and they say the budget is an estimated $60,000,000, ”

    I figured it out. Aside from shoting in Romania or wherever the hot spot for cheezo sleazo productions are nowadays, the actors are plenty; only half of them come in for a day or two of filming and are confined to one or two locations. Say thier lines, cut the check, hop on a plane, and see months later the cheezo ads with thier heads pasted on like an actress on a nude model.

  • 18. Liam replies at 26th June 2006, 6:08 pm :

    it could make a decent video game. I like some of the costumes. The Acting and direction sucks though.

  • 19. Matt Liddell replies at 26th June 2006, 6:12 pm :

    Uwe Boll’s movies are painful to watch. I got through about fifteen minutes of ‘Bloodrayne’ and just sat there saying to myself ‘When Michael Madsen and Michelle Rodriguez are in the majority of their movies they don’t look like complete jackasses, how does Boll manage to photograph everything through a ’suck-filter’?????’

  • 20. goomack14 replies at 26th June 2006, 6:15 pm :

    it is a video game

  • 21. Beejag replies at 26th June 2006, 8:25 pm :

    Now, I hate Uew Boll as much as any other fan of movies and video games, but to be honest, while this does not look that good, it also isn’t the worst thing ive ever seen, ill probably see it on a free pass or rent it or just go for the hell of it to kill some time.,

  • 22. Varun replies at 26th June 2006, 9:32 pm :

    Yeah Liam….it is a video game called Dungeon Siege….you might have heard of it? Sold like a billion copies like 4 years ago…had a sequel Dungeon Siege 2. Just playing with you…trust me no one is willing to make a game off of this movie if they plan on making money….gamers hate Uwe Boll and i bet game makers do too.

  • 23. Terry Letourmeau replies at 26th June 2006, 11:07 pm :

    OMG, the only thing I liked about the trailer was the music, and that was from the Children of Dune mini-series.

  • 24. themarina replies at 27th June 2006, 12:30 am :

    I wanna know who Boll is sleeping with. I want to sleep with those same people so they’ll give me money so that I can make a movie. I guarantee it will be better than this one.

    How come he always gets these interesting stories?????? WHY are they being wasted when there may be someone out there that can make a decent movie out of it? Why? WHY????????

  • 25. The 1mperfex Collector replies at 27th June 2006, 12:52 am :

    There should be a bet on this. Whoever loses the bet MUST watch this film! The bet: will Superman beat X3 at the box-office?

    I’m serious, it would be a F’N shame if we don’t give this the respect it truly deserves from surviving its “Sorid Saga”.

  • 26. DarkKinger replies at 27th June 2006, 12:54 am :

    I’LL TAKE THAT BET!!!!! I really enjoyed X3, but Superman is on my list of being the best! I swear if I lose, I will see Uwe Boll’s film.

    I pray to God Campea will STAY AWAY from this 3 hour shit!

  • 27. Darko replies at 27th June 2006, 1:10 am :

    This is a bad and tasteless rip-off from Lord of the Rings and Gladiator. Although the casting is a joke, we see big sets with everything a popcorn-fan wants to see: big battles, action,… The only question I ask myself, why I should waste 2hours of my time with this crap. My cat could direct far better movies by now if he had half the chances Uwe Boll got.

  • 28. David replies at 27th June 2006, 1:40 am :

    Darko, i completely agree with you ! this looks like a shameless rip-off from LOTR, Gladiator and I would add Robin Hood (with Costner). I really doubt that there will be big battles or any good action. I say that after seeing BloodRayne (god forgive me). I mean how can a guy show Mr. Madsen in such a bad way. I think all the battles are there in the trailer and they dont look good for 60 mln budget.

    Now my thoughts how he got 60mln bucks for this movie: i think he is a good friend of game developers (maybe an avid gamer himself). Dungeon Siege was (is) a popular game and who would refuse to make a good money out of it again. So game developers secure the financing for him. I just dont see how a major studio (or anyone sane) might be interested in giving him so much money after BloodRayne and Alone in the Dark. And if we look at his future projects on IMDB I’m quite certain that his financing is comming from game developers. And i’m afraid he will be ruining a great game again - Far Cry.

    The cast is for sure a mistake. I guess Uwe say the Revolver and he got the brillian idea - Liotta and Statham have a great chemistry together as a bad and a good hery. They might, but in the hands of Mr. Ritchie. I mean Mr. Boll’s direction of Michael Madsen (sorry for repeating myself, but. . .) was just unbearable, even in worst B movies this guy shines.

    Anyway I do not believe in the success of this movie (after seeing the trailer), though success is relative and it might be something different for Boll.

  • 29. sal replies at 27th June 2006, 3:41 am :

    can’t believe he snagged Ray Liotta for this. cast members are pretty decent but wrong for the role? yeah, probably. should have had some unknowns. but still, looks like a bit of brainless fun to me, maybe one to rent on dvd.

  • 30. sal replies at 27th June 2006, 8:55 am :

    Same subject, different movie, going back to a post on April 18th regarding the remake of the hitcher (excellent movie), just read on fango that Sean Bean will be playing Rutger hauers part of John Ryder (the killer). I don’t know, I like sean bean a lot and think he could probably pull off a good portrayal of a serial killer, but I’m not sure if he’s right for this role. What do you guys think?

  • 31. mogulus replies at 28th June 2006, 10:50 pm :

    would it be in extreme cheese if I were to ask Uwe Boll “In the name of the king, please stop making video game movies and try to come up with something original for Christ’s sake?”

    trailer doesnt’ look too bad though. And sometimes Boll’s movies are so bad they’re good.
    I’m thinking Lord of the Rings with a “retarded” subtext.
    can’t go wrong there.

  • 32. Godfather replies at 7th July 2006, 12:02 am :

    Gotta agree with the sentiments thus far: Burt Reynolds, Jason Statham, and Ray Liotta in this film? Oh dear Lord… Save me from this hell!

  • 33. tabletka replies at 30th October 2006, 1:13 pm :

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  • 34. pipetka replies at 30th October 2006, 1:13 pm :

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