Audio Edition - June 23rd 2006

Sorry we missed Wednesday guys… but I was sick… as a matter of fact as you’ll hear in the show I’m still a little sick and in a FOUL mood. On today’s show we discuss:

1) M. Night Shyamalan acting dumb

2) Studios acting dumb towards iTunes movie sales prices

3) More dumb Lord Of the Rings DVDs

4) Dumb Blu-Ray / HD-DVD stuff

5) Sabertooth in the Wolverine Movie… not so dumb

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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  • 1. hi replies at 23rd June 2006, 6:37 pm :

    So dumb is todays theme then

  • 2. carl replies at 23rd June 2006, 6:41 pm :

    ok everybody lets get these guys to the top on itunes, that aint fucking dumb,these fuckers deserve it.

  • 3. SeanB replies at 23rd June 2006, 6:55 pm :

    I don’t know who the new Lord of the Rings DVDs are actually targeted at. It could the that John is right, and they’re just trying to milk that new documentary for all they can get. (If that’s the case, I think they WOULD make more by selling it separately.) I’m excited about it, though. I don’t own LotR DVDs, because I was never willing to settle on the original release or the extended version. This package is perfect for me, because I don’t have to choose. I’ll probably end up buying this edition. (Personally, I could care less about the documentary.)

    Has anyone heard anything definitive about additional compression on this version of the movie? Will the quality be lower than standard DVD quality?

  • 4. hi replies at 23rd June 2006, 7:11 pm :

    haha, they are selling LOST season 2 on ITunes for 34-99. That’s less than $1.5 for 45 minutes. $19.99 is a joke.

  • 5. Phil Gee replies at 23rd June 2006, 7:23 pm :

    I personally devoured every single bit of special features goodness on those other LOTR dvd’s and would be there on day one if they released this new documentary seperately but……damn it, i’m not biting this time. You’ve summed up how i feel about it John and i ain’t giving New Line my money.

  • 6. Lou_Sytsma replies at 23rd June 2006, 9:48 pm :

    Beef croquettes Doug. She must be Dutch or German. Ask her about ollie-balls or apple-flappen.

  • 7. kyle replies at 23rd June 2006, 10:44 pm :

    wow. who the hell will buy the guys book..

  • 8. Fender Strat replies at 23rd June 2006, 11:07 pm :

    The whole Shyamalan thing is a joke. Its all a publicity stunt. He did the same thing with the Village. Granted that was a hoax from the start. The Village barely had THAT much hype due to the horrible buzz it was getting from the net. Now this new movie of his is going under the radar for the most part. Nobody cares about it. Even Clerks 2 is getting more buzz then it. Shyamalan needs something to stir up the pot abit. This will be perfect for him. What great timing for a book…. Just before his new movie ;). How convenient. Shyamalan is fading already. People are less and less interested in this guy with every movie he is making. It seems Signs may of been his peak.

  • 9. Craig replies at 24th June 2006, 1:20 am :

    Great show as always,fellas! You’re so right about all the price points. I’m an Internet impulse buyer like a muther fuker. I might even pay $9.99 to watch ‘Leprechaun 5: Leprechaun in the Hood’ or anything staring Richard Kiel.

    Get well soon ,John. We,the international friends,need your voice. :)

  • 10. Jim replies at 24th June 2006, 8:16 am :

    Mmmmmm… croquettes. Never had beef croquettes, but my dear mother makes the best TURKEY croquettes and boy do i love them. Doug, if your lady friend will let you, you should post the recipe on the blog. By the way, dont let that girl get away… a good croquette maker is hard to find!
    And Doug, your new book should be called… “Douglas Nagy’s Guide to Great Canadian Croquette Locales”… i would definitely buy it for $4.99 at a 7-11.

  • 11. Martin, UK replies at 24th June 2006, 12:08 pm :

    Cool show. Very angry and fun!

    Well maybe the LOTR movies will be the same quality if they don’t come with commentaries, there’s like 4 or 5 commentaries per movie and if they get rid of them that should leave a lot of room. I might be wrong.

    I’m not all that concerned about the HD DVD stuff. As you said, the jump in quality isn’t that inspiring and I have a shitty job. If they want to stop making DVDs, fine, let ‘em. It just means I can pick up even more cheap second hand movies and they lose my money altogether. And if I want to watch a brand new movie and there’s no DVD I’m sure it won’t be that much of a problem anyway. Piracy will go through the roof.

    I still like videos. They’re muffly and grainy but they don’t screw up and they’re just cooler because they’re heavier. The death of video was the best thing ever because now you can pick up practically any old supernatural octopus movie on video for less than two quid. If they stop producing DVDs all it’ll do is make everybody shop on eBay instead of Amazon. No biggy.

  • 12. antonio replies at 24th June 2006, 2:07 pm :

    Dear Mr Campea my point was about bitching… its ok for you to do it but not Mr Shyamalan? The bottom line is unlike Canada which is on its way to becoming a police state, We in America still have the freedom of speech… if I was Mr Shyamalan I would dedicate my life on dissing the morally corruppt, occult, sinisterly evil entity known as Disney (For instance, it was Disney that brought us cannibalism and told us that it was a “triumph of the human spirit” (a direct quote from Disney‚Äôs Touchtone Producer Robert Watts concerning Disney‚Äôs movie “Alive” featuring survivors of an airplane crash who turned to cannibalism). Under the disguise of entertainment & showing us how “triumphant” the human spirit was, they subtly promoted cannibalism. Mickey Mouse plays a leading role in “The Sorcerer‚Äôs Apprentice.” Parents would be surprised what is slipped into cartoons. In Disney‚Äôs “The Little Mermaid” the castles are male sexual organs. In one cartoon Mighty Mouse is shown clearly snorting cocaine. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Joe Roth is in charge of Walt Disney as well as subsidiaries Touchtone, Miramax, and Hollywood Pictures, which were all created to camouflage the Disney production of adult films. Disney operates in a clandestine manner regarding the promotion, distribution and rating of the films produced by their subsidiaries. Now I suspect within the next few weeks that your rant about Mr Shyamalan will continue to grow, you then will start talking about the movie and saying how bad the movie is gonna be. But thats ok cause if the movie is any good you will then start proclaiming how it was a smart move for Mr Shyamalan to leave Disney cause he would not of been able to get away with this or that scene…a no lose situation for you. In closing I would just like to remind everyone about your attack on Luis Guzman when you thought that footage online from the making of the movie Waiting was real. There is another example how you attack someone without any real justification. Did read the entire Shyamalan book Mr Campea? If the book is not avalible yet would you read it when it is, so you know the whole story.

  • 13. djames replies at 24th June 2006, 4:55 pm :

    America, freedom of speech? Canada Police State? Hmm. What about the AT&T Fiasco where the american goverment sold the privacy of its citizens down the river? What about poor librarians who get drilled and chastized for not giving up patrons library records to the police when they didn’t have a proper legal grounds to demand them? What about the music and film and being allowed to pillage citizens in massive lawsuits, and demand the shutdown of internet companies like pirate bay in other countries? Two Tiered internet? If you think Canada is even close to approximating a police state, then I can’t even imagine how to characterize the USA right now.

  • 14. darren seeley replies at 24th June 2006, 6:08 pm :

    I was almost going to skip out on the comments section since most of the topics covered I already commented on in thier respected posts in the past few days. But, after seeing antonio’s discussion, I felt an itch I needed to scratch.

    While I understand where you are coming from Antonio- and I had rants in the past (not on Movie Blog) regarding the Miramax-Dimension banner subsidary under Disney when the Wienstiens were there, although the majority of those criticisms dealt with misleading producers and directors, and messing around with release dates. Or with possible plagerism issues such as the Lion King contreversy.

    However, some of the examples you cite are “urban legend” and others (such as the Fantasia reference) have nothing to do with the current regime : ” I would dedicate my life on dissing the morally corruppt, occult, sinisterly evil entity known as Disney”. Disney is a standout because of the namesake and the theme parks, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. I understand that. Please note that they have also in the past put out quality and/or family friendly entertainment.

    I consider myself a born again christian. A few years back some of my christian friends and christian family members were shocked o discover that I, as a christian, DID NOT support the Disney Boycott of the late 90’s. They thought I “didn’t care”. Well, I didn’t. But the reason I didn’t was that the same folks who called for such protests were also the same people who said “Christians should not be involved in Hollywood” and stuff like that. My christian friends and family members agreed with such statements. I said, fine. I love you, I respect you, I still hold the Lord in my heart, but…the problem here is if you encourage “christians” to stay away from a filmmaking process, don’t protest and complain aboout what’s wrong, or what you percieve to be wrong. It makes christians look hypercritical -if not hypcritical, and that what the “world” sees or wants to see. You can disagree with me on this, that’s alright if you do so.

    But the comment you made bothers me a slight bit, because “Mr Shyamalan told off that ‘ occult, sinisterly evil entity’…yet his first film is in regards to a kid who sees dead people. Wouldn’t he be a contributor to it. if it were an ‘ occult, sinisterly evil entity’? So he’s one to talk, right? Also, Disney backed up ‘Narnia’- based on the CS Lewis books. CS Lewis and his estate gives the ok to an ‘ occult, sinisterly evil entity’…think it over. Then start laughing.

    Other studios can also be pegged as an “occult, sinisterly evil entity” if you really think about it. It would be far from the truth. Anyone can boycott any film they wish by simply not buying a movie ticket.

    If this thing with Shaylaman is indeed a hoax (like that ‘fake’ doc a few years ago) then it will backfire. It makes him look like a whiner. Disney didn’t want the film? Fine. Someoone else did. Shaylaman went where the property went. That’s not unusal.

    Do we film geeks love behind the scenes retro books like “The Battle Of Brazil” where Terry Gilliam fought for his cut of his film? Sure. Great book. BUT in books like that, it is a studio exec or head trying to shut down a film, surpess it, lock people out of editing rooms and all sorts of not getting the film out to where a moviegoing public/critics has a chance to see it. HUGE difference! Shaylaman’s film wasn’t filmed and mangled up, it just was passed on and he went to another studio.

    Before ‘Star Wars’ went to Fox, how many studios shot George Lucas down? When the film was a go at Fox and became what it was, who ate crow? Who tried to copy him and failed? (Disney, heh heh) You didn’t see Lucas at the time bad mouthing the studios who shot him down, did you? It’s one thing to hear about filmmakers struggles to get a picture made and us movie film buffs to sponge it up as they ‘fight the man’. But if the film comes out and becomes a hit for the other studio, the Disney’s exec’s jobs could be on a chopping block. If the film tanks, they dodged the bullet. Bottom line: Shaylaman is full of hot air on this, hoax or not. It’s tainted me enough to not see his movie. He could stick to those commercials, though.

    Big Brother is watching,

  • 15. Kristina replies at 24th June 2006, 6:38 pm :

    Campea check your email. I just sent you my Superman Returns review. I got to see it at a special screening for the military. FUCKING amazing.

  • 16. Donny Boy replies at 24th June 2006, 7:05 pm :

    What the hell is Antonio talking about? canada is becoming a police state? When did Antonio visit Canada, like one trip to Quebec in the 70’s maybe? I am an American (who lives in Switzerland, Doug we’re still waiting to make you our supreme leader) who lived in Canada for 3 years. Canada is by far one of the most open and liberal countries i’ve ever seen. I have never heard of a documentary called: Canada: Freedom to Fascism or anything of the like. Still, much like Americans and Canadians believe, people like Antonio AND Shyamalan both have the right to be stupid and be heard. THAT is freedom of speech, something you won’t find in any police state. Freedom of speech then, in turn allows us to tell you you are stupid…

  • 17. Martin, UK replies at 25th June 2006, 7:35 am :

    Surely Alive was a story about “the triumph of the human spirit”? The people never gave up and did anything to stay, well, alive. I never came away from that movie thinking “Cannibalism is awesome.” You know why? Because that’s bloody retarded! Only an absolute MORON would watch that film and consider taking up cannibalism. Maybe the director figured it was a story worth telling and actually credited his audience with a little intelligence. In your case maybe he was wrong.

    Who gives a shit if Disney make adult films under different names? They’re a business right? And the Male Genital Castles in The Little Mermaid? Are you fucking kidding me? That chick is swimming around with nothing but shells on her breasts and you’re looking for male genitals in the background?! Can we say ‘therapy’?

  • 18. John Campea replies at 25th June 2006, 11:09 am :

    Hey Antionio.

    First things first… the GUZMAN thing was TOTALLY justified. I was justified in attacking what he did… because HE AND THE DIRECTOR PURPOSFULLY MADE IT LOOK LIKE IT WAS REAL. It’s not like I midunderstood them. They made it look real… and then told everyone it was real. If you can’t see the difference… then I don’t know how to help you. When that finally came out and said it was a joke… I took it all back.

    Now… as far as the M. Night thing goes… please read all my comments here. THE ISSUE IS NOT WHO WAS RIGHT AND WHO WAS WRONG. I’ve said that about 4 times now. READ READ READ.

    The major problem I have… and I said this over and over again in the AUdio Edition too… it that the bitch then went and had a book writen about it and slammed other people all to promote himself. That’s the act of a little bitch. I still stand by that 100%.

    I said in the article, if you actually read the whole thing, that creative differences and parting of the ways happens all the time… and that’s FINE (even if I think he’s being a bit of a suck).

    What is NOT fine, is then going and publically airing private conversations and villifying the other people. THAT’S the part that pisses me off. Not “who was right and who was wrong”, because although we can all have our opinoins on that (and I have my opinions) we’ll never really KNOW the answer to that because we weren’t there.

    Antonio… if you’re going to debate with me (and debate is always good and fun!) then at least debate with me on the points I’m actually making… not the points I’m NOT making.


  • 19. antonio replies at 25th June 2006, 11:56 am :

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

  • 20. antonio replies at 25th June 2006, 12:26 pm :

    What’s going on in Canada these days? What the news/media is reporting isn’t nearly as interesting as what it isn’t reporting. Perhaps you are suspicious about whether your civil rights are on the line. Perhaps you don’t want to think about it at all and prefer to trust implicitly that your government is acting in your best interests. There are some Canadians, who are even willing to give up their freedom in exchange for some strengthened promise of security. Trusts can be abused as you saw in the Sponsorship Scandal. Promises can be broken as you saw in the Peter Mckay/David Orchard Betrayal. Voters can be ‘hoodwinked’ as you saw in the Emerson defection. These are the players many Canadians still offer complete and blind trust even though a democracy demands that you be skeptical and watchful of your elected officials.

    Whether you believe that there is a group of rich powerful men that meet and plan out the power strategies for world economies, arrange puppet governments for other nations, or offer to trade away the resources of one country for cheap labour in another, and whether you call those meetings conspiracies or private parties matters not one bit to those who are playing the game. Your belief in such a system does not make it exist nor does your denial make it a fabrication. There are many who believe such a group does exist. The Bilderberg Group is named after the Dutch hotel where it held its first meeting in 1954. You can read all about it, some newspapers are talking about it.

    These meetings would have no significance to the majority of the world population if they were not shrouded in secrecy and if the highest levels of security were not imposed surrounding the meetings. There is plenty of speculation about what goes on in these meetings, but without media to represent the people you have no voice. CAP’s concern is around the side story to these meetings. Clearly the meetings are being held in Canada this year. Evidence to support this is the reaction at your border on Wednesday evening when a respected member of the media was detained for 15 hours by your border patrol. It is reported by the victim, that the border patrols were warned he was coming and advised by the Bilderberg group to detain him. Who gave them the authority to instruct your border security? Who is running your country? So the question of whether a police state is on the horizon is no longer a question, it is here!

    This journalist, broadcaster was being tracked. His intention to come to Canada was known in advance. Security was notified. This individual is not a criminal. He is a member of the international independent media.

    Canadians ought to be very concerned about these kinds of tactics. Either you consider the press the people’s representative and demand freedom of the press or you forfeit your right to a democratic free state. You should be outraged. If you cannot depend on mainstream media to report the facts which are impacting your lives and independent media is being prevented from doing so, what freedom of the press does this democracy support?

  • 21. harold replies at 25th June 2006, 3:31 pm :

    I said this before and I will say it again - It is not compulsory to buy the new LOTR dvds. If you don’t want to buy them don’t.
    It is quite simple. Why bitch and moan about it? If you really want to see a new doco about it then but it but, jesus, no one says you have to buy them. I don’t want to buy The Lake House on dvd when it is released right…so guess what? I won’t.

    If you really want to see the documentary then buy the new disc.

    I personally thought LOTR and Sin City were great when they released their theatrical dvds as they said all along buy these if you want but there will be a better version by the end of the year. they didn’t sneak up with a better version.

  • 22. get carter replies at 25th June 2006, 3:39 pm :

    change of subject but superman returns now has an official tomatometer rating - %79.

    Some fucking good reviews coming through….and a few bad ones too.

    A couple of guys have torn it to shreads……only a few days now…..

  • 23. Martin, UK replies at 25th June 2006, 8:22 pm :

    How the fuck do you get from Shyamalan being a little bitch to the state of Canada’s politics? Dude, take a holiday or something. You need one.

    Penis castles. Honestly.

  • 24. antonio replies at 25th June 2006, 9:15 pm :


    Blame the soulcrushing dullness of watching the Man of Steel burst forth through yet another layer of clouds while the fanfares of John Williams’ triumphant score soar around him. The film features a hero in a latex costume with fluttering CGI cape. (Singer’s script just blathers on about Prometheus.) Superman Returns isn’t simply infantile-that much is expected. There’s nothing duller than a hero without flaws. Brandon Routh is so bland in the thankless role of the invincible alien that Parker Posey’s droll moll and Kevin Spacey’s Ken Lay impersonation steal the show. Superman doesn’t even have to save the world this time around, and he’s not much of a fighter, either. (No enemy combatant wants to mess with him-unless they have Kryptonite.) Instead, he mainly floats in space and waits to be called on rescue missions: runaway cars, deli robberies, falling window-washers, fires. He is the all-American first responder who saves airplanes from crashing into cities to the delight of a cheering crowd. He keeps the sidewalks safe from the debris of collapsing buildings. If only Superman had returned in time for 9/11! He could even have plugged the levees of New Orleans!
    Superman pays lip service, but like the footage of Marlon Brando as Founding Father of the Fortress of Solitude, it’s perfunctory. “Does he still stand for truth, justice, all that stuff?” newspaper editor Frank Langella asks. “All that other stuff?” Superman always stood for “truth, justice and the American way.” Suddenly, what’s so wrong with saying “the American way?” Who is good, who is evil anymore? In Superman, you don’t even have to ask: the bald guy, of course. Superman has been suspected of being a socialist since long before the character even existed-just ask Friedrich Nietzsche. And that’s why Superman Returns is a lie. It doesn’t matter how much we want to imagine ourselves as god-like heroes hovering above the globe, ready to answer every distant cry for help.
    “I’m always around,”Superman promises Lois Lane, but to anybody who knows better, it sounds like a threat. Superman returns, but he should have stayed lost. With the abundance of superhero movies in subsequent years, and the over-reliance of such films on CGI, the magic is long gone.

    Superman Returns, is drab looking, underwhelming in almost every respect and inferior to all four of the Superman films that starred the late Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel. Yes, that’s right. Singer’s film is even a step below the poorly-conceived Superman III and the cheesy Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. But hey, at least it’s better than Supergirl. You know something‚Äôs wrong in the new one when Superman’s outfit constantly looks like it’s in need of a good washing. Superman Returns takes itself too seriously and drags throughout for much of its 154 minutes.

    In fact, none of this movie has the personality, charm and vibrancy of the earlier films. And when the talking head of Jor-El appears via archive footage for a few minutes in Superman Returns, it only stands as a reminder of how much better and how much better cast the 1978 film was. Part of the problem here is Warner Bros. entrusted this revival of Superman to the creative team behind a bad, albeit profitable, movie, X-2: X-Men United. Very telling is that the best thing about Superman Returns is the recycled part of the musical score where John Ottman simply reuses many of the memorable themes John Williams originally composed all those years ago for Superman: The Movie.

    Is there one part of this movie people will be still talking about 8 weeks from now, let alone 28 years from now? I think not. Superman Returns is terribly cast, poorly conceived, extremely light on action, features a romance that is not remotely romantic, doesn’t feature a single memorable, “gosh, that was great” repeat-to-your-friends moment in a positive way (the blunder bits start early and often), will be crushed by Pirates of The Caribbean II and played out completely before August 1.

    Here’s the deal. When Bryan Singer was faced with creating a Superman movie while the sets were being built in Australia, it appears that he and his writers, Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris, looked at the first Superman film and started to mine it for ideas and gags, like an animated short team might‚Ķ “How about if there is an explosion under Metropolis and the fire shoots up into the street and Superman’s super breath puts it out and then blows up in the street?” Great! “People falling out of the windows like people out of the World Trade Center on 9/11.” Check! “And let’s explain how Superman got to earth, because not every kid saw it, but let’s not really explain because others did.” Okay!

    There are no less than 20 direct visual, story, or direct dialogue quotations from the original two films here. But there are some huge blockades to this working. Kate Bosworth is 23 years old. Baby Routh is 26. So by building the story around, in part, a 5-year-old child, the movie is telling us that a 21-year-old Superman had sex with a barely 18-year-old Lois Lane in Superman II. They also are telling us that a 23-year-old got a Pulitzer Prize and it doesn’t really go to her head‚Ķ because unlike Margot Kidder’s Lois Lane, Kate’s Lois is niiiiiiice. And while looking back at Superman identifying Lois’ panties as pink may seem old fashioned and sweet, there is not a moment of even that level of good spirited sexiness in this movie.

    Poorly directed, missing complexity, not up to the standards of the first two films, and absolutely zero sense of humor about itself.

  • 25. John Campea replies at 25th June 2006, 9:29 pm :

    Ummm… wow Antonio. You are really thin in where you get your information from aren’t you?

    On Superman Returns:
    Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
    Meta Critic: 85%

    Haha… I also notice you’re not saying who gave those reviews. Here… how about I name some REAL critics:

    Time Magazin - Richard Corliss
    The best Hollywood movies always knew how to sneak a beguiling subtext into a crowd-pleasing story. Superman Returns is in that grand tradition. That’s why it’s beyond Super. It’s superb.

    Variety - Todd McCarthy
    Grandly conceived and sensitively drawn.

    Newsweek - David Ansen
    This Superman, which infuses its action with poetry, soars as a love story filled with epic yearnings, thwarted desires and breathtaking imagery.

    ReelViews - James Berardinelli
    Superman Returns is not only a credit to the first two Superman movies; it may be the best of the series. Its combination of romance and fantasy adventure is unparalleled in superhero comic book-to-movie sagas.

    The Hollywood Reporter - Kirk Honeycutt
    Director Bryan Singer positions this new film as a sequel to Donner’s film, and his Superman — played with winning fortitude by newcomer Brandon Routh — is less a Man of Steel than a Man of Heart.

    Moviehole - Clint Morris
    “Holy Caesar’s Ghost! They’ve done it! - “Superman Returns” is super-exciting, super-fun, and super-bly performed! This is the only Superhero film you need to see this year!”

    Entertainment Weekly - Owen Gleiberman
    The surprise of Superman Returns is that it isn’t a funky, ambitious conceptual reimagining, like last summer’s “Batman Begins.” This really IS your father’s Superman; it re-creates - and updates, though just barely - the universe Donner invented.

    Rolling Stone - Peter Travers
    Superman returns with a bang. Singer tarnishes his hero’s halo with just enough sexual longing and self-doubt to make him riveting and relatable. That “S” on his suit has a whole new meaning: He’s a Soul man.

    Cinema Blend - Joshua Tyler
    “Bryan blends his beautiful vision with an elegant, intimate story and the result is a work of real art.”

    Hahaha… every REAL legitimate film critic is RAVING about this movie Antonio. Who wrote your reviews? “Dusty Eddies MySpace film reviews”?

  • 26. Jon replies at 25th June 2006, 10:39 pm :

    John tell us what you really think of shamalama-dingdong. I have sided with this particular self-pitying director for right now. The book is a serious fucking reach, and completely uncalled for.

    Doug those croquettes sound like sex. Tell me, are they?

  • 27. antonio replies at 26th June 2006, 1:00 am :

    Dear Mr Campea Bryan Singer is no Richard Donner.

  • 28. Joel Gustafsson replies at 26th June 2006, 7:12 am :

    Well said John. Right now Superman Returns has 81% on RottenTomatoes and the “Cream of the Crop” is 100% so far.


  • 29. John Campea replies at 26th June 2006, 8:08 am :

    Hey Antonio,

    You’re totally entitled to your opinion about the comparisions between Donner and Singer. I however disagree with you.

    Donner is one of my all time favorite directors. His long long long carrer has produced some wonder films. However… he’s also directed some totall suckage too (The Toy, Assassins, Conspiracy Theory, 16 Blocks and a few others).

    Singer so far is batting 100%. The Usual Suspects is on my top 5 best films of all time list, Apt Pupil, X-Men 1 and 2 (which single handedly ressurected the SUperhero genre movie). And Singer is JUST GETTING STARTED in his career.

    So Singer is no Donner? Ummmm… ok. And what do you base that on? So far everything the guy has done since getting taken on by the studios has been a hit with the vast majority of fans and critics alike.

    So maybe you’re right… Singer is no Donner. I think right now he’s better.


  • 30. A.J. replies at 26th June 2006, 10:03 am :

    1. I agree with Doug… this M. Night books sounds like the most boring thing ever… who would ever want to buy this thing? What is the publisher thinking. Even the name sounds ridiculous. Weird move from Shyamalan… even for a publicity stunt. Uwe Boll’s latest stunt was much better =)

    2. Speaking of ridiculous things… bordering on incomprehensible. Even the 9.99 sounds high for me. You can get a reasonably new DVD release with extras for that price or even lower. Maybe it’s not as convenient to obtain it, but at least you have a physical proof of the purchase (no need for backups in case of hard disk failure etc.) and can play it everywhere you want. For me these digital movie downloads would be only an alternative option for rentals. And for that even 9.99 is too much. 19.99 is just lunacy. Or maybe I’m just old fashioned… but I like the actual disc on my shelves with their special packaging =)

    3. This double-dipping business is getting out of hand… I think you can get the extended 4-disc editions cheaper than the new ones. If you’re a completist then I having both the versions might be a good thing… but I think normal LOTR fans should be happy with the extended ones. I think these discs will use seamless branching so I would think the image quality could be in the same category as the original 2-disc releases (lower bitrate than the extended).

    I would buy the documentary in a heartbeat but not releasing it separately seems bit unfair towards the fans (business is not usually fair though). LOTR trilogy grossed 3 BILLION dollars worldwide, for crying out loud (plus DVD sales and other merchandise). Nothing seems to be enough… exploit the fans again. In reality, nobody is putting a gun to our heads and make us buy these things over and over again. But when you’re a fan, it is tough sometimes to resist =)

    LucasArts is releasing the original trilogy in September I think… it’s almost the same thing. The discs have the new versions as well as the originals. But of course they will release the old ones as non-anamorphic and barebones without any extras. And then give some lame excuses…

    4. Don’t get me even started on this one… =)

    5. Good idea… I agree with John, they should get another actor. But I think they should use some another character’s from Wolverine’s past too. I personally would like to see Ogun (his Sensei gone eventually bad.) and Ninjas of course… There can never be too much ninjas =)
    If they make more Wolverine solo movies hopefully not all of them would be prequel stuff.

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