X-Men 4 - Wolverine - Magneto Plans

Post submitted by: wolf You can submit a post here

Desptite that X-Men: The Last Stand made a whopper of $196 million in just four days Avi Arad has told Variety that: “The first reaction, which we should discard, is here comes ‘X-Men 4.”

”We’re working on ‘Wolverine,’ which is definitely a continuation, and we have a very interesting script about a young Magneto.”

So no plans for a project officially titled “X4″ yet, but it sounds like either of these two spin-offs (especially Wolverine) will be X-Men 4… just with a different title. Apart of me would like to see a ‘Wolverine’ Spin-off we might get to see Wolverine go ape shit for once. Another part of me dislikes the idea of a ‘Wolverine’ spin-off because the three X-Men movies always focused on Wolverine anyway. One other problem I have with a ‘Wolverine’ movie is, who will the bad guy be? Are there going to be many characters from the X-Men comics in this movie? And if there is, why not just title the damn thing “X-Men 4″?

39 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Norddeth


    Come on John, making assumptions that if the Magneto movie was a prequel with a young Magneto would not include Ian McKellen, what happens when you make assumptions?

    you make an ASS of U and ME!

    well not me in this instance, lol


    The link is an interview with Mr. McKellen discussing how new technologies will allow him to appear as a young man.

    BTW do something about the comment section so be can post proper links

    PS- Why did you kill my Cheech and Chong post you Nazi bastard!!!



  2. Lizardfreak

    I’m interested in seeing Wolverine’s past played out in the spin-offs. I want to see his evil side and twisted views; just generally what he was like before he was given claws.

    And Ian McKellan has already appeared younger looking in X-3, same with Stewart. I would love to see an actually X-4, not a spin-off for a character. Yes, character spin-offs of Magneto and Wolverine would be excellent. But I want to see “someone” come back in a 4th film and take leadership like he shouls have in the previous films. I don’t think he’s really dead. He wasn’t really mentioned or seen in a death scene, we only “assumed :)” he died.

  3. Hey there Nord,

    I didn’t post this story… Wolf did.


  4. darren j seeley

    I agree, Lizard. I could see a reason for not doing any more XMen films, and have the series end on a high note, but then in a way the spinoff films are in effect, prequels.

    But here’s my nitpick: despite the good things in X3, if Avi and everyone else wanted this to be IT…why have the last bits of the movie? Pointless.

    I don’t think the spinoff films would be as good as the X Men films, and Magneto would seem to be a better prequel.

    AND YES, the X -films focused on Wolverine more than other characters. The fans want an X4. They should be given one.

  5. Norddeth


    Did you see how I did that, I ASSUMED you made that post, ahhh the irony, but now you are avoiding my question, what happened to my Cheech and Chong post!!!!!


  6. 1138

    It’s really sad to see the X-men Franchise end on X-men:The Last Stand. It’s regrettable and I can see the Rothman and his honchos beating their chests because of the amont o money they are making. It justifies there decision to make lousy movies with lousy directors.

    I will see Wolverine and Magneto, but it would have been nice to have see someone else try to fix the mess the Last X-men movie made.

  7. Clash City Wombat

    For what it’s worth, the rumors I’m hearing are that the Wolverine spin-off will be a “prequel” that explores Logan’s origins. Check out my site, http://www.wolverinemovie.net for updates and gossip on that particular movie.

  8. WolfMarauder

    I tend to see it as a decision that mimics the story arcs in comic books themselves. You’ll have the X-Men series of movies, and then a spinoff called Wolverine that revolves around some of the same characters and same world, but has a new story that is mostly unrelated to the other.

  9. I Am Johns Arrogant Ass

    Wolverine is a character that is so much deeper than these horrible X-Men films will allow an audience to see. So NOT dedicating a movie to him alone is essentially wasting perfect casting and an incredible character by turning him into a movie-cliche.

    As for the cool enemy for Wolverine, who says there needs to be? Wolverine’s best stories involved alot of ass kicking and some pretty mediocre “final boss” enemy. The reason they were so good is because the more you dig into the Logan story the more you appreciate him as a character.

    Like in Batman Begins, the half of the movie with Bruce Wayne dealing with his past is much more compelling than the forced made-for-hollywood “save the world” explosion fest they made us sit through at the end. The same goes for Logan, his past is all about action anger betrayal and all those good things that he becomes his own worst enemy. Focus on that (and put Rodriguez as director) and you have the best superhero movie of all time.

  10. Keith Demko

    Any way they go will have to better than the crapfest known as “The Last Stand” .. personally, I’d rather see the “Magneto” made next, but they’ve clearly been grooming Wolverine for the spotlight for a long time

  11. I am Johns Arrogant Ass

    Actually I’d rather see Wolverine over Magneto. The Magneto story would just be alot of grandstanding and speeches with a few crunchy bridges thrown in. Its not particularly that interesting.

    Wolverine though is a character made for movies (just as long as the studios realize that a dude with friggin claws built into his wrists can’t be in a film rated PG-13)

  12. Lizardfreak

    Wolverine is older than Magneto, and both of them were alive around World War 2, only Magneto was obviously impacted by it more than Howlett was. But just thinking about everything the spin-offs have to offer just boggles my mind. If you have a Magneto movie, you have at some point or another Prof. X by his side. And they could play in how he lost his ability to walk, that would be great to see. Hopefully they won’t get into too much how his son died, because it is a Magneto movie.

    I’m just spewing thoughts and bullshit, but I can’t get over how much this makes my mind run all over bloody hell thinking about possibilities.

  13. kaka

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a wolverine spinn off prequel thing because it would be good to see how he became part of the weapon X project thing, in X2 Striker said that he volentered(cant spell) for the experiment. as i have said before, there should be a nightcrawler prequel made, he’s great and he had a psycotic murderer foster brother!! And as i have also said before, for directer bring back Bryan or have Tim Burton!

  14. Lizardfreak

    Tim Burton already did Batman, and now times have changed and he would not be a huge assit to the comic films. He had his glory days with Batman and Batman Returns, but those days are sadly over. The video game to film genre needs someone as visual and creative as Tim Burton. If he were to direct and or write a Super Mario Bros. film, it would kick-ass.

    After the failure that was Corpse Bride, I feel Burton only has a few more films left in him, at most 2 more. Burtons great, but his greatness has always been driven by how unique and different he is. To me he is a legend, and is now only that with nothing much left to offer. i am looking forward to the Believe It or Not film, but it is unlike him to do such a film.

    Bryan Singer has been a HUGE assit to the comic book films and will continue to be.

  15. Matt Mo

    I think that in this movie, X-men 4 should have Gambit as one of its characters… I think that he would make an awesome addition to the crew. I along with over 100 people agree that ir you place new characters like Gambit in this movie you’ll get an awesome outcome! His powers are as great as Storm, Nightcrawler and some of the other X-men. His ability with a stick and his fire cards are incredible. He is a strong X-men…They should add him

  16. CYC

    there will be an x4 the producers are just waiting to count their money before they release it

  17. jordan

    x men 4 has 2 be done i mean sum1 has 2 sort it out xavier n cyclops dead fuckin stupid idea summet needs 2 be done lol in x4 im hoping there guna have gambit jubillee avalanche and introduce omega red or sinister n the nasty boys dey cant say dey avnt got no storyline coz they cud use legacy virus , sentinels , genoshia , sinister , omega red n the soviet union , rogue(mrs marvel)- ,rebirth of phoneix, sabertooth , havok , newxmen n brotherhood like blob they cud use apocalypse but that wud ruion the whole thing i mean u wud hav 2 introduce cable , bishop , forge , timeline story clones n it wud jst be shit as a movie i shud write the fuckin x men 4 - id hav nightcrawler init n possible sunfire and the original thunderbird to fight off juggernaut (vinnie jones) .

  18. reese

    yo i really think dat they should bring phoenix bak… she is a level 5 for god sakes!!!! and they let a wolf kill her. that dont make no sence.!!!! they should bring more people bak that is wut i think….

  19. Nika

    I would deffo see the film about Wolverine, as Hugh Jackman is extremerly fit!!! Yeh they should do one about magneto and dr. x that would be ace as well, also they would use the actor they used in the first part of the x-men 1 movie, as the first part had a young maneto using his powers for the first time.

    X-Men 3 had loads of mistake like the bridge, one minute it was light, next minute it was dark, and no way would wolverine of had his skin basically ripping of yet his boxers were untacked! They should have made it a 15 - actualy why did they change rating to 12-A’s i was stuck with a bloody 2/3 month old baby, on the next row :@

    Also at the end of x - men 3, Charles wake up in the other mans body, so it would be odd, if he had a same voice, and same body, as they’d have to use the same voice really, wouldn’t they?

    Also would be funny, as the fact that the antidont doesnt last for long if rogue and her boyfriend are “doing” stuff and her powers come back. Hahaha that would be the shock of his life.

    Also night crawler wasn’t even mentioned in x men 3, what was that about?

  20. Hmmm

    they should make the 4th movie about apocolypse

  21. emily ousaid

    xmen 3 was really good but u could do a much better 4th xmen i saw dat at da end of xmen 3 magneto was getting his powers back and i was hoping to see in the 4th dat rogue get her powers back becomes much more powerful because her powers were so strong dat they weren’t made to be taken away and ends up herting bobby and mistick gets her own back on magneto and ends up on her own and i think dat angle should be a part in xmen 4 because when me and my friends went to see xmen 3 we only saw him 3 times and we were a bit disapointed by dat,and i will be surprised to see what will happen to wolverine because we can never find out what will happen to hin next!And it is a shame dat Jane Grey died but she would of killed everyone.

  22. jordan

    the xmen for x4 wolverine,storm,rogue,jubilee,shadowcat,collossus,beast,angel,gambit,iceman,thunderbird,

  23. jordan

    oi yer n pslocke instead of jean a return of cyclops a new brotherhood forms while magneto is gettin his powers bak omega red or sinister and his hench men

  24. nash929

    would love to see Apocalypse, but sadly enough, the character would not fit into the “reality” based scheme of the 3 xmen movies.

  25. andrew

    i am so so sad that jean died in the cartoon she was controled at the end she got a chance to live and in the film she died by wolverine what is going on she is made of fire pheoinx she cant diey without the powers going away and in the film she killed scath and xaviar what is going on plus storm i saw her using water on the internet and when i whent to watch it she didnt i was angry because she is my favourite and she should do much more than what i saw she flyed use electric but thats nothing use water wind rain worldwinds much more shes a goddess for crying out loud i need to see gambit jubile and the fire girl there are so much people i want to see what are you people playing at X4 iwant more action with more action comes more money for fox dont they agree i am not happy bring x4&x5 and ill be happy onces more bring new and exsiting characters i still want storm to be init what kind of x-men would it be with out she and wolverine the make a good match they should get it on some time soon in the film

  26. andy

    i need to see a next x-men are else i am goin to diey i waited so long for x-men 3 and i want a next one to cool me down there are so many things that wanted to see in x-men 3 and i did not get to see it i am angry and when i am angre i explode like storm if she got the chance to do the things i want her shes a weather witch and i never saw her doing any thing that exiting to watch i need more new characters jubile gambit jean should come back for the third by some supernatural power the rebirth of the fire bird and she should be good and help her friends out in the war

  27. Caniel

    It sucks Jean died, because she and Wolverine were perfect together. I haven’t read a lot of the comics but I’m probably going to start. The movies were awesome. I CAN’T BELIEVE THE PROFESSOR DIED! I almost started bawling right there in the theater dammit….and Scott. I mean half of the original X-Men are gone! How the hell can they NOT make a fourth movie? Magneto has his powers for godsake! Do we really think he’s just going to say, “Oh, well that’s interesting!” And use them to play chess? T__T I think NOT. He’s got to do something. Plus if the antidote doesn’t work all these people that lost their powers should be getting them back, shouldn’t they? Why couldn’t Logan just take Jean’s powers? -__- The ending wouldn’t have been so sad…anyways my point is they better make a fourth one, Halle Berry or no Halley Berry. Wolverine is the best anyways, who cares about her?

  28. josh


  29. j DubZ-

    man i love xmen i fink dat xmen 4 shuld b boet da apocalypse

  30. P-Ray

    I think there should be a remake of all the X-Men’s movies and they should stick closer to the comics. Meaning the first movie should feature only the original 4 X-Men and then allow the story to grow. Example: Ice Man and Beast were among the first ones.

  31. Shannon Moris

    i think they need to make a 4th xmen movie. still a lot of good characters that haven’t even been introduced nor did they develope anything with Rogue gaining her super strength etc. at the end of x3 its clear that magneto was gaining his powers back, so wouldn’t all those other mutants too? i dunno…there is so much cool stuff that they could do with those movies…they just didn’t and/or won’t

  32. Bryan

    x-men 4 should show Rouge gaining her powers from ms. marvel. and also the birth of Apocalypse yeah that could be the name of the forth x4 birth of Apocalypse and show how angle becomes currupt and joins side wih the rise of Apocalypse. Magneto put aside his grudge and help the new proffesr x defeat the new threat. also last but least the xmen puts out a call to arms for all extremely gifted mutaunts to come forth and and aid the the xmen/brotherhood, like gambit, emma frost which should come to no surprise to the xmen like beast in the movie, banshee, jubble an older version, sinster and the faythful return of cyclops also probble cable but i dont know where he would fit in he should come from the future to help aid the x men defeat apocalypse after probbaly seeing there deaf. what do yall think

  33. Bryan

    like the legend says the pheoinx never dies it is reborn from its ashes. in stead of the dark version with the new proffesr he should try to restore the blocks or find a way the talk to her and calm her mabe scoot could

  34. Drako

    Wouldn’t it be cool to see Spider-man and x-men together..they should start using other marvel comic characters by now like blade in spiderman or spidey in x-men or fantastic four in x-men. Seriously, x-men 3, you got all this explosive going on like as if its world war 3. where are the other marvel heroes? lol… no punisher, hulk, or other characters? producer should take notes that do not make a movie that explosive when you can’t add other superheroes.

  35. andrew solan

    i want x-men 4 i am going to be so sad if there isnt a next x-men film i dont want to see wolverine i want to see storm doing more action it would be cool to see storm and siderman in action that would make my day

  36. andrew solan

    no what is going on i realy love x-men and these fool cant do this to me for instant at the end of x-men 3 storm was now inchage of the mansion leaving tnem now to prepare a second role for her i loves halle there for i want to see her in another x-men making it x-men 4

  37. peter

    i need to see a next x-men ok fox

  38. simon

    i luv x-men so much i need to see a next film its not over ok there will be by the help off every fan out their didnt u guys read what halle said on the web she said if we realy want another we should write to fox i did so u should if ur a x-men fan like myself we can all do have faith there will be another by the help of god peace out luv u all

  39. joshua


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