The Rock Talks More Spy Hunter

Spy-Hunter-RockI’ll admit it. I’m looking forward to Spy Hunter. Now you have to understand that on my top 5 favorite films of all time list are movies like “Life if Beautiful”, “The Godfather”, “Shawshank Redemption”… but every once in a while I like a good brainless action flick! And Spy Hunter with The Rock seems to fit that bill.

The good folks over at Dark Horizons have this for us:

The script for the Spy Hunter movie has been completed and Universal currently has it set for release next July with shooting expected to begin later this year. When asked what fans can expect, Johnson said they’ll get a “great, well-written story that’s not overly complicated, and funny. Spy Hunter will have great action, some of the set pieces that were written are absolutely mind-blowing. Stuart Beattie has done a fantastic job with the script”.

I’ve already heard quite a lot about some of the set pieces being magnificent. I still say The Rock has all the potential in the world to be the next big action star… but he needs some better projects than Doom the movie. He’s not the next Anthony Hopkins… but he could easily be the next Stallone.

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Norddeth

    The Rock really needs to get his footing in Hollywood.

    This could easily be DOOM or it just as easily be The Rundown. Only time will tell.


  2. Lizardfreak

    John Woo has never disappointed me with his films, that is why I have high hopes for both Spy Hunter and the Metroid movie(s). And both movies are based off of games of course but what everyone has been saying about the writng sounds like they are not basing the movie strictly off the game. Guess writers have finally learned, hopefully anyways.

    The Rock is playing Johnny Bravo in the upcoming Johnny Bravo movie. If that doesn’t destroy a his career, the potential failure of Spy Hunter will. Turn that around and Spy Hunter could be what saves him. I never liked The Rock, but I don’t think one bad actor could destroy a whole movie for me if the story and action is kick-ass and solid.

    Example: Halle Berry

  3. Lizardfreak

    oops, hit post without putting “in X-3″ after Halle Berry.

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