Superman Returns International Posters

A couple of new international posters for Superman Returns have surfaced. The good folks over at JoBo bless us with them. I really like the Lex Luthor one… not such a big fan of the romance one.

To see even larger versions of thew posters you can just go here.


Thanks to Joseph for the heads up.


  • 1. darren seeley replies at 31st May 2006, 1:09 pm :

    Oh sure…the international posters for Superman look sweet….that one on the right looks outstanding. I’d frame that. The Lex one looks good too.

    And what do WE get?
    That piece of shit from a week or two ago.

  • 2. wolf replies at 31st May 2006, 1:34 pm :

    Sweet posters. I don’t mind the romance it was always apart of the Superman story so theres nothing new there. I love the poster were sups is hovering over the world.

  • 3. Floating Egg replies at 31st May 2006, 2:56 pm :

    The more I see of Superboy Returns, the less I like. These posters do nothing for my waning interest.

  • 4. carter replies at 31st May 2006, 3:39 pm :

    are we all seeing the same posters and trailers????the film looks like a souless, cold, lifeless load of crap. I don;t want to be mr negative ineternet nerd but the film looks fucking terrible. I also notice they are not showing us much of routh actually you know, acting in any of the trailers. Not more than a word or line of him talking. I reckon this will be a turkey. there is no buzz about i. remember when spider-man came out….everyone was talking about. I saw the 55 year old mother of one of my friends out at the movie…o.k. fine you got me i was took her and afterwards we had a nice meal but thats another story…the point is no one is amped or excited about this film aside from a few of us geeks on the internet. go and ask you friends and work colleagues about the upcoming superman film and you will see. the buzz is nothing. I saw the trailer paly with the snakes on a plane teaser. the place went nuts for snakes. superman had dead cold silence. i forsee a turkey

  • 5. Vikas replies at 6th June 2006, 1:30 pm :

    What’s up guys?
    Doug - this is for you.
    I was listening to the podcast on my way to work reading the London Metro ( and saw this article. Had to share this with you.

    “Director Bryan Singer…said:”This is a movie about what happens when old boyfriends come back into your life. I call it my first chick flick….Even if you’re the strongest man in the world, if the woman you loave has found someone else who she’s nearly married to and who’s not a bad guy, what is your place in that woman’s life?”

    “Screenwriter Michael Dougherty said a big reason behind the romantic plot was the success of TV shows like The New Adventures of Superman and Smallville.”

  • 6. abram replies at 20th June 2006, 4:09 am :

    the new superman movie looks really cool i can’t wait to go and see it in the movies ihave been waiting seence december 2005 to go and see it i rate the movie 10/10

  • 7. Rebekah replies at 6th July 2006, 5:34 pm :

    Does anyone know where we can buy that poster of Lex?

  • 8. Valentin Espinosa replies at 25th November 2006, 2:39 pm :

    Jonathan Ross is dubbed "risque" by Ofcom but not in breach of rules over an interview with David Cameron…

  • 9. johnster replies at 1st February 2007, 5:51 pm :

    Superman is a look at the Anti- Christ, He claims to be the Savior of the world, seeing all , hearing all. Son of JOR-EL or Son of JEHOVAH-GOD? In this movie pierced through with a “Deadly Wound” , he was “Wounded to death” by LEX(in latin:LAW) Luther.Than he “Was Healed of his deadly wound” Did I hear JOR-EL procaim that the earth needed a savior so sent his “ONLY SON” sound familiar read the bible. “Superman” a story of the Anti- Christ Rising. And the two jews that created superman were oppressed by Hitler this is also where they got there idea for their superman character. “Eyes To The Sky” Love: Yowchanan aka Johnster.

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