Spider-Man 3 Set Pictures

Post submitted by: Wolf You can submit a post here

New pictures have been taken by someone who caught Tobey on set. In these pictures you can kinda see Peter’s symbiote costume. The problem I have with the new costume is the symbol looks really small. Maguire is only revealing a bit of the chest from the symbiote costume, but yet you can almost see the whole symbol.

Besides that the pictures are pretty cool and they show Peter is begining to be taken over by the symbiote.

You can see all the set pics over here.

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  • 1. Nick Paramonte replies at 29th May 2006, 8:31 am :

    More pics with Topher Grace as Eddie Brock


  • 2. Nick Paramonte replies at 29th May 2006, 9:21 am :

    More set pics news from Superherohype.com


  • 3. spidey1703 replies at 29th May 2006, 11:52 am :

    Wouldn’t the release of Superman Returns be the perfect time for Sony to pump out a teaser trailer for Spider-Man 3?

  • 4. DarkKinger replies at 29th May 2006, 1:48 pm :

    Huh, interesting to see Tobey look a little bad-ass (guess I’m the first one to EVER say that). I think that is a small hint of the movie (**coughs**venom**coughs**).

  • 5. KellTrenzer replies at 30th May 2006, 12:28 am :

    I like the spider-man movies but dammit where’s spidey’s sarcasm?! That’s always been one of the best things about him.

  • 6. Steve replies at 4th June 2006, 1:33 am :

    Spiderman 3 will be cool. Any one want to estimate,how much it will get in Box Office?


  • 7. Wouldnt It Be Nice replies at 26th July 2006, 3:36 am :

    They Still Havent Released The fourth Wallpaper on the Official Website For Spiderman 3 I Hope It Will be a full Body Pic of Venom unlikely But Possible

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