Quick X-Men 3 Thoughts

Hey there folks… John here.

Ok, I just got in from my screening of X-Men 3. I’ll put up my full video review on Friday afternoon, but I thought I’d just give you my quick impressions of the film.

Honestly… I had a LOT of fun watching this flick. Does it have its weaknesses? Yes, totally. But come on! This movie is FUN to watch. I liked it a great deal. As good as the other 2? Hmmm… no. But still a good time. The theater I was in was electric with resounding applause from the audience at the end of the film.

Check for my video review in about 12 hours.

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  • 1. chris replies at 26th May 2006, 2:10 am :

    I went to see it also, but i didn’t realise there was anything after the trailers and they where rushing to clean the place at 2am in the morning so i didnt think to wait. What happened?

  • 2. Joolies replies at 26th May 2006, 2:24 am :

    To all those who didnt know the reason of the line “I‚Äôm the Juggernaut, Bitch!” check out


    I was giggling for 5 minutes when I heard this in the movie.

  • 3. omninode replies at 26th May 2006, 2:58 am :

    Oh yes, that Juggernaut line had my friends and I absolutely exploding with laughter. We were joking beforehand “Maybe they’ll put that in the movie” but to actually hear the man himself, Vinnie Jones, speak those words was incredible.

    As for the rest of the movie…

    I was disappointed. I felt like they totally cheated the character of Cyclops by only mentioning his death in passing. I also thought the death of Xavier was totally undignified and anticlimactic.

    There was way too much storm; she was pretty much worthless for most of the movie. Halle Berry obviously forgot to put on her lucky “good acting” shoes.

    When did they decide to turn Wolverine into a blubbering bitch? All he did in this movie was cry and get his ass kicked. This character has been neutered.

    The love triangle between Iceman/Rogue/Kitty really din’t go anywhere. That’s time wasted. Time that could have been spent giving the other characters some actual development.

    What was the point of tearing up the Golden Gate Bridge and laying it to Alcatraz? Why didn’t Magneto just Tear up a big piece of metal, have his mutants stand on it, and fly it to Alcatraz? If you ask me, the whole bridge sequence was just an excuse to have a big special effects moment in a famous location. Whatever, I’m not impressed.

    Things I liked:

    Beast was pretty cool. A respectable politician by day, but once you get him in a fight, he tears ass.

    Juggernaut chasing Kitty Pride through walls. Awesome. Coolest part of the movie, hands down.

    Any time Ian Mckellen or Patrick Stewart speak, you fucking pay attention. These guys rock.

    Mystique was great as always, plus it was nice to see Rebecca Romijn out of her blue suit. I can’t believe John Stamos let that get away from him.

    That’s all I can think of right now.

  • 4. Joey replies at 26th May 2006, 3:08 am :

    I agree. I liked this movie. It was fun. But it was not near as fun and as good as the previous x-men films. I agree wit alot of the things omninode said. Storm, emo Wolverine, a bunch of stuff. But overall, I enjoyed it.

  • 5. pendragon00 replies at 26th May 2006, 7:57 am :

    What did they do to Dr X, “i dont have to explain myself to you” is not something he would say. I just thought he was badly written

  • 6. Joolies replies at 26th May 2006, 8:28 am :

    That was a good line - to me it showed that even Prof X was feeling the pressure over things about to come.

  • 7. wolf replies at 26th May 2006, 8:32 am :

    Go to the Kevin Smith post you check out my opinion on the movie. I still think Juggernaut and Clossus should have fought. No body in the movie cared that Cyclops got killed which was annoying. What was the ending about after the credits, I didn’t get it? Could someone explain it for me.

  • 8. Kristina replies at 26th May 2006, 8:47 am :

    All I want to know is….is it really as short as I’ve heard? And is it on par with X2?

  • 9. http://movie-replicas.com replies at 26th May 2006, 9:27 am :

    come on! some people don’t have the good fortune of watching the movie at the stroke of midnight or the the priviledge to get a sneak peak. but please No Spoilers!

    thank you

  • 10. dani replies at 26th May 2006, 11:13 am :

    I just got back from the movie and after seeing it, I thought, no wonder the franchise became a trilogy. Too many central mutants are gone! That was disappointing. And there were some instances and technicalities that the comic geek in me nitpicks on. Especially the climax.

    But overall the movie surprised me because it wasn’t all that bad. It was really enjoyable to watch. And there were lots of comic book tidbits for the x-men fans that made it even more fun. And Beast saying “stars and garters”? priceless.

  • 11. H replies at 26th May 2006, 11:41 am :

    I saw X-Men 3 last night. I enjoyed it, but feel somewhat unfulfilled. I for one would LOVE to see an extended edition. I felt there was not enough time to justify all the characters. And for the central character in the story, Jean Grey had far too little screen time. She was kinda lost beneath the CGI.

    I was also kinda disappointed with Magneto’s two speeches (one in the church, one in the forest). From the trailers I thought they looked like the BEST DAMN SCENES in the movie. I couldn’t wait to hear Ian McKellen give his rallying speech to the brotherhood, but it felt kinda flat to be honest. It had a bigger impact in the trailers I feel.

    As regards Wolverine, what is it with him always getting his ass handed to him in fights with other mutants?

    I had managed to avoid most spoilers going into the film, so the “surprising moments” definitely did surprise me. Plus I thought both “endings” to the film were excellent, and I’m pumped to see if they continue the franchise although it will be difficult without a few key characters.

    Overall: 7/10

  • 12. AJ Dahl replies at 26th May 2006, 11:51 am :

    Overall, a good movie. I agree with some of you that the whole love triangle was time that could have been better spent developing more important characters (i.e. Jean Grey) but I left the theatre feeling like I had experienced a really fun movie. I think if Singer had directed this one it could have been nigh on perfect. Well, I can always hope for X4. I mean, come on, comic books are always resurrecting characters.

  • 13. AJ Dahl replies at 26th May 2006, 11:52 am :

    Overall, a good movie. I agree with some of you that the whole
    love triangle was time that could have been better spent
    developing more important characters (i.e. Jean Grey) but
    I left the theatre feeling like I had experienced a really
    fun movie. I think if Singer had directed this one it could
    have been nigh on perfect. Well, I can always hope for X4.
    I mean, come on, comic books are always resurrecting characters.

  • 14. Kristina replies at 26th May 2006, 12:57 pm :

    And still no answer to my question. Is it on par with X2?

  • 15. Sam replies at 26th May 2006, 1:53 pm :


    “As good as the other 2? Hmmm… no. But still a good time.”

    From johns original post, by that i would say no its not on par with X2 which everyone appears to believe is the daddy. But heh what do i know i hate X-Men :p


  • 16. bond, james bond replies at 26th May 2006, 2:02 pm :

    about after the credits-

    the brain dead kid wakes up and speaks to the nurse

    in the voice of prof x.

  • 17. darren seeley replies at 26th May 2006, 2:21 pm :


    It’s odd about that ‘tag ending’. I think it was a huge mistake to tack it on after all the credits. I think it would have been better off somewhere in the middle, but on the other hand, I was pleased because I got to see the ENTIRE OFFICIAL CAST LIST and also the music was pretty good.

    The other day some joker put the coda on the web and it was taken down. If these knuckleheads shut thier yappers and had a better agngle (maybe it was a camera phone) I would not have bothered. If anyone thinks it is connected to the the novel (which I’ll get to in a moment without spoilers) they will be mis-informed.

    My surprise was that I had NO IDEA that -John, do you recall what I asked on myspace email about David Cronenberg’s ‘Scanners’ in coomparison to the ‘X-Men’ universe? I swear, I had no clue. - I think if I say it straight out it would be too much of a spoiler, so, Wolf, and the rest of you who didn’t get the coda: there is a scene early on which Professor X sets up “the expieriment” regarding “Patient X” seen on a monitor with Dr. Taggart (Olivia Williams) and that’s all I will say on the matter, with the exception of remember the ending of Cronenberg’s ‘Scanners’. It is in a way, very simular.

    Oddly, EVERYONE but me left the theatre as the credits start rolling. I asked some people, including some employees who were cleaning up after I left the room. and the surprise is that “they heard” but “they forgot”. Some of the folks asked me what it was in regards to. I told them. The reaction? Ho-hum or what the heck am I talking about?


    I…think if it wasn’t for X2 Last Stand would not be as good as it was. I do think the film moved too quickly, and one of the few turnoffs in the film was everyoneinthewarroomwasspeakinglikethis as if instead of a emergency meeting, it was more like an autioneer’s meeting.

    Last Stand suffered from a lack of Anna Paquin and James Marsden. Indeed, I was taken aback that NOONE asked where Cyke was. (Truth is he left Jean and stole Supe’s gal, ha ha)

    The film was just as I’d eXpected overall: not great great but really good. Why not great? Well, I mentioned the cast list. If names were not used, we would not know who these people are. Example: Psyclocke is in the film. (Purple haired asian gal) but she’s hardly in it. When she shows up again, she…well, comes out of nowhere. Why wasn’t she standing with Callisto and miss butch Arclight when Magento gave his pep rally speech in the woods?

    Now, here’s what I hated/didn’t like. Take notes.

    *Remember John Campea’s distress over the Sentenel? I did. Now I stand corrected. It did look horrible. Also, overall, the danger room was a bit of a cheesy thing to me; is anyone really in danger? No, it’s reduced to a Star Trek Holosuite. If you did not know who/what the Sentienels were, you would have asked ‘what the hell is that?’ I knew it was one of the giant robots, I knwew it was coming, and I still asked what the hell was that. Also, if the thing is all a simulation, how exactly is Logan lighting his cigars? How exactly are they…

    Forget it. The Danger Room doesn’t work. Period.

    *The running time itself. Too many characters, too little time to spend on the new faces, let alone the established ones.

    *Likewise, the introduction of Angel was great, and…then he’s hardly in the film.
    Same could be said of Juggernaut, but more Angel seemed more central to the plot.

    * I’m The Juggernaut, bitch!

    * No Nightcrawler, not even a cameo. cell phone call, BAMF in and out. Sure, in the *&^%$ video game he declines being with the X-Men. But he can show up for Prof’X’s wake, can’t he?

    *Whoever caught Mystique should be the one guarding her. But the bigger question I had was, if these guards had the cure darts to start, why not inject three mutants in the convoy on the spot? Like Stryker said in X2 “When you make a weapon, you want to make sure it’s working or not”

    *This will supposedly be the last film, aside from spinoff prequels.

    Now, what I liked/loved:

    *All the action. Not a dull moment in the bunch except for Danger Room.

    *Kelsey Grammar/Beast.

    *Iceman- Pryo showdown.

    *Ian McKellan/Magneto.

    *The bridge.

    *What there was of Angel/ Leech looking out the window watching him go.

    *Big surprise: Multiple Man.

    But the real topper? Patrick Stewart and Ian at the film’s start, with makeup and CGI to make themselves look younger.

    Now, as for the book/novel. The ending is different than the film and the tag-coda is not in the book.

    Quill is not mentioned in the book. In the book, his scenes are given to Kid Omega.

    Bishop is in the book but not the film, as are the following:
    Stacey X. (most likely from an early draft)

    Omega Red does not appear in the book or the film.


  • 18. wolf replies at 26th May 2006, 3:21 pm :

    I would have liked X3 to be longer….way way longer. I still can’t get over Cyclops being killed off like that. In ways I blame Singer for the lame Cyclops character. In X2, Singer could have given the character more screen time instead of taking him out for no reason. Hell it could have been another character like Storm or Iceman that could have been captured at the start. Like eveyone knows, Cyclops was the heart and soul of the X-Men in the comics.

    Even though I did enjoy X3 I’m still complaining non-stop about it. I mean the action was amazing I must say, but characters like Angel whom was made out to be one of the central characters was in the movie less then blink of an eye. Brett Ratner did he’s best and I respect him for coming on so late in the project and making the best out of a mess that was thrown in front of him.

  • 19. BadOompaloompa replies at 26th May 2006, 6:36 pm :

    Ratner is the perfect example of someone who knows everything about movies, exept how to make them.
    He’s an example of someone who knows the story, but dosn’t know the charicters.
    Just like it was made by somone who dosn’t know that capital letters don’t mean anything without lower case ones to surround them.
    Without a their day jobs, superheros are just people with bad taste in clothes. Ratner put the x men on unemployment.

    Ratner needs to go back and direct music videos for artists who don’t write there own songs.

  • 20. Don S replies at 26th May 2006, 11:00 pm :

    Although they killed off 2 xmen (everyone’s know Pheonix isn’t through), they did leave them open for return. Think about it, Cyclops was never seen being killed, nor a body found. After the credits Prof X had taken over the body of the brain dead patient. So I strongly feel a X4. Stewart stated that the film may do a sequel depending on the money x3 makes. Apparently X3 made tons of money. So X4 just might be on the way.
    I thought the Pheonix wasn’t used right. She was one of the hype ups of the film. She was confused the whole film, then in the end when she finally did do her own thing, It lasted 1 min then Wolverine kills her. But still enjoyed it.
    It was never officially said that Rogue gave her powers up in the film. Iceman touched her for 3 seconds then the scene went away.
    And my favorite part of the film that had the whole crowd going crazy was when Magneto was playing chess and shook the chess piece. That gave the film the perfect ending. Then if you stayed long enough you saw that Charles Xavier is long from gone. This movie leaves you with so many unanswered things when you think about it.

  • 21. J replies at 27th May 2006, 1:00 am :

    Plain and simple, Brett Ratner SUCKS. How did this guy get to direct anything let alone X-Men. I just hope that there is an X-Men 4 and they beg Bryan Singer to come back because it would be a shame to end the series with this cheezy, crap. Also the writers should be banned from making movies. I tried for hours after seeing the movie to come up with reasons that this movie didn’t suck but I just can’t. If this had been the first movie, THERE WOULDN’T BE ANY MORE. Can anyone explain to me why they introduced all these new characters for little to no backstory. What was with all the stupid lines,”I’m Juggernaut, Bitch”, COME ON!!!
    I was almost as discusted as I was when I saw Fantastic Four. At least they had a semi-naked Jessica Alba. Final word, if you liked this movie you are settling just like those who liked Revenge of the Sith. Don’t except horse@#$% just because its in a shiny package.

  • 22. darren seeley replies at 27th May 2006, 9:49 am :

    Don S loves giving the last page of the mystery away, doesn’t he?

    Well, I’ll just say that given the fact that if one is away from Leech the mutant power goes back…

    But if there is an X4, I would like to see a Days Of Futures Past nod.

  • 23. Josh G. replies at 28th May 2006, 12:59 am :

    As a true Xmen fan growing up reading and living all of the characters I had high expectations for this film, especially after the last 2 exceeded my expectations. However this latest film proved disappointing in many areas and left me feeling very angry. Particularly because of the back story about why Brian Singer left the film to go on to make Superman. It apparantly was because of Halle Berry’s demands that she have a larger role in the film coincidentally right after she won an Oscar. Well, this film was no oscar worthy performance and in my opinion Brian Singer should return, direct X4 and FIRE HALLE BERRY!! She can go to hell! I have no ill will towards Brett Ratner, however he shouldn’t have cowed to Halle’s demands and should have just let her walk off the set with her effing oscar. She ruined this film for me and I will never see a film with her in it again! Where is the anger people???? If you curious about how it happened, see Halle’s interview below and read between the lines. I have lost total respect for her. I rolled my eyes when she demanded that Wolverine be about the “team” and not himself. How hypocritical.

    Here’s the interview:
    Kam Williams: Hi Halle, were you responsible for your character Storm enjoying an expanded role in X-Men 3?

    Halle Berry: This time around, I just asked, “Please, please, please, can Storm have a voice? It’s not about me having more, but, if I’m going to be on for ten minutes, can I say something important for ten minutes, because I think Storm does a little bit more in the comic books, and the fans aren’t happy.” And then Brett [director Brett Ratner] came on board. And it’s really due to Brett, because Brett felt the same way, that Storm needs a voice. And he saw to it that this time it actually happened.

  • 24. pissedoff replies at 29th May 2006, 3:04 am :

    I would like to thank all of you who actually used spoiler tags when giving away surprising parts of the film.

    For those who didn’t, thanks for ruining the movie for me!

  • 25. Syren replies at 30th May 2006, 1:34 pm :

    I was sick of the “Juggernaut bitch” line before the movie started. There were about 12 guys sprinkled through the theatre that kept saying it for no reason.I was going to kick one of them in the head!

    I also didn’t like what they did to Charles. He was accusatory and mean.What happened to his compassion?I guess that’s what you get when you change writers mid series.

    I did like the abriviated role for Cyclops…never did like him…he was too much the “Tom Cruise” wannabe and I hate Tom too!

    I still think someone else should have played Storm.She’s supposed to be from Africa with an accent!

    Kelsey Grammer was the best choice for Beast…just think of it as Sideshow Bob does comic books!

    But Wolverine is my favorite!

    So if Magneto is getting his powers back…then the cure is only temporary…Anyone have ideas about what could happen between Rouge and Bobby???I’ll leave that one to your imagination!

  • 26. cyclopsiskickass replies at 30th May 2006, 2:52 pm :


  • 27. cyclopsiskickass replies at 30th May 2006, 3:06 pm :

    i just had a thought. what if jeans power to be able to hold back cyclops optic blasts had a permenate effect on him and hes still alive. they never show him dieing. oh and they never showed his dead body or motorcycle so he could of driven away to think about things and he comes back in the 4th one if there is one which i really hope there is. please let him be alive please dear x men screenwriters please let him be alive

  • 28. test replies at 30th May 2006, 3:15 pm :


  • 29. warick replies at 30th May 2006, 3:24 pm :

    k first off all i totally regret missing that professor X brainn dead moment even though ive seen the film 3 times already now i have missed it and i am going tomrrow to see it and i especially like the whole chess peice moving part because most of the people who i was with didnt even see it move and are still arguing with me now about it moving or not, but anyway thats one point

    but secondly i would loveeee absolutey love a x-men 4 and more after that, because in the x-men universe no1 really officialy dies, in the x-universe anything is possible, so come on x-men 4

    thirdly Colossus is my favorite character but they might aswell not off put him in the movie if there not gonna give him lines, Daniel cudmore??? more like Daniel cud do more!!!!!! and thats the same for multiple man, arclight, and juggernaugt,

    and finally come on guys I know you think halle is not the greatest actor but im sure hardly any off you guys can do her job or any of the others so theres no point just critizising them all and doing the same for the directors, as far as im concerned this film gets a 10 out of 10 (only because of the lack of colossus)


  • 30. Edd replies at 30th May 2006, 5:31 pm :

    I just saw the movie and thought it was awesome!

    just wanna know though, which book was it based on??

    and why didnt omega red appear in the film?

    Also, who was the mutant that breathed fire in the end battle?

  • 31. phill replies at 30th May 2006, 10:56 pm :

    hm movie was gaygaygaygay. jeaan dies in the movie cy dies and X who da he!! is this director…. and y do they focus on wolverine so much he get the most screen time and lines but get his ass kicked. they made cyclopes seem like a punk. he had no tight parts in all 3 of the movies…and hes the first in command of the x men

  • 32. Colossus replies at 31st May 2006, 5:05 am :

    can anyone here show me any possible proof of a x-men 4 or 5 or 6?
    and oh yeah i wouldnt be so down that them 3 died, cyclops was never seen getting killed and his body was never seen, and professor X was right at the end, and well jean grey is the pheonix so anything could happen with her (after all she is ‘ the only level 5 mutant’

  • 33. Alice replies at 31st May 2006, 12:33 pm :

    why did cyclops die

  • 34. Don S replies at 31st May 2006, 12:59 pm :

    Isn’t Apocalypse a level 5 or higher mutant

  • 35. Rod replies at 31st May 2006, 1:22 pm :

    If you stayed and sat through the credits and saw the very last scene could you please explain it to me. I dont want to say anything in case someone has not seen it yet. But I would like to know if I’m right in what I was thinking about the very last scene after the credits went all the way through. [email protected]

  • 36. warick replies at 31st May 2006, 1:51 pm :


    yes apocalypse possible is over level 5 but jean grey is the only level 5 mutant that professor X has come across, and there is no proof that cyclops was killed, and can ne11 plzzz show me some proof off a x-men 4 plzzzzz

  • 37. Bobby replies at 1st June 2006, 2:14 am :

    I think all things considered, this was an excellent third x-men movie… even if it only serves to open several doors for future movies. The story was a good stepping stone to many many sequels. First, they introduced Angel as a character, but he had almost no screen time. If you ask me, that means Apocolypse will make an appearance in the next film and creat Archangel. Wolverine makes a transition from the hard asskicker to an actual X Men (while this was a good idea or not is another story). Colossus and Juggernaut were introduced, and though I think they should have fought in this film, it’s definitely going to happen in the next. Several mutants met their ends in one way or another (or did they), which makes room for more in the next film. Who knows, we may even see the likes of Cable or Bishop if Apocolypse shows up.

    Directing-wise, I think Ratner did a decent job. While he’s no Singer, his shot and lighting choices were adequate. There was the one questionable call on the incredibly fast sunset (right before they assaulted alcatraz), but I think it was convincing enough and necessary for effects reasons. I think Cyclops needed to die (or at least disappear) so that the relationship between wolverine and jean/pheonix could develop throughout the film. Sure it was a questionable call, since Cyclops is always around in the comics, but the X Men series is so long-running and has so many weird story arcs and changes, it’s impossible to follow them. I’ve read several knocks on the writing throughout this listing, and all I have to say is what do you expect? These films are made after comic books, of course the writing is going to be cheesy. If anything, the writing has stayed pretty true to the comic book (hence Beast saying “Oh My Stars and Garters). The acting, I thought, was better than in either of the other two movies. Sure Wolverine was a puss, but he was convincing. Xavier and Magneto rocked, as Stewart and McClellan always do. Beast was also a great addition, and Iceman and Pyro greatly improved their acting from the second film.

    I think the sequel to this movie will see Xavier and Magneto team up to fight Apocolypse. I’ve been looking around online for some sort of explanation to the ending where Xavier speaks to Moira. The nearest I can figure is that Xavier cloned himself a long time ago, and left the clone braindead in the care of Moira (a former lover in the comic book series). When Xavier “dies,” he transfers his consciousness to the clone, which is why Moira knows who he is immediately. I also think this is why Xavier gave himself so willingly to Pheonix. Don’t be surprised to see a walking, fighting Xavier in X Men 4. Also, Magneto will almost certainly regain at least SOME of his power, and I bet you’ll see Mystique as well. The only question will be what happens to the Alcolytes (do they side with the X Men or go to Apocolypse’s cause?), who will stand beside Apocolypse (besides Archangel, presumably), and will we see Cable/Bishop or other new mutants?

    Either way, if you’re a comic fan, chances are you won’t be as pleased with this movie as you want to be. There’s just no way to fit all of the comics into these movies, there’s too much going on in all of them. I think they’re doing a pretty good job of taking the most popular (and some of the more obscure but entertaining) parts of the comics and integrating them into their own story arc… and I think so far they’ve done a damn good job. If you agree/disagree and want to talk to me about this, feel free to shoot me an email or leave me a message on myspace.

  • 38. matt replies at 1st June 2006, 4:25 am :

    does magnito actually move the chess piecs

  • 39. w replies at 1st June 2006, 5:40 am :

    yes the peice does move

  • 40. warick replies at 1st June 2006, 6:12 am :


    Beware **Spoilers**

    Beware **Spoilers**

    Beware **Spoilers**

    at the end in the final battle beast stabs magneto with the cure that wolverine found on the floor so then we presumme that magneto is now fully human just like everyone else who got stabbed with it then pheonix gets angry because guards try to shoot her so she demolishes everyone and everything around her so wolverine slowly goes up there but is slowly demolishing but healing at the same time this happens alot he gets up there she says something about you would risk your life for them wolverine says no for u jean for you, he stabs her she roars and dies he cries, we then see shadowcat/kittypryde standing infront of charles pheonix and cyclops grave thingy and then after about 5 miniutes you see magneto playing chess BY HIMSELF with metallic pieces he then moves one ever so slighty with his powers that are left or his powers that are coming back then if you wait after the credits you see that charles is in the brain dead boy you see earlier in the film he then says ‘moria, she then replies by saying ‘charles’ the end.

    so this bascially does probally mean a x-men 4 and more to come, and i would think now that cyclops is dead they will bring in a gambit, and i think nightcrawler will come back with news that hes found out his mother is mystique, we then probally find out that rouge still has her powers and professor X can probaly walk and the pheonix being the pheonix is probally still going to be alive and probaly use her powers to bring back cyclops, and i think angel will become a member of the x-men and finally kick ass, and as for the brotherhood, i think magneto is probally pretty pissed about the x-men nearly making him human so i think hes oging to gather every single evil mutant he can to take on the x-men, And lets just say the cure is only temporay(however you spell it) that must mean that mystquie will get her powers but i dont think she will go back to magneto but i dont think she will go to the x-men either, but back to magneto i reckon hes going to get sabertooth toad pyro multiple man juggernaugt pshylocke because none of these were actually seen dead, and i think he will get other mutants liek ones we havent heard of just to make a thicker army and i think if there is a number 4 it will end with about 8 x-men on one side and about 20 brotherhood on the other side and then credits start rolling and number 5 should be called the brother vs the x-men or something lol and then if there was to be a number 6 it should focus on sentinels or apocalypse and his four horsemen


  • 41. C.L replies at 1st June 2006, 8:08 am :

    Why are you all predicting whether there is a part 4?

    The producers of X3 are deliberately ending X3 that way so as to leave the possibility of a 4th installment open. But that does not necessarily mean there will be one. This is show business, and it is a business. The actualization of a part 4 will have to depend on the expected demand for it, and that will be determined by the current viewership of X3, and also the critique it gets.


  • 42. cyclopsiskickass replies at 1st June 2006, 3:01 pm :

    ok when i said that brett ratner made this movie bad i lied this movie was pretty fricking awesome not as good as the first 2 but yes it was amazing. im still upset about cyclops. for all of those who dont think theres gonna be an x4 then look at this link
    http://www.judymoodymovie.com/archives/2006/01/fox_confirms_xmen_4.html or

  • 43. wazza replies at 1st June 2006, 4:47 pm :

    bascially i think x-men 3 flipping ruled i think it totally beat 1 and 2, i mean the music was good, and there was actually humor in this one, which suprised me, and it was a shock every second i mean who would expect professor X just to blow up and for magneto to get stabbed with the cure but yet still have powers, what a fucking excellent film

  • 44. Djed Pillar replies at 1st June 2006, 5:33 pm :

    We all need to campaign for an X Men 4. Bottom line there were alot of loose ends that need to be tied. I thought that it was the best of the 3 movies but tried to do too much with a short spanm of time and inadvertently set things up for a part 4. I was confused as to how I felt after X4 and after a little time and talking to my friends realized that it was good but left me wanting more. They need to make an X-Men 4. It’s Apocalpse time!!!!!

    Bring it to New York City!

  • 45. lisekpl replies at 2nd June 2006, 1:10 am :

    Yeah I definately agree that X3 tried to squeeze in too much story into a limited amount of time, and thus making it relatively hard to follow. If it was up to me, I would have created X3 and a X4 finale more or less at the same time (such as Matrix 2 & 3). In this case the current X3 would end in such a way that it would be almost evident that it was a pre-cursor to a even more exicitng sequel, and the X3 ending would definately be the same as the current ending. Again nobody said it had to be a trilogy. As far as the actors, I think many characters were not properly developed, for example angel, the juggernaut, even collosus. Also I believe the fight between pyro and iceman could had been a little more exciting, for example why when they fire their blasts there is no water pouring down, fire + ice = water, or did I miss it. Iceman should had also fully transformed completely into ice more often and then ride on his ice rails, well anyways you know what I mean. Dont tell me that the CGI people couldn’t pull it off. Another, why doesn’t rogue fly, why doesn’t she have superhuman strength - why because she’s only a kid. Also I personally think that this whole triangle between iceman-kitty-rogue was unnecessary - you include that if you run out of everything else.

    Finally my expectations for X4: (if there is one) I wish to see a new villain (preferably not of earth origin) such as Apocalypse with his band of mutants take on the coalition of earths’ mutants and nonmutants. Since he is very powerful, it would be nice to see everybody team up for one cause and attempt to stop him. The story could be so intricate it is perfect material to show it in TWO movies.
    Also from a another perspective, because due to current UFO and extra-terrestrial scares in the media, the moral of the movies could also pose as an ideal metaphor for us, human beings of coming together for one cause.

    Anyways, I give X3 a 7 out of 10. It was good but it definately could have been better. And true, because the script was handed over to Ratner in the last minute - I guess he just couldn’t pull of that miracle.

  • 46. warick replies at 2nd June 2006, 4:53 am :

    i totally believe there will be an x-men 4, but there wont be one if people keep going ‘theres not going to be one because blah blah said so’ if we all just be;lieve theres going to be one and stop complaining about number 3 then there will be another because if you dont mind me sayin i think x3 totally fucking ruled

  • 47. Guest replies at 2nd June 2006, 2:39 pm :

    *-* somewhat spoiler *-*
    Ok, about the whole magneto still being able to use his powers, this is possible because when he got stabbed with the “cure” it wasnt full with the needles, he got stabbed with a little over half the cartridge while some of the other needles were missing

  • 48. warick replies at 2nd June 2006, 3:52 pm :

    my mate leon says x-men is shit, but i told him to fuck him self

  • 49. cyclopsiskickass replies at 2nd June 2006, 4:19 pm :

    definitley x4 with apocalypse would be so fucking awesome. but they should have flashbacks for someone the lesser x men, cyclops, jean grey, juggernaut, collosus, kitty, iceman

  • 50. z replies at 3rd June 2006, 10:05 am :

    y has everyone stopped commenting

  • 51. vad replies at 4th June 2006, 2:58 am :

    The x men 3 movie reminds me of a quickie. I don’t understand it from a financial point of you, if xmen = making more movies then Xmen=$$$$$$. Why call it the last stand what a stupid name for it. Can’t they see that even if they got that guy in the movie whose unconscious to direct x-men 4 they would still make over 100mill opening weekend. People are just desperate for something meaningful, relative and imaginable. I mean if you’re a Cyclop’s fan and subconsciously or consciously you see your self having his powers, do u want next day to think to your self wow my girl friend kills me or do u want to see him blasting his full range beam at some villain mutant like in x men 1 when his visor is taken of and he blasts the crap out of the ceiling. I have really high hopes for superman returns since bryan singer said “this is for the true fans” and I also hope he comes back for xmen 4, I think even though he has zero line or role in the movie his definitely the most important drive in the movie and actors don’t like the directors vision quit or go shut up, since when actors became so freakin smart anyways I mean just because you have an actor play a chemist or a president or any other important (smart) role doesn’t mean that the person who plays the role is smarter than a janitor and people lets be realistic there are only a few REAL actors and the rest. So anyway xmen3 sucks by story and plot…. I don’t regret watching it though cause like I said if they got that unconscious guy in the movie to direct it or whatever I still watch it and by that I am really saying the new director whatever his name is did a worse job.

  • 52. eric replies at 5th June 2006, 12:04 am :

    good movie….shitty acting. Too many people getting obbliterated, and when people die they should stay dead!

  • 53. warick replies at 5th June 2006, 9:55 am :

    i fink its so selfish to make a wolverine film
    i mean hasnt he been the main character in like all 3 films
    i swear like all together cyclops has had about 4 miniutes screen time while wolverine has had like 3 hours, its fucking ridiculous, they should make a cyclops film off how he joined the x-men and maybe a lil clip of the uncanny x-men, but come on man who is seriously going to watch a crappy wolverine movie, i mean who is the enemys, or will it justy be a preguel of wolverine trying to find out what happend to him but dont we already know that stryker put adamantium in his body goshhhhh so pissed off

  • 54. warick replies at 5th June 2006, 10:14 am :

    i fink there should be a nightcrawler prequel because it would be interersting to see his whole past, i mean they could really explore everything like first thing that comes into my mind is his family, i mean mystique is his mother and on x-men evoltuion aprently rouge is his brother but not by blood and then it could show his life in the circus and how he got all them scars and stuff on his body
    them spirtiaul stuff, and maybe how he grew dat stupid tail, neway it would be much better den a stupid wolverine spin-off,
    either way i think the folling people shouldnt have a spin off due to 2 much screen time already :
    Jean Grey
    rouge (in x-men 1 was pretty much about her and wolveirne)

    people whose past is pretty known already:

    People who are just plain boring:
    magneto (and the only reason i say he shouldnt have a spin off is because its so predictable, it will just be about how he met charles and lots off speeches and then him meetin sabretooth mystique and toad)

    People who should have a spin off :
    Professor X (just to see how he got in the wheelchair)
    Kittypryde (shadowcat)
    People who should get a spin-off:

  • 55. Nilon replies at 5th June 2006, 2:45 pm :

    I agre with lisekpl, if we just believe that there is gunna be another x-men, there definitely be one..plus..as everyone has commented there have been too many unsolved things in this one..

    Spoiler (i really dont see the point in doing this, considering everyone here has already seen the movie)

    With that being said, we didn’t actually see Cyclops being killed, so everyone whose a Cyclops fan (including my father) just chill, if there is another one, for sure he would come back…like some of you have already said jean protecting him and stuff…and yes phoenix (my fav), was justified, considering you had to adapt to the general public and not understanding the real story behind it. Prof X, is alive…did you guys really pay attention to the part where he was teaching the kids about ethics…and well for the younger x-men, they really need to be developed a bit more too, truly be x-men. With that being said, for sure there is no doubt in my mind, there will be another just boy golly we need GAMBIT!!!

  • 56. Ken replies at 6th June 2006, 4:22 am :

    “Spoilers” herein- what’s left to spoil, anyway.

    First off, call me a prick or whatever, but: ALLCAPSGUY- stop yelling. Jeez, I’m practically in love with Cyclops and his death was my biggest single beef with the movie, but I’m still a far cry from abusing my capslock. And holy Hell, “dieing?” Dictionary.com folks, sheesh, how do you even get an internet connection up and running without being able to spell at the level of an elementary school graduate? More on Cyclops’ death: grr! He was the *first* X-Man, the leader, the heart and mind of rightful heir to Xavier’s vision, and they snuffed him out in the first- what- fifteen minutes? And after that a couple of people ask “where’s Cyclops?” I’d have been in Jean’s face a bit more, I think. “How could you, you murderous psycho traitor bitch?” Of course, then I would have died horribly, but que cera, cera.

    My other big hate-on for X3: I’ve heard rumours that the Hollywood dumbasses are floating ideas for a Wolverine movie. Newsflash! You’ve already made *three* of them! Don’t let the X-Men name fool you, they really weren’t much by way of ensemble pieces. “Wolverine & the X-Men” would have been more accurate, I think. And why? Because Wolverine is the uber-American male, all independant and full of macho attitude, telling people off, going crazy and killing people like “Slaughter day” on the farm. Or in other words, he’s popular with the low brow audience(hence- think like a Hollywood exec/whore- he’s a cash cow!). I wonder how many of ‘em remember that he’s Canadian. I can’t seem to forget, as hard as I try.

    To give props, though; I did like most of the special effects (but I’m sorry, it’s 2006- there’s *no* excuse for wire-work ‘flying’ characters to LOOK like they’re on wires!), and I love Sir Ian as Magneto. He was cool enough in X2 but in this one I found him downright inspiring! If I were a mutant and they invented a ‘cure’ I would totally be drawn to Magneto’s ideology. If they ever say they have a ‘cure’ for being gay, I’m *so* on the militant “take your cure and shove it!” side. Also- notwithstanding the whole murderous traitor psycho bitch ‘thing,’ Phoenix gone all hell-bent was pretty cool to see, but I was actually underwhelmed. For the ‘only’ level-5 mutant, I was expecting her to telekinetically blow up- I dunno- Texas. Something more than levitating a little water around Alcatraz, come on, is she insanely powerful or is she INSANELY powerful? And while I continue to mourn Cyclops, I *might* be able to find it in my heart to forgive them. But only if X4 (should they make it) includes much more of Colossus. More screen time, and a whole lot more skin. How do you say “I’ll do *anything* you want” in Russian? Did they even keep him as a Russian in the movie? Oh who cares, as long as I could be his roommate and he doesn’t lock his underwear drawer.

  • 57. Dan replies at 7th June 2006, 7:11 pm :

    It is obvious that none of you have ever watched the television series, the nurse is from the book, myrah i think her name is, she was Prof x’s love, when he could walk, and he inhabits the brain of the MAN without a soul. Cyclops will definately come back if they make an X4 he is THE captain of Xmen, and jean never said that she killed him. For all you know he could just be in another dimension, or even just knocked out in the woods. she just got upset, didnt say he was dead. Wolverine assumed. and Juggernaught should have gotten his ass handed to him by colussus. also ICEMAN looked badass, but the wimpy voice made it suck. This director was horrible, we need bryan singer back. jean didnt even turn into a flaming bird. she just got pale and was veiny..if gambit and the sentinels arent in the next movie, then these directors need to start taking fan ideas. It was a good movie, alot of people who said it was bad, only saw the movie cause people talked about it, and they didnt want to feel left out if they did not see it.

  • 58. warick replies at 8th June 2006, 3:55 pm :

    i agree with Dan, the only people who are complaining about the movie are the ones that have probaly never seen the cartoon series or rr have ever had one of the comics or probaly havent even seen x-men 1 & 2, and probaly just watched it just because all the adverts and hype and are just complaining because they dont get it, WELL IT WOULD HELP IF YOU ATUALLU FOLLOWED X-MEN BEFORE U WATCH THE 3RD FILM

  • 59. Nilon replies at 13th June 2006, 10:20 pm :

    i totally agree with you guys dan and warick

  • 60. James replies at 9th November 2006, 7:36 am :

    x men was funny hehehehe

  • 61. James replies at 9th November 2006, 7:41 am :

    X Men 3 was funny,everyone dies! i thought that was weired and useless, but with the hope of xavier returning as with magnetos ‘powers’ though no one has given a thought to poor nightcrawler where the hell did he go?

  • 62. Triggs replies at 28th November 2006, 8:30 pm :

    there aint gunna be an x-men 4 i dont reckon, they probably just going to do as they are already doing… create movies based around singular characters such as the upcoming movies ‘Magneto’ and ‘Wolverine’.

    as for the whole nightcrawler incident… yeah why the hell wasnt he in there :P he could of been a great asset in this movie.

    vinnie jones was great playing as the juggernaught, but couldnt they of kept in with the story that juggernaught is xaviers half brother? that he uses the helmet to keep charles out of his head??

    i also like the way in x-men 2 that ya get to see ‘Remy Lebou’s name in the computer data files of mutants, they should definitly of put gambit into one of the three movies :/ a more than quint-essential part of the x-men storyline if you ask me

  • 63. Jamal replies at 30th December 2006, 4:59 pm :

    After seeing this movie for the first time, I really enjoyed it, not really paying attention to the characters or any subplots (just a good action thriller). However when I saw it again, there was one instance that really pissed me off and was really stupid.

    If Jean (The Phoenix) was so powerful and could kill even the second strongest mutant in line (Professor X) without breaking a sweat, basically freezing Wolverine in place so he couldn’t move and disintegrating mutants along with humans, WHY COULDN’T SHE STOP WOLVERINE AT THE END OF THE MOVIE. WHAT HONESTLY MAKES HIM SO FUCKING STRONG THAT HE CAN MOVE AROUND, NOT GET INSTANTLY DIE, AND FINALLY GO UP TO HER AND STAB HER WITH HIS CLAWS. Even Magneto who was weaker than her stopped Wolverine countless times during the trilogy.

    To be honest, that was a very fucking stupid idea to have Jean killed, especially by Wolverine, since she was so strong. I can only hope that she is looked into deeper in X-Men 4 and becomes the main threat, not just a back-up to magneto and “his gang.”

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