This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 30th, 2006 at 10:22 am.
Categories: News Chat.

Post submitted by: Hamid You can submit a post here

Nightmare on Elm Street star Robert Englund has spoken to Fangoria and revealed that there could be an Elm Street prequel revealing the origins of Freddy Krueger, and it may even be directed by John McNaughton, who helmed the cult horror Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

Englund said: “I recently saw Henry for the first time and it scared the crap out of me. It really worked. I love what he does with docudrama, which I believe would be a great approach for a Nightmare prequel.”

The horror legend hopes the prequel will happen before the sequel to Freddy Vs Jason, which is already confirmed, which is a shame since it was such a waste of film.

17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. wolf

    I was always a Freddy fan and to here a prequel sounds awesome. Could be very dark unlike the others which had some comic moments. I know in one of the Freddy movies we saw glimpes of his past but it would be fun to see how he truly became evil. I also liked Freddy vs Jason.

  2. Lizardfreak


  3. carter

    I don’t know about a prequel. Maybe they should concentrate on giving us the freddy vs jason movie we deserve. There were some good moments in the first one but overall it sucked.

  4. JeremyAAP

    Once again, there is one sure as fire way to make an absolute hit with this -


    Bring in Bruce Campbell.

  5. Lizardfreak

    What would really be bad ass if they made a movie about a secret society of top of the class bounty hunters who come together to hunt down Freddy, Michael Myers, Jason, Leatherface, IT the clown, Hanibal Lector,Chucky, and/or whomever i’m forgettimg and would also be great. But having the hunters hunt down the savage killers would only be the begining. We will see them having the history and technology of hunting down and detaining all said killers. And from their go 4 different ways with the story.

    1: The hunters turn all said killers into Super Killers with added weapons and powers, making them even more dreadful than before. And they either.

    a- send the killers out upon the world and while documenting the bloody destruction of the killers.

    b- have all said killers fight each other in a grusome battle of the horror genre greats.

    2: Pit the horror genre killers against real life killers that too were detained by the hunters. And they either.

    a- See if real life serial killers like John Wayne Gacy for example can out smart and run fictional killers.

    b- Give the real life killers the super weapons and powers to match things up in battle, so that the fighting will be fair and breath taking to see. A memorable scene could be Jeffrey Dahmer and Hannibal Lector trying to eat each other.

    c- Give both parties super powers and watch the bloody fun.

    3: Rule out any type of battle or appearnce of non-fictional killers and keep the said fictional ones. Have killers put in a deathtrap labyrinth, and send in the evil from the Necronomicon from the Evil Dead. And then when things get out of control they call in Ash to destroy whatever killer has been taken over by the evil dead. And either

    a- The film has three alternate endings, having 3 different killers get possessed and later killed by Ash. Better than seeing one killer get possessed and kill off the other killers without getting to see other killers in evil dead form. Evil dead incarnate in a killer would be excellent to see.

    b- Ash is sent in when almost every bounty hunter is killed and EVERY killer is possessed by the evil dead.

    c- Once again, bringing in non-fictional killers, and instead have them evil dead incarnate and up against non evil dead fictional characters.

    4: The film could just go classic and have regular everyday people trying to survive a deathtrap labyrinth only to then realize notorius killers (fictional) are in their with them. If they for once in this type of movie somehow build up character development so we care when someone dies, that would be perfect. And either.

    a- Normal people team up with non fictional killers to kill the fictional and get the fuck out of the labyrinth.

    b- Have Ash guide them through,, having the Necronomicon being the only reason he is there.

    c- Have Chucky get out of his doll form and possess himself into one of the other killers. I’m pretty much out of ideas for this now as you can tell.

    And the above scenarios can be mixed up and together so many ways. And with a film like that, there would be more to come, making it even more of a tribute than it’s origal first. Maybe movie goers are not ready for somethign like this and are looking forward to seeing a Freddy vs. Jason 2 more, or a Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash. Or whomever and whatever. I don’t know about all of you, but i’m ready for a movie that pits the great against themselves in a bloody battle royal.

    But getting back onto the subject of just Freddy and a prequel. A movie like a Freddy prequel would order out any cheese if written well and played out right. The fact simply being that we would see Freddy as a real life serial killer before he died and became the super natural bad-ass we have seen many times over in eye raping sequels. It would get into your mind, ironic yes, and just be great to see. One big delicious peice of brain food and eye candy.

    A prequel would be like I said in an earlier post, sweet!


    Is anyone else as frightened as i am right now after reading the Lizard Freaks post ?

  7. Lizardfreak

    For my first explanation, I forgot to put a C scenario. My buddy suggested for C category under the first explanation, The Society could be an evil cult who use the evil from all the killers to ressurect the soul of Jack the Ripper. And once he is unleashed, WATCH OUT!!!!

  8. roy

    that would be a good a prequel and hopefull jason vs freddy 2 is better this time

  9. jamie

    Nightmare Prequel Yes…I love the idea.

    More Freddy vs. Jason movies….well maybe but not that Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash idea cos well it won’t happen both sam raimi(the director and creator of evil dead) and Bruce campbell have said no, it’ll kill our chances of Evil Dead 4 which is in talks(no script yet though sam’s busy witht eh spiderman franchise(yuck))

    but someone had the idea of getting chucky out oft he doll body that would be funny as hell, put him in a human boddy and send him off to terrorize teens with Freddy and Jason.

  10. tgdf

    a prequel to elm street is of course a magnificent idea…! a sequel to freddy vs jason sounds just plain

  11. tgdf

    a prequel to elm street is of course a magnificent idea…! a sequel to freddy vs jason sounds just plain

  12. Terry



  13. degener8

    so the prequal and freddy vs jason 2 was all a lie?

  14. TMAN

    any movie with freddy sounds awesome. a prquel would be ok. but i liked all the old nightmare on elm streets. on the infinifilm version of ANOES they talked about an unused script titled A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Lover. that would be pretty cool for a movie

  15. Anonymous

    craved aboriginal conflicts!peddle Jericho coverings Ecuadorian accentuated

  16. Bishi Boshi

    I KNOW LETS PUT EVERYONE TOGETHER none of this freddy vs jason vs ash crap coz ash wouldent last very long HE IS HUMAN. yes the prequel is gunna be amazing really cant wait for a trailer. freddy vs jason 2 yeah that would be good to see. i say bring back more sequels tho more nightmare on elms more friday the 13ths no more halloween coz they suck. heres my idea of another one:

    freddy Vs Jason Vs Spiderman Vs Batman VS catwomen VS Chucky VS Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Jim From American Pie VS Bruce Lee VS A Potato.

  17. chris

    Id like to say yes to a prequel to a nightmare on elm street aswell as it sticks with the idea of the dream demons as seen in freddy’s dead. i also would like to see a sequel to freddy vs. jason with micheal myers in it then all my dreams come true. but as for the nightmare on elm street remake silly idea, No Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! you cant get someone to fill in Robert Englunds shoes as fredd’y, be serious about that.

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