Ian McKellen In Rush Hour 3?

Post submitted by: WolfMarauder You can submit a post here

Rush Hour 3 is getting more attention than either of the others (mostly due to all the insanity surrounding Chris Tucker’s demands and salary, obviously). So, is Ian McKellen as a possible addition a good idea? Does anyone think he’d actually agree to take part? The good folks over at Holywood.Com give us the following:

Ratner, who directed McKellen in the new X-Men film, The Last Stand, admits he’s a huge fan of the actor and loves it when he’s bad. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Ratner says, “(He would be) the very bad French villain, who is inspired by (actor) Max Von Sydow in Three Days of the Condor.”

To snag McKellen in Rush Hour 3 would be a HUGE coupe for the film and give it about 10 extra credibility points with film fans. It would also instantly increase the appeal of the film to an audience it may have otherwise not been interested in. I just have my doubts he’d agree to it.


  • 1. Bombadil replies at 30th May 2006, 12:16 pm :

    Don’t put it past him. I recently saw an interview with him and he doesn’t seem to pick movies like most would think. He isn’t doesn’t seem worried about bombs or what stars are in it. He stately quite loudly that the way he picks a movie is based on how much fun it looks. If they get a decent script and McKellan is a Chan fan, who knows.

  • 2. John Campea replies at 30th May 2006, 12:24 pm :

    Good point Bomb

  • 3. Phil Gee replies at 30th May 2006, 3:12 pm :

    If Mckellen’s there…….i’m there. It’ll be fun enough watching Tucker try to act hilarious in a scene with Sir Ian and then watch the master thesp out-act him with his eyebrows.

  • 4. Alan Green replies at 30th May 2006, 4:17 pm :

    if they get IK i will get rh3 on disc (and watch only the scenes with IK). otherwise, i couldn’t care less if you paid me a dollar


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