Audio Edition - May 17th 2006

Welcome to The Audio Edition! Lots of Transformers and Da Vinci Code talk today. Here’s a run down of our discussion:

1) Davinci Code vunerable to Over The Hedge

2) Da Vinci Code getting blasted by critics

3) Fake “controversy” over Da Vinci

4) Why we talk about Box Office numnbers

5) Transformers Script Review

6) More Transformers geek talk

7) How stupid VW is for not granting licence to Tranformers to use Bumbblebee again

8) Used Guys getting axed (SAD DAY!!!)

9) Bryan Singer passing on Logan’s Run to do another Superman film

10) Jet Li and Jackie Chan together at last

11) John’s quest to have a beer with Kevin Rose

All this and a few things more.

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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  • 1. Joey replies at 17th May 2006, 5:57 pm :


  • 2. Chris replies at 17th May 2006, 8:29 pm :

    When hearing you guys talk about TRANSFORMERS I was smiling the whole time. This is the greatest line EVER in a podcast….”Me FUCKIN Grimlock…” CLASSIC. Doug Nagey I as one of your international fans salute you. You guys are almost as big as fans as me. My geeky ass cried the first time those bastards killed optimus prime. You should have a complete podcast talking about TRANSFORMERS…only. If they put the dinobots in the sequel I would masterbate in theater in someone’s popcorn and not say a word…peace

  • 3. Chris replies at 17th May 2006, 8:32 pm :

    Oh…and one more thing does anybody else thing they should do the transition when the Autobot sign flips around to the Decepticon…I think it would be pretty sweet.

  • 4. Joey replies at 17th May 2006, 8:38 pm :

    Very good audio edition. I approve.

  • 5. themarina replies at 17th May 2006, 11:53 pm :

    I was planning on a trip to SFX over the September long weekend (it runs Sep. 1, 2, and 3) and if Shatner did happen to be there, it would make it all that more worth while.

    As for Transformers, I’m psyched just listening to you guys talk about it.

    Another great edition.

  • 6. Koko replies at 18th May 2006, 12:27 am :

    It really sounds like i was deprioved as i child as i don’t know much about Transformers …. I feel neglected because it sounds so exciting

  • 7. mogulus replies at 18th May 2006, 12:41 am :

    heheh every time you say “there was a really stupid comment” I’m afraid your next word is going to be MOGULUS!!!

    on the points of the show:

    1: When you review the Davinci Code, as a former Christian, could you give your opinion overall and then maybe try to tell us how the movie felt to a viewer who would know what they were talking about beofre hand? I’d be interested to see whethar the negative reviews are coming from people who let the movie go over their heads or if the movie is really just THAT bad?

    alot of people read the book and said they didnt get it and it therefore sucked. I hope the movie doesnt suffer the same fate.

    2: Box office numbers: I wouldnt mind if you posted the box office results for each week…it would actually save me another 3 clicks of the mouse and it’s always fun to get your take on the results.

    3: movie scripts: if you and Doug havent’ checked out out yet, since you were reading a script review for transformers, you should check out AICN for their “first real review for superman”…
    it will set Doug up to either hate the kid even more or accept it.

  • 8. wolf replies at 18th May 2006, 2:47 am :

    Bumblebee was my favorite Transformer as a kid. But now his name has chaged and what he is transforming into is being changed aswell. So in that case Bumblebee is not really the same, hell with all these changes his a completely new character all together. Man, I need to buy all the Tranformers seasons on DVD and relive my childhood, a time when no such thing responsibilities existed and all that mattered was Autobots fucking up some decepticon ass.

  • 9. Joel Gustafsson replies at 18th May 2006, 8:54 am :

  • 10. Henrik replies at 18th May 2006, 8:55 am :

    Hey Campea. Superman 2 could be shooting way sooner than 2007. Spiderman 2 started shooting in november 2002. While it was still in theatrical release, and the dvd was just coming out! Granted, the script was not done at that point, but they shot the hospital sequence, and they shot all the plates for the train fight etc. And War of the Worlds was made in what? A year or so? Movies can get made fast. I think Spider-Man 2 was awesome, and it only took them 2 years from release date to release date.

    Ranting rocks

  • 11. Larry replies at 18th May 2006, 9:22 am :

    Da Vinci Code is 3rd on my list of Dan Brown books. Hopefully a bad showing of Da Vinci Code doesn’t hamper the ability of one of the better books to be made into a movie.

    The prequel, Angels and Demons, would have made a much better transition to the screen. Even better is Deception Point…that book seems written to be a movie.

  • 12. Aaron M replies at 18th May 2006, 10:10 am :

    I just wanted to say that as a Christian who also lives in the Bible belt south, that I and a lot of people I know, are extremely interested in this movie. So I don’t think that it will have the deficiency in the south that Doug was talking about. I know a lot of churches are actually doing sermons and series’ on the Da Vinci code. If anything, it perpetuates the research to see what is real and what is fake. And on the surface it can have you start guessing, but after you begin to do a little research, you realize that it is factually, extremely inaccurate. And then it just becomes a good fiction story. So, I think it will do well, but I also think that this will be the first major bloodbath for the box office weekend with two big movies coming out.

  • 13. wolf replies at 18th May 2006, 10:30 am :

    I think this is a Transfomers test clip for the movie…not too sure though.

  • 14. John Campea replies at 18th May 2006, 10:39 am :

    Hey there Wolf

    Yeah, that clip was out over a month ago. It’s 100% fake. It’s done by an amature 3D artist who posted it up on about a month ago just to show his work.

    I don’t know how someone then turned that into “It’s a test clip from Transformers”

    But I noticed a lot of movie sites putting it up as a “Test Clip”. It isn’t.


  • 15. Norddeth replies at 18th May 2006, 2:05 pm :

    Man these audio aditions are great for work!

    nice to see you guys fit in some UFC, I’m a rabid fan and really looking forward to the Gracie vs. Huges fight, although I don’t think it will be a terribly good fight, I’m just dying to see who wins. IMHO Gracie “should” win this fight, Im a big Matt Huges fan, but honestly, only a fool bets against Gracie, it will be a submition win by Gracie fairly early on, if it goes more than one, maybe two rounds, Gracie will be in trouble, he’s going to need to finish it fast, cause he isn’t knocking Matt Huges out and I don’t think he has the gas for more than a couple rounds.

    They are both patient fighters though, Matt will be looking to slam and Gracie will be looking to twist him up until he cries, and both will wait until they see they’re opening cause both know they will only get one really good chance at the other.

    Final prediction: Gracie, first round submittion.


  • 16. wolf replies at 18th May 2006, 2:23 pm :

    If the fake clip looks that damn impressive I can only imagine how off the wall the actual movie will be. Whomever this 3D artist is, he did a stunning job on the clip.

    I’ve been watching a few ep’s of Transformers on and it brings back great memories as a kid.

  • 17. Glen replies at 18th May 2006, 5:02 pm :

    The Da Vinci Code will have the biggest opening day box office in the history of the movies. Two things working with the movie is both the United States and Canada have long weekends coming up and everyone on the planet has read the book. Despite what the reviewers say this movie is going to mega huge.
    I predict a $130 million box office for this weekend. Bigger than the first Spiderman.
    I haven’t seen the movie but Ron Howard was probably the worst choice of directors. Although I’m not a fan of Spielberg he probably would have done a better job than Richie Cunningham.
    By the way did you know Speilberg has an entry in Spell-check? I checked this post for spelling mistakes and I spelled Spielberg wrong and Spell-check caught it.

  • 18. merovingian replies at 18th May 2006, 5:31 pm :

    I like that you talk about the box office, cuz it’s an interesting topic and as a movie fan, it’s my version of sports statistics.

    Have you seen the Edward Jay Epstein articles on Slate magazine? What do you think of what he says about the box office?

    He says that the box office numbers are unimportant because studios make most of their money from dvd sales and other revenue sources.

  • 19. liyo replies at 18th May 2006, 10:49 pm :

    Hey glen!

    have you ever thought about the people that read the book wouldn’t want to watch the movie.
    Since you know the story watching this movie will be less entertaining,(no twist=no fun) and perhaps some people will stay away to keep the good image of the book.
    I bet that the opening week will be between 40-50:0)

    by the way john; can you post the transformer posters, PLEASE!

  • 20. Kristina replies at 19th May 2006, 10:34 am :

    The biggest laugh of my day came when Doug demanded toys from Ronald Reagan.

  • 21. merovingian replies at 19th May 2006, 1:06 pm :

    umm john?

    sorry to repeat myself here, but you never responded to my question.

    Have you seen the Edward Jay Epstein articles on Slate magazine? What do you think of what he says about the box office?

    He says that the box office numbers are unimportant because studios make most of their money from dvd sales and other revenue sources.

  • 22. John Campea replies at 19th May 2006, 1:52 pm :

    No, haven’t read the article

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