40 Year Old Virgin Talking Andy Doll

Posted by on 29. 05. 2006in News Chat

Oh my goodness. This thing is soooo WRONG. Where is my credit card?

Mediamelt over at FIlmrot put up a link to this toy that is a must have for any geek collector (I’m positive my friend Shannon must already have this). The doll (as you can see) and Andy standing without his shirt just following the infamous chest hair removal scene. It says various lines from the film such as”

“I’m shyyyyyy”

“You know what guys, this is not a good look for me!”

“It loses its value if you take it out of its packagin” And many more.

The only thing I’m worried about… is if I bring a date over to my place who hasn’t seen the movie yet, and the first thing they see on my desk is a statuete of a hary man in nothing but boxers. Oh who am I kidding… like I’ll ever be able to get a real woman in my place. WHERE THE HELL IS MY CREDIT CARD!!!!!

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One Response to “40 Year Old Virgin Talking Andy Doll”

  1. wolf says:

    I want one for my birthday :D

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