Why I Hate The Jews

I never cease to be amazed by how we as a society tend to make broad stroking generalizations about people by their isolated opinions about movies. Sounds strange doesn’t it?

I remember a few years ago, it was getting close to Oscar season and I mentioned to a person I didn’t know very well that while I loved Schindler’s List, I didn’t think it was necessarily the best movie of the year. The person looked at me for a moment and HONESTLY asked me “What do you have against the Jewish people?” No, I’m not kidding.

As most of you know I had a similar situation happen just recently. I made some comments regarding Brokeback Mountain and how I didn’t think it deserved to be nominated for Best Film of the year. I was then flooded with emails and comments (even some newspapers) basically insinuating that I hated gay people. Nice.

Or take Fahrenheit 9/11. I liked it as a film, and instantly I had people all over the place labeling me a bleeding heart liberal. Feels like no one has any perspective anymore.

But I’m not the only one this happens to. Look at Clint Eastwood and his movie Million Dollar Baby. Great film. But as the risk of giving the ending away (spoiler alert), just because the girl dies at the end… assisted… people started picketing public appearances by Eastwood saying that he hates handicapped people. All because he told a story. I imagine as tough as he is, that must have hurt.

Or even Mel Gibson. He makes a movie about Jesus (which millions of people wanted to see) and even before the movie was finished or shown to anyone, people started bashing him as a religious zealot who joined me in my apparent hatred of the Jewish people (you know… which is obvious since I didn’t think it should have won best picture).

I’m sure I’m missing a million other examples… but you get the point. Movies are wonderful, but for some reason we tend to paint a person… I mean their whole character… in the light of one singe movie they make, or opinion they have about a certain movie. Doesn’t seem fair… and the fact of the matter is we all do it.

No real point or “moral of the story” to this post. Just the thoughts rolling through my head today that I though I’d share. Your thoughts?

43 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. The Black Guy

    Dude, you are so on point with your observations. However, I noticed one glaring omission. Answer this honestly, do you not like black people? j/k, but seriously I’ve noticed that you’ve avoided speaking about ‘black’ movies like ATL (most recent example) on the movieblog. This blog explains it, you are afraid people are gonna say you have a problem with Black people just because you thought a movie sucked.

  2. Hey Black Guy.

    Actually I haven’t had the chance to see ALT yet. But yes, you’re right on. I remember back when I wrote that it was a joke that 50 Cent was getting a movie (Because he’s a music star… NOT an actor). I got hammered by people calling me racist. It was actually terrible.

    It was so bad that I actually considered shutting the whole website down for a short time… ask Doug about it… it was awful.

    Yup Jews, Invalids, Gays, Blacks, Republicans… I hate them all!



  3. Gene

    Well how about you and Doug join by forthcoming army its called the

    North American Socilist Immagratinon relegion and opion Party better known to me a freind as


    Hi Ho Gene

  4. Thuorn

    dont feel bad john… i hate hippies… GODDAM HIPPIES!!!

  5. Lou_Sytsma

    John your post is spot on.

    It is amazing how people twist things to suit their world view. The recent spewing by BBMers over Crash winning the best picture Oscar is a textbook case. There is a lot of - Yeah I can be tolerant as long the world agrees with my position! - out there. Sad, very sad.

  6. Trey

    I’m guessing all of the stand-takers, political activists and such assume everyone has an agenda and when someone like you (or me, or the others commenting here) go through life enjoying/not enjoying movies for what they are, they take it upon themselves to label us as one way or the other. Keep up the good work, John.

  7. Mr Stay Puft

    We live in an age when a politician can support civil unions for gay couples and be labeled homophobic. If you think affirmative action should be abolished, then you’re a racist. How about the Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Alito? The unfortunate fact in this country - in this world - is that if you voice any intelligent opposition you run the risk of being labelled. Those who you oppose usually are unable to formulate an honest response, therefore they simply resort to name calling.

  8. The Black Guy

    Wow, John answered me. Oh my gosh, I spoke to a celeb.

    Dammit John, don’t ever let any group intimidate you especially Black folks. You were going to shut down the site?!?! What the hell?!?!? Even if you are a racist, so what…even racist are entitled to their own views. This site is one of the few I regularly visit daily and racist dirtbags or not, you guys are entertaining and enlightening to listen to.

    Tell Douglas to go away and tell Doug to come back. Since he’s the host, Douglas doesn’t even make an honest attempt at comedy. Doug almost made me spit grape soda on my work monitor laughing at his John Rambo wish a few eps ago. Keep up the good work.

  9. Doktorpee

    One word; Pow.

  10. mrjuju

    Gah! Almost spit my soda on the screen when I read that title! It was like FINALLY, he admits it… ^_^

    But seriously though, people do tend to complain the loudest over stuff that matters the least, for some reason that’s human nature. What’s that, there is millions of people starving across the world? Meh. Someone may not like a movie with strong racial or social overtones? I’m horrified! Outrage! Anger!

    Kind of makes you wish you could see what is in Ebert’s mail bin, I’d bet he gets letters you wouldn’t believe…

  11. Vidphile

    it’s like telling people who will see “Davinci Code” that they’re anti-christian. No they just want to see if the movie will live up to the hype. Or a christian who would see “The Last temptation…” betraying their religion. No, I’m just curious as to why all the fuss. it’s just a story!

  12. queen.padme.amidala


    Ignore them. Everyone has a pet political project, and people are bound to get riled up when they percieve a threat. There are people out there who use blogs and other media to perpetuate abuse against miniorities, but you aren’t one of them.

    Honestly, the best thing you can do is not take it personally. And even if there are people out there who think you are anti-semitic, the majority of us know that you aren’t.

    Keep up with your great blog. You won best damn blog on the internet for a reason…

  13. Brian

    I’m surprised that no one has come here and picked out flaws in your argument. But you’re absolutely right.

  14. Brayden

    “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle” highly offends me because the filmmakers are saying that if you have the munchies you must go to White Castle. Pizza Delivery and Tacos are way greater and much more effective.

    Those two guys, Doogie Howser, and the filmmakers are just damn bias.

  15. The 1mperfex Collector

    With all that said, has anyone ever heard of this online 9/11 film called ‘Loose Change’? It is on Google Video. I just found out about this movie on the radio discussing ‘Flight 93′. I don’t have time to watch it (it’s about 80 minutes).

    Just wanted to let ya know. What do you think?

  16. mogulus

    everyone can be guilty of bias. the fact is , we’re all biased. Your bias is that you wont’ appreciate a film based solely on it’s agenda and make sure it’s a good film to YOU before praising. Nothing wrong with that, I think. And I’ve come to rely on that trait about you for alot of movie news and opinion.

    But the internet gives people a virtual license to be a virtual asshole, and they dont’ have to worry about the fact that they look like idiots when they lable people as being against their own PERSONAL agenda. I just think it’s amazing entertainment to read post after post on my site and others where people try to attack you for speaking your opinion.

    In MY opinion, Homosexuals are messed up in the head. I personally can’t see any reason a dude wouldnt like boobs. But I also realize that’s my opinion. I also realize that Gay people have a right to THEIR opinion.

    In my further opinion, most people can realize their own rights, ( ie: gays realize they have the right to do who and what they want ) while leaving out other peoples’ rights ( ie: straight parents’ rights to not have their children completely bombarded with gay propheganda in films, mags, comics, TV and radio/music. )

    I’m a biggot. I won’t stop being a biggot for anything. But at least I realize I AM closed minded. And there’s nothing really wrong with that.

    Fuck them, John. You do the world a service by saying that which you think. Dont’ ever let them tell you you HAVE to censor yourself.

    besides. you’re actually one of the more fair minded bloggers OUT there.

  17. Jonathan

    Well said, John. Well said.

  18. alan green

    do i understand you correctly? do you find fault with the knee-jerk thought process? are you offended by lack of objectivity? inability to think in a logical manner? do you mind getting in line? i believe i was here first


  19. dark_lunar_wolf

    50 Cent is a rapper because he got shot and he thinks he’s a ”hardman” who can market the bullets that went trough him and like you said John he got to be in a movie because he is a music star. I need to be shot a few times so I can rap. No offence to people who like to rap but all rap is, are a bunch of people singing(or trying to sing) about how they are thugs or whatever. Look at Eminem all he sings about is killing his wife. 50 Cent or Fiddy Cent likes to sing about guns. I was in someones car and they had his album and the front of the album was Fiddy Cent surrounded by guns. Fuck sakes give me a brake.

    As for people who bitch about a movie being rascist, jew haters, gay haters when the movie is oviously not ect ect are just a bunch of sensitive pricks, come on seriously people who bash Clint for thinking he was a retard hater are retards themselves for thinking such bullshit.

  20. wolf

    50 Cent is a rapper because he got shot and he thinks he’s a ”hardman” who can market the bullets that went trough him and like you said John he got to be in a movie because he is a music star. I need to be shot a few times so I can rap. No offence to people who like to rap but all rap is, are a bunch of people singing(or trying to sing) about how they are thugs or whatever. Look at Eminem all he sings about is killing his wife. 50 Cent or Fiddy Cent likes to sing about guns. I was in someones car and they had his album and the front of the album was Fiddy Cent surrounded by guns. Fuck sakes give me a brake.

    As for people who bitch about a movie being rascist, jew haters, gay haters when the movie is oviously not ect ect are just a bunch of sensitive pricks, come on seriously people who bash Clint for thinking he was a retard hater are retards themselves for thinking such bullshit.

  21. DaveJ

    The picketing with the Eastwood movie blows my mind. The point of the ending, as I saw it, was not to make a general statement that the lives of all handicapped people are not worth living. Rather the point was that this character, given the life she lived before, decided on her own that she no longer wanted to live given the condition she was in. The point was that there may be legitimate cases in which an individual might decide that they no longer want to live, not that anyone in such circumstances should decide to end their life. Those people opposed to the film are the ones not being sensitive by failing to respect the possibility that certain individuals may wish to end their life in such circumstances. This touches on an issue which I think is interesting: Is it an acceptable assumption that life must always be preserved no matter the circumstances of that life are?

  22. KellTrenzer

    so wait, this is “The Official Home of Correct Movie Opinions” and you were gonna shut down the site because someone disagreed with your opinion about 50 cent?

  23. Hey Kell,

    No, I wasn’t going to shut down the site because someone disagreed with me. I was thinking about shutting it down because I have feelings and it’s not a lot of fun getting your email in box filled up with people calling you a racist.

  24. tom

    How could you write something so anti-semetic like “I hate jews”. Are you a Neo-nazi? I’ve been a fan, but now Im questiong my loyalty. the jew

  25. Hey Tom,

    I think you missed the point of the post. If you read it, the point is “I DON’T hate anybody”. The sarcastic nature of the title of the post was in response to the idea that I MUST hate the Jews because even though I loved Schindler’s list, I didn’t actually think it should have won Best Picture of the Year.

    It was a sarcastic title. IE. “I hate the jews… because I didn’t think schindler’s list was the best film of the year”? See?

    Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought the point of the title and the post was obvious. Perhaps it isn’t as obvious as I thought.



  26. antonio

    For those of you who went to public school in the U.S. and haven’t heard of Canada before, it’s a small, third-world country just north of the United States. Once you learn to understand their peculiar dialect of English, it’s not too hard to converse with Canadian natives.

    Canada is a poor and sparsely-populated country where up to 98% of the citizens are alcoholics. Most Canadian citizens have government jobs where they are paid to say “Eh?” all day long.

    OK, here’s the inside explanation for all of you Canadians who have, by now, worked yourself into a seriously indignant, perturbed, and self-righteous Canadanista fury:

    We Americans think all foreigners are scary, threatening people who are out to overthrow America. A completely looney American would think that Canadians are a threat to the American way of life, when in fact Canadians have a hard time threatening beavers. By appearing to attack Canadians, we’re actually making fun of an American stereotype — fearful of outsiders, poorly educated, and patriotic to the point of stupidity. We’re poking fun at Americans.

    The fact that Canadians completely fail to understand this is an endless source of amusement to everyone. The flaming Canadian patriotism — complete with tales of hockey, health care, Molson beer, and Canadian peace-keepers — are as unintentionally heart-warming as they are hilarious. It’s hard to imagine that that kind of heartfelt innocence still exists these days, because here in jaded America, it doesn’t.

    P.S. If you guys keep mouthing off, one of these days we’re gonna invade your sorry country and give you a serious ass-kicking.

  27. Matthew

    This movie (The Da Vinci Code)is just a Jewish response to Mel Gibsons, “The Passion!” In fact, all of the recent documentaries done on Christ have the same message, that is, “Christ is our enemy!” It’s funny, that in a time of tolerance and diversity, the Jews still feel quilty about their plot and murdering of the Messiah. Actually, I feel sorry for them. They are responsible for killing Christ then, and now!

  28. Bob

    Uhh… Matthew did you just say that. I hope our Jewish friends don’t actually think you speak for Christians (or Jesus) for that matter when you say that. Why is it that most have to apologize for the unthoughtful and unnecessary expressions of a few? Sorry for asking. And for Matthew.

  29. mogulus

    John, take some advice from someone who pisses people off at every turn: quit apologizing to people who misunderstand you.

    you have a forum most people would kill for. Your blog and audio show are among the most critically acclaimed in the nation and probably the best in the world in terms of subject matter and entertainment value. Thousands of folks listen to you every time you post a podcast. It’s the only one I DO listen to.

    If people want to think, after seeing this post, that you “hate the jews” they’re frankly too fucking stupid to understand anything you’d do and fully appreciate it anyway.

    Have balls of steel. They’re easier to carry, though they may be heavy.

  30. Hey Matthew.

    Ummm… I’d hate to break this to you… but from what I understand Brown isn’t Jewish.

    And, ummm… the person that caused the death of Jesus was… well… Jesus himself. He said the whole point he came was to die… so there you go.

    Just a little knowledge for you.


  31. mogulus

    damn jews. always trying to undercut our passion at every turn.
    let’s crucify them all.

  32. KellTrenzer

    Hey John,

    I’m sorry that people called you a racist and hurt your feelings. You’re right, it’s a completely valid reason for temporarily shutting down a website.

  33. susu1010l

    i wanna to say (OMEN ) is the best film i ever seen — it is full of mystery and longing

  34. susu1010l

    I am [email protected]
    I am very woundering if i could to see any film about the mystry and legend — so i ll never see a film like (OMEN) i regard it as the best and wounderfull it was amazing me and surprise me tooo much
    yours susu

  35. frankie

    hey john, you are right. their are a lot of people out there quick to judge and label you a bigot or racist base on any comments you make, regardless if it is pertaining to entertainment. personally, i think these people should get a life and lighten up. besides, everyone has some sort of bias, and living in this country, we can verbally express it without going to jail or getting shot.

    besides, no one likes jews anyhow. i’m asian american and i can’t stand them after working with them in hollywood. greedy people.

  36. Phillip Eno

    How do you feel about Mel Gibson now?? That most obviously rabid, jew-hating biggot. Do you still think he was “just making a movie” when he made passion??

  37. Jew hater

    I just wanted to post a comment regarding my hatred towards MOST (not all) Jews and Israel. I am not close-minded at all. My wife is Japanese, I have lived in Korea, Japan and have traveled to over 20 countries. I also speak Japanese, have a university degree and a high paying job.

    I never used to hate Jewish people at all. But the recent actions are totally ridiculous. To begin, with Israel should not have been created in 1948. This was Palestine. These people were forced to cede their country to make a Jewish state for the refugees fleeing Europe following World War Two. Why did the people of Palestine have to give up their country? 58 years later, it is pure chaos in Israel.

    The truth of the matter is that the Jews do rule the world by proxy. There are too many powerful and affluent Jewish people. The United States will not intervene in this war because there are too many influential Jews in America. The Israeli army is financeed by the United States. The Jews continue to slaughter innocent people in Lebanon while George Bush just sits back and does nothing.

    It was quite easy for the Bush Administration to begin an unnecessary war in Iraq in 2003. Invading Afganistan in response to the attacks in New York was justified, but now they should withdraw. I hope that Iran does not hesitate to mount a nuclear attack on Israel.

    The Jews are arguably the most stigmatized people in the history of the world. Why is it that Jews are so hated? Many (not all) Jewish people are brutish and pushy. It is a shame that Hitler didn’t kill all of them. It is unfortunate because there are some decent Jewish people. But generally speaking, they are very difficult to get a long with.

    The following list of people are also quite annoying.

    1) Chinese
    2) Italians
    3) East Indians
    4) Pakistanis
    5) Bangladashis
    6) Islamic people in general (it doesn’t matter which country)

    Have you ever read the Quran? It doesn’t call for any of this violence and conquest. It also doesn’t require Islamic women to wear Hijabs (the clothing that conceals their bodies).

    I am not Communist, but Religion is truly the Opiate of the people. Relgions are grossly misinterpreted and used as a tool to exploit the masses. I am a Christian. I don’t think that Jesus Christ would be happy with how people have exploited his word.

    People in general are idiots. Most people are easily manipulated and brain washed. There are many tools. There are so many annoying cultures that are used to brain wash the people. Islamic women are forbidden to do anything on there own. Some women in Africa under-go circumsission which is painful and can lead to infection.

    Fuck the world!! It will never be perfect. Even Canada is a shit-hole. People are so rude. I hate patriotic Canadians. Being proud of where you are from is stupid. We are all human beings from the same cells. It doesn’t matter where you are from.

    I am tired of ranting because it is a waste of time. I should concentrate on my family, career, health etc.

  38. happy nigga!

    blacks and hispanics rule! the rest of u r o.k.

  39. michael NYCA

    Setting the Borat issue straight on Behalf of Kazakhstan
    Like millions of Americans I have seen the Borat movie but unlike many I have been to Kazakhstan — also spelled Kazakstan — and I want to set the record straight. Kazakhstan is a wonderful country with customs that are both foreign and familiar to ours. In fact, there are many things I would take back to America. Borat (Sasha Cohen) has made this country look like it is populated with nothing but slovenly, unwashed, immoral, uneducated people ‚Äì this is almost completely false in my experience. No, they don‚Äôt have an Ivy League educational system but these people for the most part are good-hearted and, if not well-read by our American standards, they do love storytelling. They ritually gather at village centers ‚Äì usually this is where bartering and exchanges are conducted for food and services - and they share their knowledge by applying the oral tradition (please let‚Äôs not lower ourselves to the Boratian ‚Äòoral‚Äô jokes here). Yes, their technology is not at the state where ours is yet so they compensate with conversation, face to face. I‚Äôd actually like to see more of this in our world versus the faceless interchange of the internet. We might be a happier people. This helps their families stay close ‚Äì and, again to refute Borat‚Äôs incest insinuations, this is not a national sport and I saw very little there to give one pause to consider it is more than a rare occurrence which is indeed not looked well upon even in the most rural stretches. These are a happy people with great values.
    No, Borat, they do not make their 8 year old children work by force. And women can vote in all elections. Legal age to wed is up to the families themselves. They are not a race of anti-Semites - they have a small Jewish population of over 170 who are situated by their own free will to live in a ghetto. But this is common: America and the world are replete with communities where people of similar backgrounds and mindsets gather and create neighborhoods ‚Äì we have all been to Chinatown, Little Italy, Germantown. The food in Kazakhstan is some of the best tasting I have ever had in all my travels; always fresh. You cannot believe what they do with their vegetables and their goats (although Borat only highlights the sexual engagements ‚Äì another exaggeration at their expense. I never saw anything like what the comedian speaks of. But let us not be so self righteous to forget about our own iconic cowboys who have gotten lonely on the trail — and the stories about them and cattle ‚Äì rumors as well, I‚Äôm sure.) The people of Kazakhstan are indeed passionate and excellent dancers ‚Äì Borat showed us that and the men do generally dance with great fanfare with each other as he indicated but again this is not unlike many countries. Most of all, I would take home to America the laughter and kindness of these simple people ‚Äì they tell jokes all day on all subjects especially special family events. If your daughter is married in Kazakhstan, she is not sold for a VCR with a remote control like Borat says ‚Äì and, remember, in America many brides‚Äô parents still offer dowries or at least pay for the wedding so we are not really so different. The bride, as is the custom of Kazakhstan, is always asked to work for both families ‚Äì this brings everyone closer. During the days she might, for example, work at the dairy or farm and nights she might sew or cook or clean and it is not uncommon for the young bride to have a say in the family financials. One fact to consider is that women in Kazakhstan do not live as long as men. This is the opposite of the statistics in the United States. So I wouldn‚Äôt want to live there with my present wife and daughter. Other than that, Kazakhstan is a place we can learn from. In closing, please realize the difference between a false documentary or propaganda and pure fiction. While the Borat film is funny, it is not real in many ways ‚Äì although the men, as he showed in his movie too graphically for many tastes, do not consider nudity offensive. They swim without bathing suits and walk after their swim back into town often with nothing but towels around their necks. Their innocence is something to be admired — and if not, one can simply shield one‚Äôs eyes. There are a great many people in Kazakhstan who are offended by the publicity and news stories about Borat‚Äôs film though they will not see it due to the fact there are not many movie theatres there.

  40. Myles Mendenhall

    Pop trio Atomic Kitten will reform to play a concert in support of jailed Liverpool football fan Michael Shields…

  41. Nate

    Yea main dude, uh your an idiot. Jesus isnt responsible for His death. If you knew anything about the Bible you would know that He prayed that He wouldnt have to die. But it was the only way that the human people could be saved. It was in fact the Jews who are responsible for His death. That doesnt make them bad people, it just means that got caught up in the hype brought by the Jewish leaders. After Jesus was killed the people realized it was wrong and a lot of them repented.

    To the guy that said Mel Gibson DID have an agenda in his movie: all he did was portray the passion story directly from the Bible. If you believe he did this to bash Jews, then you believe that the people who wrote the Bible also hated the Jews,when they themselves were Jews. Maybe this is where the stereo type of self-loathing Jews comes from?

  42. wes

    your a fucking homo. Yeah i dont like blacks? What the fuck is your problem you little fag ass white boy? I hope somebody sees you and reconizes you from this site and pulls your ho card pussy. I bet you’d act like you liked black people right before you get your teeth knocked down your thoart. hiding behide the internet is gay as fuck. look at yourself you dont get any pussy do you? little ugly ass lame ass white boy i wish i could meet you cause you wouldnt be reviewing shit after i got done with you. who gives a fuck about what your lame ass thinks about movies anyway



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