This entry was posted on Friday, April 21st, 2006 at 9:22 am.
Categories: News Chat.

Oh Delicious! News on The Transformers movie front has been pretty scarce of late, and now there finally seems to be some significant news. It looks like a whole bunch of casting for the human characters has been done. The good folks over at Cinematical give us this:

some major casting moves. The list is long, and contains several actors familiar to director Michael Bay. They are, in no particular order, Jon Voight, Michael Clarke Duncan, Josh Duhamel, Bernie Mac, Tyrese, John Turturro, Rachael Taylor, Megan Fox, Travis Van Winkle and John Robinson.

Ok, I have to admit I like that list… HOWEVER….

After doing some reading… these are all HUMAN characters. I DON’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THE FRIGGING HUMAN CHARACTERS!!!! I don’t want the Transformers movie to focus on a bunch of humans! I want to see giant robots beating the crap out of each other and throwing each other through buildings and mountains.

The thing that I’m worried about is that every human character cast is more minutes of human screen time. Every minute of human screen time is one LESS minute of Optimus Prime screen time!!! This is too many relevant human characters!!!! All I want to see is Braun kicking Thundercracker in the face! (If you know what I’m talking about, congratulations, you’re officially as big of a geek as me).

Your thoughts?

19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jim

    I concur. Those would all be great VOICES… but they are definitely human characters???? That seems like a lot of “humans” for a movie involving a buncha robots.

    As long as they have the dinobots and Grimlock saying “Me Grimlock no like xxx …” etc. (Which i dont think will happen.)

    I dunno. Ever since its announcement i have been just as nervous as i have been excited. I really HOPE this movie doesn’t suck. If they make it for fans, it is a GARAUNTEED moneymaker. If they try and make it for kids or “family friendly” it will suck. A nice PG-13 rating with a good script would be awesome.

  2. bullet in the head

    I have a feeling this won’t be the way those of us remember the toys and cartoon of our childhood want it to be. I think they are going to go all out on focusing on Humans because they feel that the majority of the viewing audience won’t connect with it otherwise. I think it will feature some great special affects, but great special effects, even of robots transforming is not that revolutionary anymore and I tired of saying “Well it had good special” effects after seeing something, the film itself also need to be good to.

    Still I hope I am wrong and its just big robots kicking shit out of each other.

    When I was a kid for a while I only owned Soundwave in the middle of a furious game of transformers every one was like I’m changing into a jet plane, truck or car … Was not very threatening that my toy turned into a stereo.

  3. SNOW37

    What the fuck! Bernie Mac and Tyrese. I hope they don’t try to add some stupid pimped out transformers. Lets keep it classic. Why is Bernie Mac even famous?

  4. Cory

    My faith is fading faster than a Catholic schoolboy. Woe is me. I figure that if I set myself up for disappointment, the only place left to go is up. I predict this movie to suck. As I remember it, there were what, three humans in the series who played signifigant roles? Always screwing things up……. However. I would absolutely love to see the Insecticons or the Constucticons… DEVASTATOR baby oh hell yeah!!!!

  5. Doktorpee

    Sod the humans for all I care…I just want to see Bay do his thing, translate his action-phillic scenes seen in Bad Boys II into some robotass kicking scenes! Holy crap, Im really getting excited about this movie.

  6. fiend

    apparently you’re not much of a geek…it’s “Brawn” not “Braun”

  7. Meli

    I agree that the focus on this many human characters worries me. I don’t see the need to have many accept many in the background. I want so badly for this movie to bring back all the childhood wonderment, but I too fear that it’s going to ruin the great memories of the melodramatic dialogue and outrageous ass kickings.

  8. Drewbacca

    Are you sure these are all human characters? The article from cinematical doesn’t say anything about that. These could be voices or actual people inside a suit or something. Not unlike Andy Serkis play Kong. Isn’t that a more likely possibility?

    IMDb also has Shia LaBeouf in negotiations for a role. Cool. I like him…and not in gay way.


  9. Drewbacca

    I take it back, I just looked more into it, and you are correct John (as usual). Here is what I found from IGN:

    IGN has also learned that the following actors are being lined up for roles: Tyrese as “Epps”; John Turturro as “Simmons”; Rachael Taylor as “Maggie,” previously described as a super-hot and super-smart codebreaker for the government; Megan Fox as “Mikaela,” referred to in a casting notice as Sam’s love interest; Travis Van Winkle as “Trent”; and John Robinson as “Miles.”

    I don;t know any of these characters (i’m not as much of a dork as you I guess), but they sound human to me.


  10. themarina

    I’m with ya. Who cares about the humans. Give us the big bad robots!

  11. louis

    sooner see the sailormoon movie.

  12. Darko

    Just a question…How will a live action film work for 90 minutes with ravaging robots? I mean, I thought the animated episodes ruled, but I just don’t know how you can make this work without human interaction. You don’t have any facial emotion. It’s like looking at the Green Goblin and Spider-Man, taking to each other, all over again.

  13. Doktorpee

    “It’s like looking at the Green Goblin and Spider-Man, taking to each other, all over again.”

    Sounds like a multi-million $$$ movie right there to me! lol

  14. darko


    I am actually talking about the roof-scene in Spider-Man (first part). For me, this scene didn’t work at all.

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  16. Absurdnonsense

    Just by looking at the human cast, and NOT one single voice actor has confirm my worst fears: Micheal Bay and Steven Spielberg are gonna do a “Pearl Harbor” and “War of the Worlds” repeat.


  17. Absurdnonsense

    A response to Darko: Aren’t the Autobots “human” enough?

    With the slow emergence with all-star CGI characters these days (aside from the fact that Final Fantasy: Spirits Within was a complete letdown), I think it’ll be possible to have a all-CGI cast to display the same kind of “human” feel that we can connect to. The Dreamwave TF comics proved this point without a single organic fellow in it.

    Further more, some of the TFers, like Megatron and Prowl, do have human-like faces to convey emotions. :)

  18. Pozycjonowanie

    News on The Transformers movie front has been pretty scarce of late, and now there finally seems to be some significant news. It looks like a whole bunch of casting for the human characters has been done. The good folks over at Cinematical give us this:

  19. Joel B

    I just hope they don’t make it suck as bad as The Hulk did cause I was really looking forward to that too! I grew up with Transformers and Thundercats so they better not tarnish the memory!