Thor Movie Gets New Writer

Thor MovieSome time ago we reported that there was indeed a Thor movie in development. It still is, but apparently there is a new writer attached to it. Poseidon scribe Mark Protosevich has now taken over the Vallhalah (sp?) assignment.

What I find interesting is how he describes the project. I’m not a Thor fan, but I’d be curious to see what Thor fans think of this. The following is from the good folks at AICN:

“In the comics, the stories that appealed to me most were the features called ‘Tales of Asgard,’ ” CAA-repped Protosevich said. “They were very much based on the traditional Norse myths and how the relationship between being like Thor and Loki and Thor and Odin, and how these beings manifested themselves. I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say the movie will take place in the world of myth and legend but will not betray some of the thematic elements of the comics that made them so appealing, like the idea of a god growing to truly understand man.”

What do you guys think? That that sound consistent with the comic or is it a new approach. I’m sure Doug will have something to say about it on The Audio Edition tonight.

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  • 1. Henrik replies at 28th April 2006, 12:50 pm :

    Its Valhalla John. And btw all you americans, Mjolnir (Thors hammer) is NOT a made up word. It was NOT invented by Stan Lee. Even though Stan Lee is a fucking genius, he stole this from norse mythology. And I’m danish so I know. Anyway, Marvel should go with my Thor script, and forget this guy. I mean he wrote a movie about a sinking ship? Pfft big deal.

  • 2. Greg replies at 28th April 2006, 1:33 pm :

    Lamest. Comment. Ever.

  • 3. Henrik replies at 28th April 2006, 1:58 pm :

    Haha ouch. I just read it again…came off a little lamer than intended…I was being sarcastic just to clear that up. Ill stay away from now on ;)

  • 4. Brian replies at 28th April 2006, 2:02 pm :

    As a Thor comic book fan, I’m excited about any news on a Thor Movie. That being said, the tales of asgard storylines were never that appealing to me or my few friends who bought Thor comic books.

  • 5. Trout replies at 28th April 2006, 6:07 pm :

    This is the best and safest way to do a Thor movie. The only other way to put Thor on the big screen is in an Avengers movie, and that is a whole can of worms that I don’t think would ever work out right. I hope they pick up some of Walt Simonson’s stuff from his run on Thor. All the cosmic mystic hub-bub is what Thor is about. I kind of hope they also have the secret identity thing in there as well. The old dude that bangs his stick then turns into this giant beautiful man-god is an awesome twist. This will allow Thor to walk around and perceive normal life and will be an interesting view into how Thor see regular people.

  • 6. mogulus replies at 30th April 2006, 12:25 am :

    this is pretty much what I’d want to see…. except underneath the God growing to understand man thing I’d want to see the story of Eric Masterson or that other guy who I can’t remember because of pot consumption learning to understand Thor.

    oh and the fact he mentioned Loki is good. ONLY with LOKI can you make a perfect thor movie.

  • 7. I Am Johns Arrogant Ass replies at 30th April 2006, 11:24 am :

    What i’ve always hated about Thor is that he was such a huge guy, the god of Thunder and always drawn to fill the whole cell. Yet he carried this little tiny hammer that you use for making horseshoes.

    Thor should look like that guy in Conan with that huge hammer because it looked so intimidating and powerful. But instead he carries a hammer that looks like the one that came with my build-it-yourself Ikea shelf.

  • 8. austynn dame replies at 5th May 2006, 11:48 pm :

    vladimir kulich should play thor richard roxburgh should play loki and christopher lee should be odin.

  • 9. EEvil replies at 15th May 2006, 8:30 pm :

    Loki rules…

    He’s the one…

    Once he’s present, the movie’s quality is guaranteed…

  • 10. Courtney Gidts replies at 23rd May 2006, 11:00 pm :

    I’ve managed to save up roughly $81635 in my bank account, but I’m not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?

  • 11. David Berry replies at 17th October 2006, 10:19 am :

    I have the perfect person in mind to play the lead character. WWE wrestler Triple H. He has the look and size to play Thor. He’d be perfect for the role.

  • 12. rajim replies at 24th November 2006, 12:21 am :

    Please don’t botch this movie. Thor was the best of the marvel Universe. Vladimir Kulich is Thor. He has the size, coloring, the voice and the presense to pull off a blockbuster that will become classic Marvel for years to come, or until we’re all older than the hills and a new bunch of movie makers come into being and remake everything that we watch now.
    At any rate, Vladimir Kulich looks born to play this role and if he isn’t Thor, I refuse to watch the flick. As far as a wrestler playing Thor? Forget it. Wrestlers wrestle, actors act. Leave them to their trades and do rigt by Thor fans everywhere. Please please please do not botch this movie the way Hulk was ruined. Thor needs to interact with midgard bound humans. The whole premise of the comics was this fact. Visuals should be overwhelming and make the audience FEEL Thors power.
    Vladimir Kulich as Thor
    Bruce Campbell as Loki
    John Rhys Davies as Odin (His voice and size fit as does his talent)
    Just some suggestions. I picked up my first Thor comic 35 years ago and throughout my childhood I enjoyed each issue better than the last.

    I say again, please don’t ruin this film. I’ve waited years for it. Listen to the fans and get it right. After all, we’re the ones who will make it a success or failure. Remember that as the script is being written and actors chosen for the parts.

  • 13. Trey replies at 4th April 2007, 8:10 pm :

    I am happy to see the Thor movie in development. I agree that this movie should be a epic sized movie. In my humble opinion, the movie should be at least a trilogy. The first movie should have Thor as a child/teenager comming into his own and have him progressively get older as the other movies come out. Please include the classic
    Thor characters: Loki, warriors three, Sif, Balder etc. Maybe even throw in a little Greek mythology? Please do not over focus on a love story. Asgard should be beautiful, we shoud see midgard in the movie series and many of the classic enemies. I am excited and will support any movie bearing the title Thor. Just dont ruin the story line like the Hulk and X-men films. Thank you.

  • 14. Bjorn Wolfhammer replies at 27th April 2007, 12:26 am :

    This sounds like it’s going to resemble the Disassembled plot, which is one of the most bad ass Thor novels EVER. Plus, it contains the most Thor-history in one single issue, covering from the creation of Mjolnir to the death and resurrection of Thor.

    I agree that it should take place in the world of Myth and Legend, after all…it’s Thor’s element. I could see the movie getting real gay if it were to be his interactions on earth. The superman movies have already blasted that whole “superhero strives to understand the humans he’s trying to save” theme to the heavens. So i think everything sounds awesome.

    I haven’t read all the hype yet, but who’s up for Thor? I would vote Crispin Glover for Loki - He’s got that spoiled prick look about him - andthe jaw structure to compliment the character, but he’ll be busy doing Grendell for Beowulf.

  • 15. john "the wolfman" block replies at 15th August 2007, 1:37 am :

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  • 16. john "the wolfman" block replies at 15th August 2007, 1:49 am :

    I have been a THOR comic fan since 3rd grade and have followed the call in my blood from my ancestors of old in the legends of the
    Vikings. I am not a fan of the whole blended with a mortal thing that marvel always goes to in telling his story.
    If this movie goes through don’t just plop anybody in their. Use a no name from Iceland or Norway. With cameras they can make any body 7 feet. Look what they did with Xerces in 300. If you’re gonna use an actor, use Gerald Butler. And take some serious notes from ” Beowuld and Grendal” directed by Sturla Gunnarsson! If you haven’t seen it GO AND GET IT!! As far as the story goes the THOR from the alternate reality after “Onslaught”. Seeing Thor in the pub putting down a few dozen pints ….. collecting his thoughts, that’s putting the humanity into him without the alter ego thing!

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