The Condemned With Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vinnie Jones

Steve-Austin-The-CondemnedThe WWE has been in the process of developing its own films for a little while now. One of the projects they have in the works is called “The Condemned“. This one will star former wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin and a guy I get a real kick out of seeing on screen Vinnie Jones (playing Juggernaut in the upcoming X-Men 3).

Austin is a HUGE dude, who has all the physical tools to pull off a great action hero. The only problem is that I don’t know if the guy can act. His small part in The Longest Yard didn’t really give us much to base an opinion on. So I guess we’ll have to wait and see. The good folks over at Empire give us this synopsis of “The Condemned”:

Austin will play a man on death row in a corrupt Central American jail. He’s “bought” by a wealthy TV producer looking for the next big thing in reality telly. Austin’s character must fight to the death with nine other condemned men.

Yeah… wasn’t this called “The Running Man” a few years ago? Oh well… it could still be fun.


  • 1. borloff replies at 20th April 2006, 5:00 pm :

    I used to be a HUGE wrestling fan toward the end of Austin’s run. Having seen him go through a few different personas (all variations of the stone cold character though), i think he has what it takes to actually “act”. We shall see, but i do look forward to seeing him on the big screen.

  • 2. darren seeley replies at 20th April 2006, 7:05 pm :

    Uh, no. It wasn’t 1987’s Stephen King (Richard Bachman) adaptation of The Running Man, with Arnie S and Maria Conchita Alonso.

    Brainstorming, the closest I can come up with are:

    1. A DTV flick with Canadain actor/action star Jeff Wincott where martial artists are kidnapped and forced to fight to the death; “Fatal Blow” or something like that.

    2. A throwback to Leon Issac Kennedy’s “Penetentary” B flicks of the 70’s/80’s

    3. A DTV flick with Oliver Grunier “Circut 2″

    4. A DTV flick with Jean Claud Van Damme, “In Hell”

    Hmmm…there’s a pattern forming here….

  • 3. STICKMAN replies at 20th April 2006, 7:33 pm :

    I can’t in sound mind pay money or waste two hours of my life watching a movie in which the main character is a current or former star of the WWF

    I am still waiting for my refund from seeing No Holes Barred in theatre.

    Sadly i will never get those 90 minutes of my childhood back

  • 4. Kristina replies at 21st April 2006, 7:04 am :

    I’m still into wrestling, and Austin is NOT huge. Nuh uh. Every guy I’ve seen him wrestle towers over him. He is in good shape, although his knees are really fucked up.

  • 5. Kraziewonderful replies at 16th February 2007, 3:50 pm :

    Ok, as a kid i loved to watch stone cold steve austin wrestle. These days wrestling would be the biggest and fakest thing on tv. Although when i was kid i though it was awesome, stone cold was like the one who brung it alive. So i really forward to seeing that badass on the big screen.

  • 6. Reth316 replies at 18th February 2007, 3:04 pm :

    have been huge wrestling fan all m years, still watch it regulary with a passion for it & austin is my fav of all time so i really hope this film is decent, i dont expect great things from it but i do expect it to be better than see no evil (which was ok) & marine (which sucked) time will tell i guess

  • 7. JD replies at 20th February 2007, 2:53 pm :

    wen i woz small yeh a used 2 love austin he used 2 whup lots of superstars ASSES!! N know he iz makin a film wow dats great and i also know that austin will be returning at wrestlemaina.I cnt wait 2 see austins movie!!Im only 12 yrs old and i still watch wrestling and i cnt wait 2 see austin whip more ppls asses bak in dat wwe ring.

  • 8. INTY replies at 20th February 2007, 2:59 pm :

    since i woz a kid i hve alwys lved stone cold cause i believe he woz da toughest wrestler ever and i hope his career dsnt end jus yet.And it is very boring without him!

    i know dis is my cozins address its cause i dnt hve a an address you see LOL

    inty 17yr old.

  • 9. Bob replies at 3rd March 2007, 4:48 am :

    “These days wrestling would be the biggest and fakest thing on tv.”?
    That’s a ridiculous statement considering that they do in fact brutalize each other. How many celebrities on any other ..ahem..”non-fake” show on TV…has the knees of Austin?
    I suppose the Sopranos, Law & Order, and Desperate Houswives are not fake…

  • 10. JohnyT replies at 3rd March 2007, 10:25 am :

    The trailer looks promising..
    Here is the new trailer of..The Condemned

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