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Mr. Bean 2

I loved Mr. Bean! i’ve been watching his shows (mostly re-runs obviously) since I was a little kid. Imagine how sad I was when I went to see the movie “Bean” and had to watch it suck. It broke my little heart.

Well… it looks like someone realizes there is still potential in this treasure of a character and they’re going to take a crack at doing a Bean 2!. The good folks over at Filmfodder give us this:

The plot of the new film revolved around Bean vacationing at Cannes. He stumbles his way into getting his video diary being screened.

Ok… that doesn’t give us much to go on. But Rowan Atkinson is a genius, and all we can do is hope that he’s able to revive that brilliant character for the big screen. Because man… he sure failed at it with the first movie.

8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. wolf

    I liked Mr Bean tv show, I remember watching it as a little kid. I’ve only seen parts of the first movie and I didn’t like of what I’ve seen of it. I remember the character talking alot in it which I didn’t like all because one of the charms of the tv show was the silance of the character.

  2. Sarah

    I have always enjoyed Rowan Atkinson, but I must admit I have always been a bigger Black Adder fan then Mr. Bean. That being said though I did see the first movie and wasn’t impressed, but I will be anxious to hear more about this new one.

  3. Koko

    I actually really enjoyed the Mr Bean movie, thought it was not too bad! I thought Rowan Atkinson and Peter MacNeol(I’ve got no idea how to spell his last name, but it’s the short weird guy that use to be on Ally McBeal and is now on Numbers)
    Looking forward to seeing what they come up with next because I agree, Rowan Atkinson is a genious but has he still got it!??? Especially after that nervous breakdown he had because of Johnny English bombing at the box office and getting critically drubbed!

  4. Lou_Sytsma

    Loved the show, really disappointed with the movie. Another attempt worries me - I think Atkinson has shot his bolt.

  5. Mr Stay Puft

    I’m with Sarah, I’m more of a Black Adder fan. Of course, Bean with a turkey on his head is one of the greatest comic moments ever.

    F@#%in’ plagiarist “Friends”!

    Rowan Atkinson is a great talent, but in feature films his track record is better as a supporting player - “Four Weddings and a Funeral”, “Love Actually”, “The Tall Guy”. I’m not sure I’ll be on board for “Bean 2″.

  6. Koko

    He was in Love Actually for about 1 minute!!! He should’ve been in the credits at the end, he definately should NOT have been billed as a main character, he was wasted in the flick.

    AMEN! Bring on Black Adder

  7. Gregory Isaacs

    The judge who put coded messages in his Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial ruling has written another…

  8. Ross Anderson

    What the hell r u taking about. The mr bean film is clearly hilarious u mutts.

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