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Major And Amazing Transformers Movie News

I’ve said a dozen times that there is no single movie project I am looking forward to more than the upcoming Transformers movie. And slam Bay all you want, I actually think he is the man for this particular job. I was starting to get a little worried about the film when I saw how big the human cast was getting… untill…

The lucky bastards over at AICN got to interview Michael Bay (the director) about The Transformers. And in the interview he shares some amazing stuff. Including:

1) They ARE INDEED auditioning the ORIGINAL voice actors for The Transformers!!!! That’s not to say they WILL be cast. Bay wants to make sure their voices haven’t aged too much (which makes sense to me)

2) We DO INDEED see Cybertron!

3) There is an Optimus Prime and Megatron Fight in downtown Los Angeles!!!!!

4) Scorponok is in the movie

5) The characters are being slightly re-designed so they won’t be as “blocky”. This also makes good sense to me.

6) The Movie starts in Antartica with a man finding something strange in the ice (geee… I wonder what that might be)

7) Action Action Action - “From the animatics, the action seemed to be huge and what you’d want from a movie like this. Of course, Bay’s fingerprints are all over them, even at this early stage of planning. I saw fights between fully transformed Autobots and Decepticons that had them plucking lamp posts out of the ground and smashing the other with the blocky concrete end, I saw them jumping all over each other, only to be shot back by an arm cannon, I saw mid-air transformations from a Jet into a robot as it collides a standing robot in downtown LA” Yes Yes Yes!!!

8) Movie starts shooting NEXT MONTH

9) Teaser trailer comes to us July 4th

10) Optimus will still indeed be a Mac truck

Ok, I’m officially back on the band wagon again. I’m going to see this thing 12 times in the first 3 days of release no matter how good or bad it ends up being.

Your thoughts?

35 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. lizardfreak

    Wow, sounds good. And I like that they won’t be blocky, the transfer won’t look cheesy on screen. Plus I’ve been iffy about this film from the get go(thinking it would just plain SUCK), but having read all of this…i’m excited as hell; do it up Bay!

  2. DarKing

    I found it interesting when I first heard Michael Bay as director for ‘Transformers’. So I think it is a nice blend: an action-movie director on a popular cartoon movie that’ll become live-action, with (what should be) very expense CGI. I’m now interested for this movie. I won’t get my hopes up, like with X3.

    Holy SHIT! I found the original ‘Transformers’ movie in my garage! Gotta go!

  3. Vidphile

    I think I just wet myself.

  4. Bunk


  5. Doktorpee

    Im glad to see people are now raving on about Bay - I always had hope in that fella from the start :) But the fight in downtown LA??? Oh.My.God heh, how is this film NOT going to rock?! CGI saturation, here we come!

  6. Rawhead

    This movie sounds real big, and after watching Bay’s The Island & those action sequences, I can’t wait. I’m not a big fan of Michael Bay, but he’s the only director that can make The Transformers, entertaining & very, very destructive.

  7. Jay

    I bet there will be alot of these costumes over the next two years..

    BADASS!!! I tell ya… check them out


  8. Jonesy

    Isn’t this for kids? Im going to be embarrassed to go and pay to see this.

  9. noname

    please read the boards for the rest of the info john,

    1. soundwave will prolly be this foil-like character? noone is sure yet, but last info that came out on soundwave, was that he would be 6 feet tall and would get his head ripped off by a girl…
    2. the auditioning of the original two voices- will prolly be lip service so as to not cause fan-frenzy, they havent aged in their voices, there’s tons of audio out there that prove that- also, what im afraid may happen, is that they will give a stellar performance, and bay will cast clooney or hanks instead- no matter what.
    3. optimus may not have a face guard, at least, only when he is not in battle, oh, and it looks like hes silver and blue only.
    4. there is a decepticon truck, but noone knows who that will be.
    - hope this enhances your view a bit- yea there are good things to the movie, but we arent out of the woods yet.

  10. Eric

    any word yet if they will be bio desile, or hybrid transofrmers?

  11. wolf

    I used to watch Transfromers when I was a wee kid. But I haven’t seen it in years. But I am looking forward to the movie. Micheal Bay is an awesome director. I loved The Island, it was so underrated. I’m also glad Michael Clarke Ducan is in it, I love that guy. I was in class day dreaming about a teaser trailer for the movie, I was coming up with my very own one. Like you see the Transformer Autobot symbol coming close to the screen then a brief glance of Optimus Prime, then we see the Decepticon symbol coming towards the screen and a brief flash of Megatron. The we see both symbols crash into each other and a Brief glance of Otimus Prime and Megatron charging towards each other and then trailer ends, I don’t know images going trough my head.

  12. Pineapplehead

    Oh man - if they’ve got Scorponok in this film it’s going to be insane. Isn’t he the same size as Metroplex ie almost CITY BIG?

    We need to see a scene of Prime launching himself off a bridge onto Scorps head, transforming mid way and pulling his kick ass cannon out like he did to Devastator in the new Dreamwaves comics last year.

  13. Sylvain Reyes

    Me and my brothers just saw BUMBLEBEE and a few other transformers and what appeared to be furutistic SWAT or military vehicles filming on the 105 and 110 freeways in Los Angeles. We also saw a HUMMER and an entire filming crew. Then we saw the military vehicle speed up the 105 freeway ( which was closed off ). AWESOME!!!

  14. liam

    im 25 years old and have been waiting for this for a looooooooooong time. im gonna be waiting outside the movie theatre at midnight on the day it opens. does anyone know if its all the original generation 1 and 2 characters or are we gonna have to deal with the crap bots they got now? i wanna see devastator and the dinobots kick ass and starscreen and hotrod. and unicron…god that would be awesome. im looking forward to this more than any other movie ever!!

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    What kind of TRANSFORMERS is it on itv2 in the morning
    it is very cool but the movie isn’t like it at all!

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