Jon Favreau To Direct Iron Man

The new Iron Man movie project has finally got itself a firm director. Jon Favreau is taking the reigns and apparently the studio is now fast tracking the project. I have mixed feelings about this.

First of all I think Iron Man will make for a great comic-book movie. The character is interesting with some great flaws (I think good flaws make the best heroes). I also LOVE Jon Favreau. However…

I like Jon Favreau as an ACTOR. I always think he does a great job (Loved him in Daredeveil, Swingers, The Replacements… ect.). I’m NOT so sure of him as a director. “Made” was ok, “Elf” was carried by Will Ferrel, and Zathura was not so great. Yes, he’s a geek at heart an loves Iron Man… but loving something doesn’t make you good at it. I LOVE hockey with a passion… but the Toronto Maple Leafs aren’t about to invite me to a try out.

Man, I hope he can pull this off. I do like his style, so there is certainly hope.

I’m reserving judgement for now. Let’s just see how things unfold.

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  • 1. wolf replies at 28th April 2006, 12:21 pm :

    At this point in time I’m just glad they got someone to direct and that the person is a Ironman fan. I’m more worried about who is going to play Ironman.

  • 2. Mr Stay Puft replies at 28th April 2006, 1:45 pm :

    I’ve heard many names batted around on other sites. Strangely, Tom Cruise was a popular choice. He could pull off the swaggering playboy side of Tony Stark convincingly. So could George Clooney, but he sucked as Batman, so maybe he should stay away.

    Another I’ve heard is Karl Urban (”Lord of the Rings”, “The Bourne Supremacy”). Superhero movies don’t need A-list actors to make them successful, so Urban might be a nice choice.

  • 3. Crazy replies at 29th April 2006, 1:18 pm :

    John, you realize you’re pretty much the only person on the planet who doesn’t love the hell out of Elf right?


  • 4. John Campea replies at 29th April 2006, 1:30 pm :

    Hey there Crazy.

    Considering it only has a 64 on Metacritic, I think it’s more than safe to say that I am NOT the only one who didn’t “love the hell” out of elf.


  • 5. charkhammis replies at 30th April 2006, 10:54 pm :

    Zathura got a bad, bad rap. John has done great as a director- creating films with heart and fun. Zathura took me back to the fun movies of the 80’s that were made for kids, but stood the test of time because they didn’t play to the lowest common denominator. Zathura is one of those. Practical effects, imagination and kids that aren’t building a better mousetrap to shoot a fart or ballon full of goo for some grown-up to slip on and fall flat into A) ass to a sharp object B) A bucket of paint C) Food.

    Favreau is going to make Iron Man a film worth seeing.

  • 6. trysop replies at 2nd May 2006, 11:06 pm :

    Wow, I just played Iron Man at a sci-fi convention 2 weeks ago. Photo evidence here:

  • 7. Ignazio Rao replies at 27th July 2006, 6:09 pm :

    Tom Cruise man, all the way….

    That’s all I gotta say…

    -Ignazio Rao

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