I, Lucifer

I-Lucifer MovieIt looks like the new James Bond is already working hard not to get type casted. Daniel Craig has reportedly signed on to play THE DEVIL in the new adaptation of an “I, Lucifer” movie. I think it sounds pretty decent actually.

The good folks over at CHUD give us this little peak into the project:

The story finds Old Scratch granted an opportunity to live as a mortal for a month in the body of a suicidal writer (named Declan Gunn - anagram alert!). Once he’s sampled drugs and whores (I knew there was a reason I loved the devil, hail Satan), he sets about marketing the film rights to his life, but slowly discovers human annoyances like conscience.

THis sounds interesting to me… although on the outside also sounds a lot like Meet Joe Black… but let’s give it the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

Another interesting casting rumor for the project has Ewan McGregor as the guy Satan takes over. That’s funny… I thought he already did and made him do those Star Wars sequels.

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    Hey, why not? The guy sure looks like hell.

  2. DarKing

    Looks interesting. BTW, Ewan McGregor was in the Star Wars prequels, not sequels. I understand what you mean, but it almost sounds like he was in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’. Just saying.

  3. Jamie Watt

    I love I, Lucifer with a passion (in fact, it is up there with Frankenstein and Jekyll and Hyde) and although I respect both Daniel Craig and Ewen McGregor as actors, I feel that they are quite simply just not up to the task!
    The book calls for the person playing the possessed writer to be something that Obi Wan is not — hilariously fiendish and devilishly attractive!! Hello? Ginger beard???
    Johnny Depp is born to play this role! (I think it even says so in the text, if i am not entirely mistaken!)

  4. Yas

    I am in the middle of reading I, Lucifer, which is an excellent book.. I don’t know about Daniel Craig starring as Lucifer though.. I think i liked Peter Stormare (Constanine - as Lucifer/Armageddon/8MM) as Lucifer the best. Al Pacino was good in Devils Advocate too.
    As for Ewan, well i fancy him like anything so i don’t mind too much..

  5. Maria Thomas


    I’m the Portuguese translator of the book. God!! Ups, hell!… lol… I love the book. And believe me, it’s not anything like “Meet Joe Black”. It’s just great. As for the movie, I don’t know about Daniel Craig either. Actually, I’m not even seeing any actor doing that part. As for the human side of Lucifer (and although I love Ewan), I think that maybe Johnny Depp (it says so in the book) or Keanu Reeves would be better.

  6. Maria Thomas


    I’m the Portuguese translator of the book. God!! Ups, hell!… lol… I love the book. And believe me, it’s not anything like “Meet Joe Black”. It’s just great. As for the movie, I don’t know about Daniel Craig either. Actually, I’m not even seeing any actor doing that part. As for the human side of Lucifer (and although I love Ewan), I think that maybe Johnny Depp (it says so in the book) or Keanu Reeves would be better.

  7. Mark Gambon

    I have finished reading the book by Glen Duncan, and honestly, if there was to be a movie, i can’t think of any actor that would fit the role of “The inventor of rock & Roll” other than Daniel Craig. To do the devil justice, you need someone who can play arrogant, proud, and an ego as big as it could get etc… ( Don’t need to list all of the deadly sins), and to do Daniel justice, i think he did prove that he does own all of these traits in his role as James Bond. And please lets not bring the develish look.
    Not to be a downer for the Ewan McGregor, he doesn’t even fit the traits of the charachter in the book (that’s actually a complement) because if you read the book you’d understand.

  8. Breezy

    Well, I saw Daniel Craig in Layer Cake and I think he would play a good Lucifer, for those who have only seen him in his small roles I suggest getting Layer Cake, just to see how dark and menacing he can be. I love him and I honestly think he would be great, when I read the first couple pages I was like OMG it’s Daniel Craig in book form lol. So yeah I think he will be awesome.

  9. Derek Clark

    I havent read the book myself but I do know some of Craigs movies and alot of McGregors work. They are true actors. From what I hear of the book and the plot line I think these two actors have a shot. I’m a big fan of both of them and it’s Craigs raw emotion and McGregors versatility that will deliver in the end, like always. Either way I’m interested to see how it will all play out. As for Jonny Depp… Go make another movie about pirates. lol jk

  10. colsen

    I read the book and it was fantastic. ANd yes johnny depp would be perfect for this role.

  11. Hong Miao

    Hah, it would be VERY ironic if they got Johnny Depp to play the Lucifer! Because:

    In the BOOK, Lucifer and co. planned on making a film about the devil, and Declan Gunn/Lucifer talkrf to Gunn’s girlfriend about who they’re going to cast. The actors mentioned were Bob De Niro, Jack Nicholson, Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp. Keanu Reeves would, I quote the book, “jump at [the role] like a gibbon — but we’ve got to have SOME f***ing ability”. In the end, I think they gave the part to Johnny Depp.

    It would be very funny for Johnny Depp to be talking about casting himself for a role!

    (Yeah, I’ve just quoted the book. This shows how much I love the book, and how much I’m looking forward to this film!)

  12. catherine mccutcheon

    I have read I,Lucifer twice now and every time i do i still laugh out loud and get strange looks for reading a book called I,Lucifer. I’m happy that it is being made into a movie as it is perfect material as for the casting it culdn’t be better i just hope it’s okay to facy the pnats of Lucifer, eben as himself of declan cause Ewan kicks ass.

  13. Erin

    I can’t wait to see this movie…as far as casting the role of Declan Gunn, well…according to the book, he’s not very attractive and definitely not someone women would be attracted to. Whatever actor they choose should at least fit the description of the balding, short, paunchy Declan. I know they can do a lot with makeup, but Daniel Craig, Ewan McGregor and Johnny Depp are all a little too good looking. (Although, I would vote for Depp…)

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