Happy Good Friday

We’re taking the day off around here for Good Friday. Whatever your background is, enjoy your day!

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15 thoughts on “Happy Good Friday

  1. Well, there may be some flaws, but it is a damn good franchise. I had a good time watching them throughout this weekend.

  2. On Friday, I bought all six Star Wars movies (Trilogy and prequels) in Gamestop… AT THE SAME TIME! Hey, couldn’t help it.

  3. Have a great holiday guys!
    I found this web site. It’s history according to the movies.
    Donna A.

  4. Don S, my condolences on your Uncle.

    I’m a retired Catholic, so I don’t do the church thing anymore. I’ll go see V for Vendetta again.

  5. Just hangin out on the movie blog as usual.
    Uncle died early, but hey, he’s in a better place
    Grandfather’s birthday today as well, gotta visit his grave.
    And I’m guess I’m gonna check out Scary Movie 4.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha0r-odqxxE

    I was bored so I made this little video, I’m the guy in the Darth Vader mask.

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