Battlestar Galactica Spin-off “Caprica”

The new Battlestar Galactica is, in my opinion, the single best television series in history. I know that sounds like an exaggeration (something which I am admittedly prone to when talking about film or TV), but I’m dead serious about this. And even though its only had 2 seasons, the producers have already announced that they are preparing to do a spin-off called “Caprica”

If I understand it all correctly, the show (Caprica) will take place about 30-50 years in the past, right at the time when the colonies first create the cylons. And of coarse the Battlestar Galactica itself will be there (Since it’s the oldest ship in the fleet)

Personally, I’m happy to hear this… although even I’ll admit it seems a bit early to be developing a spin-off show before the main show has even hit season 3. We’ll just see how this turns out.

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  • 1. yodaf replies at 28th April 2006, 11:38 am :

    BSG is a fantastic show! I’m not sure about the best ever, but now that Arrested Development is off, it’s definitely the best show on right now.

    That said, I don’t think the spin-off could be as good. The biggest draw of the series for me is that it’s a sci-fi setting, but the show’s plots are personal and the story arcs have religious and mythological undertones. That may be transferable to a spin-off, but won’t it lead me to say, “Oh, that’s just copying the original”? Plus, BSG has anticipation: “How will it end?” We already know how Caprica ends.

    Of course, I’ll still give it a shot! :-)

  • 2. ZICRON replies at 28th April 2006, 11:45 am :

    I can’t agree more, Battlestar is by far the best all round television show in history, I tell everyone that!!!

  • 3. I Am Johns Arrogant Ass replies at 28th April 2006, 11:48 am :

    I only got into BSG a few weeks ago. I acquired the entire show but didnt expect to get past the pilot. But I ended up watching up to the middle of season 2 all in one weekend. Up to that point it was a great show. But then I started the 2nd half of the season and the show turned into creamed crap with rediculous storylines, lack of action and cliche situations. And thats why I think Caprica is a bad idea.

    They’ve admitted it in the podcasts that the show suffered from being forced to do a longer season than was required for their story. So if quality suffers when doing 20 BSG episodes then who’s to say it won’t suffer even more when they’re working on a 2nd series?

    Caprica sounds like it may even be a better show because it isn’t so limited in its storylines. But its timing just isnt right. They need to realize that, unlike scifi dorks, normal people can’t follow spinoffs without losing interest in the series as a whole.

    Anyway, I still have a few episodes left in season 2 but I quit watching weeks ago. I gave up on Lost when they brought in Michelle Rodriguez as a “sassy, fiery bitch with attitude”. And I gave up on BSG when they brought in a fugly fidget version of the same character onto BSG.

  • 4. themarina replies at 28th April 2006, 12:02 pm :

    Spinoff eh. I think this could work and since I’m a “scifi dork” (apparently sci-fi fans aren’t “normal” anymore - I’d like to know when they passed that law - I must have been too immersed in “Firefly” to hear about it) I’m looking forward to it.

  • 5. borloff replies at 28th April 2006, 1:16 pm :

    Sounds good to me…… make mine Galactica.

  • 6. Sean replies at 28th April 2006, 8:21 pm :

    I have to agree with the poster above who mentioned that Battlestar got ridiculous in the second half of season 2.

    I have a few episodes left to watch still but I am finding it difficult to go back to it after watching that HORRIBLE episode about the prostitute and the following one about the Cylon ship with the scar. I’d like to think it will pick up again but I’m afraid the show may have run out of steam already.

    They need to look at HBO for an example… 12 or 13 episode seasons are perfect, instead they’re trying to stretch it out too much for their own good.

  • 7. darren seeley replies at 29th April 2006, 9:04 am :

    Oh, let’s throw the die hard orginal Battlestar fanbase a pacifier.
    BS stands for Bull Shit.

    Let me clarify: there is nothing that says that the “current Battlestar” timeline could incoporate elements of the human/cylon war around Caprica. We already know what happens. It may be interesting, but the spinoff would really go nowhere.

    Screw all this; make the next Battlestar season better: bring on the Ovions!

  • 8. I Am Johns Arrogant Ass replies at 30th April 2006, 11:18 am :

    “I have a few episodes left to watch still but I am finding it difficult to go back to it after watching that HORRIBLE episode about the prostitute and the following one about the Cylon ship with the scar. ”

    Wait, so you weren’t captivated with a story involving a spaceship with a vendetta?

    Has anyone else noticed that this turned into the space version of Lost? Enemies among us, outnumbered, struggling for survival, unlikely heroes, too many episodes per season and meaningless overdone flashbacks.

  • 9. charkhammis replies at 30th April 2006, 11:00 pm :

    BSG did suffer the last part of season 2: while season one kept tight to an interesting story, two fell apart and began jumping time zones all over the place- to end itself two years later. Writers seemed to introduce storylines out of nowhere, only to tie them up with obvious cliche.

    However, despite the final episode spanning two years and losing most of the major plot points season one and the beginning of season two created, I’m still a fan. Let’s hope they make season 3 as taught as 1. “Caprica” should be great. While the writers are currently wandering around not sure what to do with Galactica, “Caprica” has a lot of cool stuff to fill and will reintroduce us to the “By Your command” cylons of 1978…

  • 10. Edward Lee replies at 3rd May 2006, 6:49 am :

    ??? nBSG is, largely, garbage, and I can’t imagine a spinoff being any better.

  • 11. Chris Mankey replies at 3rd May 2006, 11:02 am :

    ??? nBSG is, largely, garbage, and I can’t imagine a spinoff being any better.

    Sure it is! Lorne green was a god! Wooden acting is the best. Let’s go to the space casino! Yeah! I hate the competent acting and good writting on the new one!

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