Audio Edition - April 26st

Audio Edition - April 26st 2006
Welcome to The Audio Edition. On this installment Jay and Sean from join Doug for discussion on the following topics:

1) Hot Docs Festival in Toronto

2) Darkon

2) Werner Herzog

3) Pathfinder and the need for more barbarian movies.

4) Transformers the Movie

5) INXS movie

6) United 93

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

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32 thoughts on “Audio Edition - April 26st

  1. I can’t seem to be able to get this show from anywhere. I try to get it through iTunes, but that only tracks like 46 episodes or so, earliest dating back to 2007.

    I try to download it directly, no dice. Am I doing something wrong, or is the links broken? If so, could you put up a new one?

    I like the FilmJunk Podcast and would really like to hear this where Jay and Sean are guesting.

  2. Thanks Jeff!

    For those looking for something more along the humour side of things, check out our new podcast Fishing With Tom. Again, a different style of humour, but definitely something for those whole love the humour of larry david, the office and so on.

    Jay C.

  3. I thought it was a great show. Different, sure. But I’ve listened to a couple of filmjunk podcasts since then because of it. Just a different style.

  4. You bitches complain too much. I’m sorry your FREE podcast that you CHOOSE to listen to was not what you expected. I, for one, liked the change of pace.

    Campea will be back in a while, but until then, why not take his absence as an opportunity to shake things up and experiment a little?

    And another thing for the complainers: Remember, these guys don’t owe you anything. So stop acting like you own the damn Movie Blog. Lighten up.

  5. An idea to Friday. Maybe Doug could perform dual roles! He could be Doug and also pretend to be John.

    I’ll agree that this edition lacked the normal high energy that the show normally has, but it also might have been due to the fact that the topics were more serious than usual.

  6. Hehe, everything’s been covered but you know whats really cool? That you guys are actually tackling this criticism.

    Anybody who has the guts to take on idiotic ravings from internet users worldwide are men enough to guest the show in my book.

    Now if only the comments section had an audio edition :D

  7. Hey there folks. Honestly, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. i listened to the show last night and I liked it.

    I think Sean and Jay are both great! Yes, they have a little less energy than the show usually has… but their knowledge and insight more than makes up for it in my opinion.

    Just my two cents worth.

  8. Man everyone is freaking out like someone just cast Justin Timberlake as Joker or something. Everyone needs to chill about Sean and Jay. The show was diffrent, we as AE listener’s are not used to them on the show. Did I enjoy the show? To be honest not so much because it was so diffrent, BUT props to everyone for doing their best. Doug is doing a fantastic job hosting and it was great that Sean and Jay came over and guest because I do like, it was something diffrent and like I said I would like a Dougy show and Doug could have special guests every week.

  9. Fear not, loyal listeners - I’ll be back on Friday. I know that I’m the one you really want to listen to anyway.

    John and Doug may be the bread that defines the sandwich, but I’m the filler in the middle which gives it all its taste.


  10. Doug, maybe the pre-show circle jerk was a bad idea. I think it relaxed us a little too much. Next time we need to harness the sexual tension and use it positively.

  11. This was the first audio show I’ve heard so I had nothing to compare it to. I enjoyed it but reading some of the other comments, I think I’m really going to enjoy the next ones!

  12. I apologize to everyone that was not entertained on yesterday’s show.

    I alone am to blame.

    I hate hosting the show, It fucking sucks. I am trying to get better at introducing topics and keeping everything on point, I will fuck up and I hope you will be understanding as I go through this process. When Campea gets back I can focus 100% on jackassery where I excel and am comfortable. Until then I will do my best - because I care for all of you.

    Jay and Sean were gracious to do the show with me, and I thank them for their knowledge and participation. They do have one of the best movie related sites on the net ( and I always value their opinion.

    That being said, this shit-slinging comments section has everyone fired up - and this is what the internet is all about….yelling at strangers.


  13. Bradley,

    First off, you’re right. Internet message boards are no place to show a lack of class. I should’ve known better.

    Second: Sean classy? You don’t truly know him. He hates women.

    Bradley, i’ll be honest. I am sorry that i may have contributed to your being bored for one half hour of your life. My passion for barbarian tit movies and 9/11 conspiracy theories had gotten the best of me. One thing you may not realize is that whenever me and Doug get together, that’s pretty much all we talk about. I hoped it wouldn’t spill over into the show, but i can’t change the past.

    Just a reminder Bradley that we were GUESTS for this episode of the movie blog. Far be it from me to do anything other then be polite and discuss whatever comes up. Doug was the host, we were the guests. Not entirely sure what you expected from us other then a new view point. Maybe some old fashioned disagreements would’ve spiced up the show, but the topics didn’t really provide us with any material. I’m sure things would’ve been more entertaining with John around to at least get some different views, but that wasn’t the case. If you really want to slam us, go to and download our podcast and rip that apart. At least you’ll be listening to us in our own environment and not judging us on how we act when appearing on our friends show.

  14. Hey guys, relax! It’s just one show. John’s right, it was something different and if you didn’t like it that’s okay. At least it got a bit of a reaction from people instead of the usual “good show” and “how big is darren’s penis again?” comments.

    You have to remember that John is the heart of The Movie Blog, and he posts about stuff he is passionate about. So when it comes to do the audio edition, if he’s not around, sometimes it’s hard to fill in the blanks. Instead, we improvised a bit and talked about some stuff that we personally were passionate about. I know we’re not as exciting or listenable as John is, but I don’t think we’re THAT boring either. (Try listening to Cinecast sometime… those guys know their shit but they are *extremely* dry.)

    When Doug is required to host the show, there’s already a different chemistry because he has to moderate and can’t always be rifling off jokes like he usually does. But John will be back soon enough and all will be fine.

    Bottom line: don’t worry, you won’t have to hear us yammering about documentaries or 9/11 conspiracy theories again anytime soon. (But for those who want to, you can always just check out our own weekly podcast!)

    - Sean

  15. Hey there folks, John here from the road.

    Ok, I’ll first admit that I haven’t had a chance to listen to the show yet… I’m on the road. :P

    Now, having said that, let me weigh in here for a moment. You’ll be hard pressed to find two guys as passionate about film as Sean and Jay. Seriously. They also have a fantastic site which you should read: http://www.filmjunk .com

    Also, one of the reasons I always like having them on the show is that they both have a different perspective on film than I (or Darren or Doug for that matter) do, and diversity in perspective and opinion is ALWAYS good. Hell, I usually end up disagreeing with Jay about 90% of the time (I’m always right of coarse), but I find his insight to be really benificial.

    Was the show boring? I don’t know, I haven’t heard it yet. However, let me suggest that perhaps it’s just that Sean and Jay have a different style and chemistry than what you’re used to hearing between Doug and Darren and myself.

    Bottom line: Sean and Jay are great film guys, and I’m always honored to have them on the show with me.

    Now, I’m going to go listen to the show. Cheers everyone!


  16. It was a change and I think you guys sounded a little awkward at first but as it progressed, everything seemed to get a little more relaxed and overall I enjoyed it.

    The stuff about Werner Herzog was very good; I’ve really just started getting into his films and to hear him covered in an Audio Edition was great - loved Grizzly Man and his Nosferatu remake.

    Also saw the trailer for Darkon on your recommendation and it looks terrific; reckon the chances of it being released here in Scotland anytime soon are slim, but still…

  17. Who the fuck does this Jay C. think he is? First he bores us to death with the worst Audio edition in history, and then he comes on here to repremand us for being bored?

    Excuse me mr. Jay, but didn’t you spend a lot of air time talking about 9/11 consiracy theories and barbarian Tit movies? Get off your fucking high horse.

    And by the way, being informative and being interesting are not mutually exclusive ideals. If all I wanted was interesting nuggets of info I’d just read the site. But when I listen to the show I want to hear some interesting talk on the stuff AND be entertained. Don’t get mad at us because you couldn’t pull it off.

    I wasn’t going to say anything, but Jay’s stupid comments above just forced me.

  18. Definetly different, but It’s nice to listen to different people as well. Of course there weren’t as many jokes, and Werner Herzog isn’t as sexy as Arnold being fat, or the Superman story, still though - hearing about stuff like Darkon is awesome. Its definetly nice to also have substance, as long as it sounds like its enjoyable, and doesnt feel like work for you commentator guys. The Movie Blog is golden ;)

  19. We’ve been friends with Nagy for a long time, and our appearance on the movie blog was basically more of a chance to hang out with Doug. I suppose we could’ve put on more of a ‘show’, talked more about celeberity gossip, thrown around casting rumours and so on and so on. I think what you’re seeing as an ‘energy black hole’ is just three people who are comfortable with eachother having a conversation. I suppose i could’ve brought my guitar, but i wasn’t aware that the movie blog was a variety show.

    Either way, many topics regarding MOVIES were discussed on the show, and somehow i’m not suprised that no one has commented on the actual content, starting interesting debates about film, rather then how bored they were having to listen to….movie discussions.

    Either way…let’s get back on track. Who should play the joker? Is Arnold fat? What were this weeks box office numbers? Cock? Balls?

    “If you truly love film, I think the healthiest thing to do is not read books on the subject. I prefer the glossy film magazines with their big colour photos and gossip columns, or the National Enquirer. Such vulgarity is healthy and safe.” - Werner Herzog

  20. “Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung fu film” ‚Äì Werner Herzog

    Fuck ’em. I’ll take substance over style anyday. Good job, guys.

  21. I guess we should have warned listeners that in the past we have been compared to that SNL skit with the two women doing a boring public radio show about cooking.

    Seriously though, the last thing we wanted to do was tarnish The Movie Blog name so sorry to bore you guys and thanks for the criticism.

  22. Dito the last two comments, i was falling asleep man. don’t be offended just, give a bit more life next time. good luck

  23. Film Junk is a great site. But… yeah. Yeah. I have to agree with PaulM. While this was an informative show, it dull as hell. I don’t know, maybe it was because of the weather, the lack of alcohol or drugs (prescriptions count too) that made it spiritless. Better luck next time. Right?

  24. Oh my god! Can you find two more boring guys in the world to be on the show? I hate to make my first comment on here to be a negative one, but you have had these guys on before and they’re just energy black holes. They even suck the life out of Nagy. I listen to the audio show because it’s always fun with lots of energy and great banter. These guys just killed it. Please don’t have them on again. Get darren back. How long is John gone for?

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