Audio Edition - April 21st 2006

The week is over! Welcome to The Audio Edition. On this installment we discuss:

1) The newest Transformers news… TOO MANY HUMANS!!!

2) Star Trek returning to the big screen… with prequels. Ug.

3) Angelina Jolie returning to the Tomb Raider series

4) A review of The Sentinel

5) A review of Silent Hill (not good) All this and a few things more

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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  • 1. Koko replies at 21st April 2006, 9:27 pm :

    I see where your coming from John and I’m not a star trek fan, very far from it. But with star trek needing a big revamp or whatever, and you saying that it’s not going to work with the characters when you know whats going to happen with them …

    Did Batman need to be revamped aswell. There was no way in the world and batman movies were going to be made taking place after Mr Fucking Freeze. They had to start from the start but you knew that when Ra’s Al Ghul is threating Bruce Wayne about hurting Alfred .. you knew Alfred wasn;t gonna get hurt! You knew that when Scarecrow defeated batman in the burning building that he wasn’t going to kill him. If the joker is in the next movie … you know he’s not gonna beat batman cos he died when michael keaton whooped his ass in Burtons vision.

    But knowing these things, it did not ruin Nolans Batman because it was a good flick and it was done well because of a good cast, good story and good director and if star trek has the same, why can’t it work?

    Anyway mate, enjoying the site. Your doing a a great job.
    Good luck with the Doco your working on, hope it turns out well.

  • 2. reuben replies at 21st April 2006, 10:55 pm :

    this is reuben just saying thank you so much for answering my soda question….it was beautifully done….and now i will forever worship coke…(the drink)

  • 3. DarKing replies at 21st April 2006, 11:06 pm :

    Hey Campea,


    Remember when you said video game movies suck (and you’re right)…

    Well no more!!!!!!!

    This movie will come straight to DVD. The movie is Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Now, if anyone were to complain that “it isn’t a live action movie”, screw it! The last thing I want to see is Colin Farrell in there. The animation is great (from the trailers I saw), and I hear that the story is (wait for it)… GOOD!!!!!

    Now, I plan to see the movie on DVD next week. I think you should give it a shot too. At least you may be able to see a crack in the “video game movies suck” armor. If you haven’t played the game first, don’t worry, I haven’t too (and I want to!). I hope to find Final Fantasy VII, then Advent Children, then finish the game first (hopefully in a month, but most likely in summer).

    Give it a shot Campea. If you don’t want to play the game first, check out Wikipedia to get the main idea. I hope you like it (I hope I will too).



  • 4. darren seeley replies at 21st April 2006, 11:29 pm :

    First, to Koko (puffs) : You’re kidding,right? Batman Begins has ZERO to do with the Burton-Shumacher films. It is a clean slate. Just when I thought people were finally coming around and not accepting “Begins” as a prequel to the uh, “B/S” movies, I am once again proven wrong. Maybe the genuises at Blockbuster video are to blame: last summer I distinctly remember the special “summer sequel” area when Batman Begins was in theatres (”Before you see the sequel/prequel…see the originals!” ugh!)

    Characters like Batman, or for that matter, James Bond, are ’single’ characters and have had in the past, different actors playing the characters, different directors, writers etc. Different times too.

    “Star Trek” is a different animal; the characters in question have all been fleshed out, situations etc. In Star Trek II and III, much is made about Kirk’s military tactics and codes. He learned these things in the Academy, how to ‘turn death and defeat into a fighting chance to live’. In doing so, he also became a bit respected but rebellious in Starfleet academy. Because of the series and films, we know these things. We do not need to see them. I agree with John, Doug and a handful more: going back to revisit Starfleet Academy with the old crew ties hands.

    Now, if it were straight drama with chapters on a ‘holodeck’, no, scrap that, that last Enterprise ep just screamed in my brain. Well, anyway, Star Trek should move forward, after the events in ‘Nemesis’ with a torch passing wiith a new cast and Enterprise F. Or like Doug Nagy said, A whole film on Klingons. Or how about the return of Gary Seven, or a whole flick revolving around the Q continuum? Section 13?

    Anyway…moving on.

    * Transformers.
    You know where I stand on this. I am not a huge Bay fan. I didn’t give a crap about them as a teen or pre-teen (go Shogun Warriors!) but I’ll say this: a story about big ass robots causing property damage while fighting bad big ass robots…should be a flick about big ass robots smashing things up…like bad big ass robots. When Michael Clarke duncan was cast, I said, ‘oh, good! He’s worked with Bay before (Island. Armegeddon) and he’s gonna be a big ass robot or provide voicee for a big ass robot. Sounds right.

    Well he’s not. His character is human.
    I can’t say I’m all that concerned about it because I don’t “get” the Transformies, but, I got to cowboy up here. It’s a movie supposed to be about big ass good and bad robots smashing up shit.

    I’m not a fan, and even I KNOW THAT.
    Moving on…

    I never played Silent Hill and never played Tomb Raider either, for that matter-but hey, I played a lot of Gain Ground back in the 90’s, and I did play Unreal…Centipede…er…Tetris, anyone? Battle tanks? Screw it. Anyway, I hated Angelina Jolie in the Tomb flicks, her Brit accent sounded too phony to me. Yeah, a third one was gonna happen sooner or later. Can’t get worked up over it though.

    Silent Hill: I disagree, I thought the FX were really good. However, a few hours latr, that time length did bug me. Yes, if I were the director or editor I might have snipped a good ten minutes out, maybe with the Jim Jones-y culty folks who brung back the Salem witch trials seemingly overnight. Or maybe some of the subplot. It was too long. I’ll give you that. I thought the surrealism worked for the film, though. But if the film was made strictly foor game fans, I wonder how many ghouls in the film were from the game. I’ll cowboy up here- I…would not have missed the man eating (?) stinkbugs.

    But I didn’t L-O-V-E the film. I expect people to say “I didn’t get it”. Well, hours later, they may be right. I still am stumped by my biggest question of the film:

    Who would I want to screw on the first date: cleavage gal Radha or TIGHT LEATHER PANTS w/handcuffs Laurie?


  • 5. Jeff replies at 22nd April 2006, 5:32 am :

    You definitely didn’t get it.

  • 6. darren seeley replies at 22nd April 2006, 8:18 am :

    That’s right. If I did, I would have had them both.

  • 7. Lou_Sytsma replies at 22nd April 2006, 9:09 am :

    According to our local paper - The Toronto Sun - the storyline is still wide open -

    Great choice for the creative crew. I would prefer a story with a new cast and setting that has no ties to any of the TV series. This would give the franchise much needed creative elbow room.

  • 8. Chris replies at 22nd April 2006, 11:28 pm :

    Advent Children is a terrible movie. Standalone it makes no sense. It’s complete 100% fanservice.

    I didn’t really appreciate the “put down the crack pipe” comment John made in this week’s Audio Edition. It was the first time I felt put off of the show. The last thing gamers (like myself) need is to be stereotyped as lazy potheads by a coupel of guys I hope would be a little more open-minded than that.

    I haven’t seen Silent Hill yet, but I look forward to it.

  • 9. lizardfreak replies at 23rd April 2006, 12:48 am :

    My friends have been bitching to me about Silent Hill, got on my case as soon as we got out. I just told them that I didn’t think it transfered very well going from game to movie and as a movie it sucked. Hollywood has a problem being creative these days; and when you take something like a video game and “try” to make it into a “good” movie, lack of creativity and flow will destroy the “good” part. Story, flow, and action are always key. And I think that is the main reason why every video game movie currently out there sucks.

    This might be drifting a way from things a bit, but take cartoons for instance; the transfer is (most of the time)horrible! The Flintstones and Garfield immediatly jump to mind. Writers and directors have to understand that something absurd and unreal in a cartoon or comic book passes and flows better because the audience expects it and accepts it in that form.

    The same acceptance goes for books, comic books, and of course video games; they just are not always acceptable as movies. Books have been transferred into movies very well and still are, comic books are being transferred very well, cartoons and tv shows sometimes work..sometimes, and video games need to find that balance found in the above. But even some books and comic books have totally sucked.

    Once that transfer is figured out and the balance is held, then will we witness GREAT video game films and hopefully not before too long.

  • 10. lizardfreak replies at 23rd April 2006, 12:54 am :

    Question for Doug:

    Do bags of milk make good pillows?

  • 11. DarKing replies at 23rd April 2006, 1:42 am :

    Chris, I see your point. I think I should note that IGN voted Metriod as the #1 game they want to be adapted (and John Woo is expected as director). My problem; Does the film have enough respect to be treated like other good films? I think Advent Children is good, but I can agree that there are other people who may feel disappointed, which is the reason why I hope everyone should leave Zelda alone. Unless the movie is in 3-D (AND has a good story), LEAVE IT ALONE (IMO)!

  • 12. wolf replies at 23rd April 2006, 2:23 pm :

    visit my site thank you :)

  • 13. lizardfreak replies at 23rd April 2006, 4:34 pm :

    Metroid…here’s hoping the movie won’t suck. And unlike Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Super Mario Bros., or any game movie, Metroid has more of a story, and a good one. It doesn’t matter whether or not they keep it 100% true to the game and the story; you cannot go wrong with Metroid.

    Metroid has a lot more hold and story than any other game, and the games have already painted an unfinished picture. Maybe the movie(s) could run along side the game makers pace? And maybe thats what should be done, and maybe when that is done the whole transfer crap I talked about would be figured out. ????

    And hasn’t John Woo signed on with Sega to work with them and make video game films? I know I read that somewhere online…can’t always trust what you read online. But nice to think about nonetheless. I know Metroid is Nintendo but…just saying so no fans bitch me out.

    Metroid has a lot going for it, so does Halo, along with Spy Hunter.

  • 14. Brian replies at 23rd April 2006, 6:06 pm :

    Are you kidding me? Spy Hunter? any movie with the Rock will suck. period.

  • 15. Jeff replies at 23rd April 2006, 7:05 pm :

    By the way, I was kidding. And Silent Hill is a terrible movie.

  • 16. DarKing replies at 23rd April 2006, 7:40 pm :

    You know, I’d like to see Tim Burton direct an adaption, or James Cameron, of course the chances are very unlikely.

  • 17. The 1mperfex Collector replies at 23rd April 2006, 7:52 pm :

    I heard the reviews for Silent Hill, and yes, the movie is on the list of failed adaptions from video games. With that said, WTF? It is actually #1 in the box-office! Ah, oh well. No biggie. At least we have X3 and Superman (please don’t suck).

  • 18. Ryan Cross replies at 23rd April 2006, 8:14 pm :

    Great audio edition, as usual. John, good luck on your trip! Drive safely.

    Just an idea, but if it turns out John can’t join in through Skype, I think it’d be great to Darren with Doug Wednesdays and Fridays till John gets back. (I realize, of course, that Darren may have other commitments making this impossible.)

  • 19. Transfan replies at 24th April 2006, 5:53 am :

    Quick correction from a Transformers fan - The character that you were thinking of was not “Rampage”, it was “Ravage” - the panther who turned into a cassette tape.

    That’s all.

  • 20. Joel Gustafsson replies at 24th April 2006, 6:37 am :

    So you guys are not going to talk about Battlestar Galactica or Lost, because that’s TV, but Doug will sing a song about what kind of soda he likes!? Don’t get me wrong, I love Doug’s comedy and I want more of it, but this is not the right forum for it. If you decide to keep it, at least let the questions be movie related.


  • 21. John Campea replies at 24th April 2006, 7:37 am :

    Yeah Darren you’re right. Rampage was a Predacon. My bad.

  • 22. Zachery Bellamy replies at 23rd November 2006, 10:56 am :

    Doctor Who takes three prizes at the National Television Awards in a repeat of its success last year…

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