Audio Edition - April 17th 2006

Welcome to the Monday Round Table of The Audio Edition where I am joined by regular co-host Doug Nagy, and Mr. Darren Conley. On this installment we discuss:

1)The possibility of Robin Williams playing the Joker in the next Batman film

2) The new giant shark film MEG

3) Gnomeo and Juliet getting picked up out of the garbage by Miramax

4) The glorious news of Breakin 3!!!!

5) The Shazam movie

6) We review Scary Movie 4

7) We review Thank You For Smoking

All this and a few things more!

Warning: This podcast contains language that may not be suitable for even sailors. Listener discretion is advised.

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20 thoughts on “Audio Edition - April 17th 2006

  1. **question for Doug**

    If you were a shark what would you eat or do ??

    Eat breakdancers ??

    Eat the Neatherlands

    or have sex with every female shark you see ???

  2. Snakes on a Shark!

    I was just re-listening to this podcast while I was brushing my teeth, and I almost spat my toothpaste all over the toilet at this part.

    Even though I actually participated in this podcast, and hence had the opportunity to hear it before anyone else, I still had tears in my eyes as I laughed at Snakes on a Shark.

    We have to start our own movie studio, just so we can realize some of Doug’s ideas.

  3. I want to see a Batman movie based on the Frank Miller Dark Knight graphic novels . Maybe in the same style as Robert Rodriguez “Sin City” which was co-directed by Frank Miller.
    When I hear Robin Williams name being suggested as the Joker I just see the “Genie” in Aladdin and cringe. That’s exactly how he’d play the Joker, way, way over the top as to be annoying. I’m not a big fan of Willmas because he’s made more bad movies than good. He reminds me of John Candy in alot of ways. They both didn’t know what a good script was.

  4. ok i only have one thing to say:

    the shark thing would be cool

    if and only if

    instead of a helicopter, the shark eats the plane from snakes on a plane!

  5. That’s Adolfo (Key-nyo-nez). He was last seen on stage at the Oscars as one of the backup dancers for the “Hard out here for a pimp” performance… They also starred in Chaka Kahn video “Feel for you”.

    I hung out with these guys for about a year having been introduced to them by Cuba Gooding Jr. (classmate) who tried to get into Hollywood via the contacts they were making when asked to make the breakin’ films. Thank God, Cuba moved on without them - at least up until Jerry McGuire.

    No matter how much I fondly remember our days at the Skate Ranch I think we should let the whole breakin’ thing die…

  6. I don’t have much to say about Adrien Brody, but in my opinion Sean Penn is one thousand times more intense then Robin Williams overall. And as far as comedy, that’s where Penn got his start with Fast Times At Ridgemont High. Definite proof of range, and in the end a much more solid performer, relying less on the sometimes annoying over-praising that comedic actors recieve when they move into a serious role. Sure Williams was good in Good Will Hunting and Awakenings, but i didn’t find him very convincing in One Hour Photo. When I think of Robin Williams as the Joker, two things come to mind…Mork and Mindy and Patch Adams.

    As far as Crispin Glover’s acting abilities, let’s not forget great performances in The River’s Edge, David Lynch’s Wild at Heart, an AWESOME performance in The People Vs. Larry Flynt…and of course, Friday the 13th Part 4: The Final Chapter.

  7. Hey there Sean,

    As far as Penn and Brody goes… (I’m a fan of both). YES, IMHO Williams is pretty far beyond them. Just look at the pure range Williams can pull off.

    And Although I’m a fan of Brody… so far he’s pretty much been a 1 trick pony. I didn’t think he was all that good in Kong.

  8. Instead of having The Joker look like The Joker from Batman Deadend, I think they should take it a step further. Fuck The Joker, Batman should fight Predator in the next Batman movie.

    Just my two cents.

    P.S. Is Robin Williams really more talented than Oscar winners Sean Penn or Adrien Brody?

    - Sean

  9. in the area of robin williams not being able to do action:

    i am not entirely sold that any major villain should be a pussy.

    i don’t buy an action movie where the two arch nemisi don’t meet and fight one on one. really, no one does. that would be silly. as far as i am concerned pretty much the entire movie hinges on that fight, because that is what it is all leading up to.

  10. Adrien Brody is my number one for the Joker by far. He has the look and the man is a danm good actor. I would love the Joker to have the look like in Batman Deadend. The Joker in that fucking ruled, hell even get the same actor would played that role would make me happy.

    Bryson Harry will be a villian in the next movie

    ”Things come to a head however when Harry Osborn, determined to take revenge against Peter for his father’s death and now equipped with what he needs to pull it off, teams with The Sandman in a new variation of his father’s Green Goblin guise and causes mayhem”

  11. Damn, I just found you guys from the Bloggies website. I’ve never even heard of you beofre… but you really are the best podcast I’ve ever heard. You’ve got yourselves a new fan! Keep it up boys.

  12. I’m still for Adrien Brody as Joker, He has both the acting talent and the body type to play the Joker the way I see him. That is if they make the villain in the sequel The Joker, I remember after watching the first Spiderman all my friend and myself included thought Harry Osborne was going to take the mantle of Hobgoblin, or Green Goblin, and obviously that didn’t happen. Even after the second movie came out all my friends thought that Harry was going to be the next villain, and now it seems that Sandman and Venom are going to fill the Villain role. So just because you see Gordon hand Batman a Joker card doesn’t mean that he will be the next Villain.

  13. in response to robin williams playing joker, i think another important factor determining whether or not he’ll be good enough is his chemistry with christian bale. in the first batman, the joker was almost batmans match. not physically obviously as you guys already made clear, but mentally, they both had quick wit if you get what im saying. i would just like to know your thoughts on that. you guys also left out adrian brody wanting to play joker also. and since theyre talkin about puttin two-face in there who should play him?

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