Watchmen May Have A Director

Watchmen has been “on again/off again” almost as much as the new Indiana Jones project of the last couple of years. Now it looks like there could finally be some real tangible movement on the film. According to AICN, Watchmen may finally have itself a director. Here’s what they had to say:

I’ve been able to confirm now that (Zack) Snyder has entered negotiations with Warner Bros. to helm the project, which is fantastic news. I know that all you guys have seen so far is DAWN OF THE DEAD, so that’s all you can judge him on, but trust me… 300 is a whole different ball game. When you get a load of what this guy is capable of… when you see how far he pushes things with bringing Frank Miller’s world to life… you’ll be just as excited as I am.

WIth the success of Sin City, you just knew the studio would find a way to take advantage of the graphic novel at some point. Maybe this is actually it.

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  • 1. Mr Stay Puft replies at 27th March 2006, 9:40 am :

    I’m excited about “300″. I think it’s a fantastic story. Snyder did an excellent job with the “Dawn of the Dead” remake - the opening sequence alone was worth the price of admission. I’m eager to see his follow-up film.

    Regarding “Watchmen”, I suspect the project really doesn’t go forward because of money. This is not some low-budget project. It’s a big story and it has no marquee heroes. Also, the work is 20 years old. Alan Moore is a star amongst comic book fans, but non-fans have no clue who he is. The last two movies based on his worked have not exactly lit up the box office. “V for Vendetta” dropped 50% this weekend. Its modest success is due to the Wachowskis and controversy, not the source graphic novel.

  • 2. Marty replies at 27th March 2006, 3:50 pm :

    I agree. I can’t see how it’d anywhere near make its money back. Honestly, it’s not something I’d really want to see as a movie anyway. Having it loud and moving and 20 feet tall on a screen in front of me, I just don’t think it’d improve it. Judge Dredd it ain’t. Let’s be having another Judge Dredd movie! A good one!

  • 3. Rob Merritt replies at 28th March 2006, 10:20 am :

    It could be done. If they keep the budget in the 70 million ball park, it will make money Paramount initally wanted it to be a tentpole with big named actors and lots of tie ins. WB appears to be on the right track by making it a second or third tier pic. More likely to get a better film. Sure the special effects might be scaled back a bit but really Watchmen isn’t a special effect tour d force and could survive not having 90 million in the budget dedicated to ILM.

  • 4. Alexander Goolsby replies at 22nd November 2006, 9:27 pm :

    Veteran game show host Bob Barker is stepping down from hosting The Price is Right after 35 years…

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