This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 28th, 2006 at 2:56 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Richard

Take this one with a grain of salt folks. A film site I like to visit once in a while (Movie Tab) has put up what they claim is the “Official Plot Summary” for Spider-Man 3. How do they have their hands on this an no one else? Your guess (or suscpision) is as good as mine. But, I thought I would be remiss if I didn’t at least share this with you and let you decide for yourselves.

With his secret now revealed to both Mary Jane and Harry, Peter must face the consequences of his actions and his new life together with Mary Jane as they finally form a relationship. Yet their newfound open display of love has yielded some unfortunate results, not the least of which is Peter’s upset boss determined to make his life hell for causing his son emotional distress. Not helping is a young investigative reporter named Eddie Brock who Jameson has hired to find out why Mary Jane dumped his son for Peter - what’s Parker’s secrets?

At the same time an escaped prisoner hiding out on a remote beach is caught in a dreadful accident and finds himself turned into a shape-shifting sand creature. Peter’s investigations into the past of this ‘Sandman’ brings him in contact with two very different things that will inevitably alter his life. The first a young woman named Gwen Stacy, daughter of the city’s new police chief who is developing a soft spot for Peter. The other, a black substance from an accident scene which ‘merges’ with Peter’s costume and gives him new found abilities.

Things come to a head however when Harry Osborn, determined to take revenge against Peter for his father’s death and now equipped with what he needs to pull it off, teams with The Sandman in a new variation of his father’s Green Goblin guise and causes mayhem. In the ensuing chaos lives are lost, including people very close to Peter, whilst the black substance covering his suit separates from him and merges with a distraught Brock to form something else entirely - a creature unlike anything he’s ever faced. A ‘Venom’ that he may not be able to stop.

So what do you think? Real? Bunk? Leave your thoughts below. Thanks to Devon for brining this to my attention.

63 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Justin Flood

    Ok. Wow. That’s just way too many different Spider Man plot threads shoehorned into one movie. That sounds a little too “fanboy” ish for me, to think its the real deal. However, one can never tell with these things anymore. So if it IS real, I really hope the sandman character is given a little less weight in the story and certainly less screentime than Harry Osbourne and Spider Man. And even though I’m totally a Venom fan, I really hope that they only CREATE venom towards the end of the movie, the same way they “created” the hobgoblin with Harry at the end of the last one. That way they can definetly give the Venom thread the attention it deserves in a next movie. I know I’ll probably get flamed for that, but seriously! Who wants to see a Venom who is set up, created, and defeated in a 2 hour movie that is concentrating on other characters. I know Raimi was never a fan of Venom to begin with, but I hope he isnt just adding the Venom thing as an afterthought to appease the fan base. Only time will tell. Raimi has been BRILLIANT in the past two Spider Man films, and I dont see him being anything but the same for this one either. Here’s to hoping..

  2. queen.padme.amidala

    damn them! why did they *have* to have make Harry become the Green Goblin (is that canon?? and even if it is, that’s stupid!) Otherwise, it sounds pretty great.

  3. H

    “a black substance”? Surely they’ve gotta link it into something that John Jameson brought back from the moon in Spidey 2!

    And I’m definitely on board with Justin Flood as regards creating Venom at the end of the movie. As I have said before, my prediction for last shot of the movie…… Venom’s silhouette! Nothing more, nothing less. Just that will drive everybody CRAZY! We’ll know that Venom is coming in 4, but we won’t see him until the 4th picture. The anticipation would start right there and run right through until ‘09 or ‘10 when they decide to release part 4.

  4. Norddeth

    True, is does sound a bit fanboyish, I think with the addition of Sandman the Venom storyline HAS to be purely set-up, I would think you could do Spiderman 4-6 using the Venom storyline alone, especially with Carnage taking up alot of the story and the evolution of Eddie Brock/Venom.

    fingers crossed, thats about all you can do.


  5. Wolf

    I wanted Harry to become the Hobgoblin because we all know what the Green Goblin look’s like. If Harry would become the Hobster then it would bring a fresh new look to the screen and at the same time separating Harry from he’s father. But it would be nice if Peter thought the original Green Goblin was back, but then again Peter would have to realise right away it’s Harry in the suit.

    Bringing Venon into it at the very end could annoy alot of people, you know the people who don’t read much comics or watch much movies. Their the people the would get pissy if it ended with the last shot of Venom. Apart of me wants to see Venom all troughout most of the movie but then again Venom is a HUGE and well knowen Marvel character and should be treated with respect on the big screen. He’s one of them characters you have to be careful with. If it ended with the last shot of Venom it would be hype the 4th film right away.

  6. Jeff

    The wording makes it sound unofficial, but I’m hoping this really is the plot. It explains a lot of things. I think they will introduce the Venom “substance” in this movie and the character Eddie Brock. Spiderman will use his new suit to defeat the tag team Green Goblin (who they introduced in the last one, so you know its on) and Sandman. Then it will leave him and go to Eddie Brock at the end of the movie, setting up a sweet sweet #4.

    Plus, no more Kirsten Dunst. What more can you ask for?

  7. Wolf

    Over at IMDB they have comfirmed this is the plot to Spider-Man 3.

  8. Brian

    Wow. i was right a whole freaking year ago. This is perfect!

  9. darren seeley

    It would make sense if this were the overall *general* plot, minus a few tweaks. The *story*, however, has been circulating for at least two weeks.

    As to Wolf’s claim why people may not like Venom, I disagree. There are quite a number of people who love movies and comics (Spider-Man in particular) that wished Sam would leave the Lethal Protector on the sidelines.

    There is another problem: how much time would ‘Venom’ have? You have screen time divided by a possible new Goblin, Sandman (who is the main villian) and Venom. There is without question a fanbase for Venom, but do they want to see the character in such a small role? I’d much rather have The Lizard or Kraven for 4.

    Not that the debate “To Venom or not to Venom” really matters; it doesn’t matter if Harry follows up in a new Goblin getup. Sandman’s there. And so is Spidey.

    That’s all we really need to know; it is one film we know that will not suck in 2007,
    Hey, I don’t want them to knock off Mary Jane and send Dunst away. But to some, that doubles the odds that the film will not suck in 2007.

  10. DarKing

    The plot looks good. More than good for the movie to have. It makes sense for part-3 to follow up on Spider-Man 2. I would LOVE to see this plot make it through the movie. Sure, many fan can say that they wish for each villain to have their own movie to build up from.

    My view: This may be a good “sneak peak” for (hopefully) Sinister Six in the final movie. Besides, while there is a possible chance for a back-to-back sequel (3&4) in 2007, I think more casul viewers would like to see all three villains challenge Spider-Man. Hell, this could follow-up ‘Batman Begins’ as THE best comic book movie. Sure there are many plots going in to this, but so has ‘Pulp Fiction’ and ‘Traffic’.

    I say, “Raimi, BLOW THE ROOF ON THIS FRANCHISE!” Too bad we only have a year to wait.

  11. mogulus

    padme, it’s not stupid. It’s cannon, and it rocks.

    this could be, it may not be. who knows. I personally like my JJ jr bringing th symboite back from a space mission theory better myself.

    BUT… the way this is written does seem to bring everythng together quite nicely. and I had no idea to think about how JJ SR would be agaisnt parker/janes’ relationship. How could I have missed that? It will definitely be part of the story, whethar this is real or not.
    the idea of Brock being hired by him also rings pretty true in my book…. and the idea of the venom substance maybe causing sandmans’ problem AND venom’s origin could be a good move.

    who knows? I’m jsut ready to be entertained. period.

  12. Drewbacca

    I lost interest in this story when I couldn’t figure out what “suscpision” meant.

  13. Joel Gustafsson

    If this is true, it’s too much for a single movie. Multiple villains is thin, thin ice.

  14. DarKing

    I really liked hearing the fact that they are now making J.J. Jameson (spelled it wrong, sorry), a possible threat to Parker.

  15. Stuart @ Cinemablend

    Confirmation from IMDb is like a KKK Grand Master announcing he’s joining the NAACP.

    IMDb confirmed Uwe Boll was directing Halo.

  16. Lou_Sytsma

    Sounds plausible to me and I bet MJ is one of the casualities.

  17. bond, james bond

    i read somewhere else awhile ago, (maybe it was on aicn, not sure) that the deaths were aunt may and harry osborn. dunst was very miscast as mj and mj was very misinterpreted in these films so not a problem if she takes a dirt nap.

  18. Phelan

    What about this?

  19. Don S

    I don’t think they’re going to give of the pleasure of seeing Vemon.
    But the rest may be true

  20. Juangallardo

    if venom is going to be in the movie shouldnt carnage be in too.
    why does venom come in at the end show a short scene with venom and spidey. also is spidey’s coustume going to look like in secret wars the comic series.

  21. Leo Green

    I do like this version of it… It sounds great
    This will be a dark movie. The dark side of the power and the responsability if you like.
    You got all these evil crazy characters, sand man is a criminal plain and simple, Harry should go nuts and go off hunting spiderman for revenge. Spidey is with the black costume (by the way… the black spiderman costume that you see today on spiderman3 web page will loose it’s web in a few months, don’t worry) will turn evil maybe even leading to MJ-Peter breakup.
    What can make him snap out of this? Aunt’s may death. Uncle Ben did him one time, now’s her time. In the commic he gets rid of it by realising that he was about to kill an enemy. But I think it would be nicer if Aunt May would have a part in bringing Peter back to the good side.

  22. Steveo

    i think that story line is great, and the ideas for the next moviefrom the blogs magnificent, but we have to be realistic, the movie makers av to look at the fact that the characters are gettin old! Neways i reckon they should do a matrix style story line, film both the sandman/ green goblin/venom story line as 3 movies but as one, released within a 6 month gap or sumfin, that way hypin each one up and making them really cool. i no i cldn wait if they put venom at the end of the 3rd nd we didn see him for like 3 years! also what are they gonna do bout the lizard guy, the professor, he is pivital! they could make so many movies if they really put their mind to it! i mean Tobey Maguire isn gna b young 4 eva, nd wat about the new love of his life who disappears nd is the black cat, this is gettin rediculous 2 wat they can do. Neways i hope that the plot is real coz it makes alot of sence! and i hope the film makers read these coz they could do with some help. I dn’t wanna c these films end up like the 2 batman films, batman forever and batman nd robin, where they have two bad guys, working together, coz that is really old, spidy vs one at a time would do me! o nd wat about shocker, cummon we av at least 7 spidy films, for god sake, im windin myself up writing this! neways cummon spidy 3!

  23. holmes2004

    Sounds Pretty Good, Doesnt The Fantastic Four Work In the same city as spiderman, Same with dare devil and the x-men. Is Carnage in the movie?

  24. cheese

    Didn’t Toby Maguire say in an interview that he was only signed on for 3 movies and he had no interest in doing any more past that? A part 4 with a new actor would feel disjointed and out of synch. I think Venom is making a strong appearance in this one.

  25. Randy RuMM


  26. Mr.Sherlock

    NO! Mary-Jane won’t die because they get married in the comic book, (which I have)If someone was to die, it would have to be…Aunt May! She probably will die…thats sad to hear if she did. BUT STAN LEE ISN’T THAT STUPID TO KILL OFF MARY-JANE!! STAN LEE IS SUPER COOL!!!

  27. Sean

    for some odd reason, i think that Raimi will kinda tweak the story a bit and let GWEN become the Black Cat in the end of the 3rd/beginning of the fourth movie…..i dunno. She’s more like Felicia Hardy in this move, vying w/ MJ for the affection of Pete.

  28. Sean

    Also I’d be really sad if Aunt May got killed off…..


    They canceled production on the movie….

    read it here at

  30. Jesse Gutierrez

    justin flood is totally right i mean they should make a part four and leave it all for venom just like what happened with harry in spidey 2….also if they were to make a part four they shouldnt change toby maguire he rocks as spidey man ….they should continue by making the venom saga

  31. spiderman

    i dont think that the movie will be based on sandman and goblin very long. it will probably have something important to do with the venom plot. the director is not going to give away the ending or the back half of the plot that way it can still keep us excited and waiting.

  32. Hoofini the mystic

    Well, so far it sounds craptasic. they need to add more comedy for the films, and make it so that people won’t look for excuses to go to the bathroom because they are so bored.
    Here’s a song.
    Spiderman was a man, who thought he knew the road.
    Harry;s face looks like a hairy scaly ugly stupid toad.
    Then somehow how Spiderman is Venom, how are we supposed to know,
    Harry’s ugly enough for the goblin, he needs no costume for the show
    What happened to Peter’s parents, I think it had something to do Ben,
    Who knows, Ben may have just taken a stroll, and killed them with a pen,
    We know this movie will suck, so I hope that Harry gets hit with a TRUCK

  33. Hoofini the mystic

    Well, so far it sounds craptasic. they need to add more comedy for the films, and make it so that people won’t look for excuses to go to the bathroom because they are so bored.
    Here’s a song.
    Spiderman was a man, who thought he knew the road.
    Harry;s face looks like a hairy scaly ugly stupid toad.
    Then somehow how Spiderman is Venom, how are we supposed to know,
    Harry’s ugly enough for the goblin, he needs no costume for the show
    What happened to Peter’s parents, I think it had something to do Ben,
    Who knows, Ben may have just taken a stroll, and killed them with a pen,
    We know this movie will suck, so I hope that Harry gets hit with a TRUCK

  34. Mark

    Idiots! Gwen Stacey dies in the comics, she’s going to be the one who dies in the movies!

  35. dark life20

    please no more ginger people, i had to put up with kirsten dunce twice dont u think shes a bitch half the time???

  36. ????

    (.)(.) talking of those is better

  37. Slick

    Spiderman drops the bomb shell in 2007.Venom,Sandman,(green/hobgoblin),symbiote spiderman.Wat could be better.After the Comic-Con 2006, recently unseen footage was shown and sam revealed a new plot. It showed Eddie Brock(Topher Grace) discovering the truth about Parker and wanting to kill him.Also Sandman as we know will be in the movie with a big part involving Uncle Ben’s death.Raimi also revealed that Harry Osborn will not be either Green Goblin 2 or Hobgoblin but a new kind of goblin using similar techonology.

    I’m telling u spiderman 3 looks like its gonna tare the bigscreen off
    Cant wait, can u?…………………………….


    /l\ /l\
    l l

    w00t that last message makes me wana see it more ^_^

  39. Emily

    hoofini you are a top waste man..
    Spidey 3 is gunna be the dogs’..

  40. Jr.

    Spider man 3 will be the best movie beacause there r 2 villans to spider man so a two on two battle spider man & vemon vs the green goblin & the sand man. i can’t believe the sandman kill peter parker aka spider man’s uncle. this is going to great!!!!!!!!!!

  41. pimp

    i cant wait its gunna be awslome spider man gunna go against 3 people sweeetttt!

  42. Chowmit

    This movie is gonna knock the first two into outta space!!
    I just know its gonna be great and i think i pretty much know the plot already, and its absoluetly amazing.

    I’m proud of you Sam Raimi!!!:)

  43. ryan

    guys…jeez cmon. its obvious! in the spiderman comics, venom and sandman are both after spiderman…but they arent together. im pretty sure spiderman will be fightin one of the two bad guys and the other one will interupt. then, they will fight each other and destroy each other and thats how spiderman survives this mess of enemies. and at the end, harry osbourn will turn into the green goblin… the comics everything i just said is true. so shut up all of you. AMEN

  44. adam

    spiderman 3 should focus mainly on Harrys hatred for Peter and, ONLY THE ORIGINS OF SANDMAN AND VENOM! The third movie should be all about the Osborn legacy and what Harry is going to do about Spiderman. I dont think Sandman is a good enough enemy to be in a movie and Venom is too good they have to make a SEPERATE movie for him

  45. mr.static-x fan

    k hers tha thing ive not seen da movie yet but i thought (venom) the muscle monster serum and break out of spidy and gain control of someone else and well i was hopin but so far i havent herd of it yet. o ya static-x rules as well as runescape if u wanna contact me add me on runescape my name is “candy man902″

  46. imessed up on da last message srry^^

    hehehehehehehehehhehehehhehehehehheheheheheehhehhhhehheehhehehehhehehehhehehehehehehehhewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahhahahahah (coughs ) ahem hehe

  47. spidey18

    Venom will be in spiderman 3 because in the trailer you will notice black webbing.. and spiderman is in his red and blue suit so it cant be him, and his suit is torn, possibly clawed by venom.. so there for there will be a fight between venom and spiderman.. it may not be a big one but there will be one

  48. William Reed III

    I’m not a comic fan, so I don’t know the in and outs about spiderman’s trail and triulations. I am, however, a video game buff and pretty good at guessing plot ends. With that said, the plot is as followed:

    Mj and Spidey get married and develope their relationship. Henry becomes engulfed by revenge and will do anything to cripple Spidey.
    The Sandman is a typical bad guy in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    (think Joker from Batman) The epic battle takes place within Spiderman as he is tore between love and revenge. Revenge takes hold and like Spiderman 2 (when his powers are on the frits) he can’t function.(conflicting agendas) Sandman and Goblin team up for the kill. Mj’s love combined with a death of someone close snap Peter back from the turmoil within himself. He rids himself of the “black substance” and defeats the villian duo. Meanwhile, the “black substance” finds a new host filled with the same hatred and revenge of Peter. In the last 5 mins of the movie, a black drop falls on whoever and Venom is born.

    The Spiderman buffs can fill in the who’s and what’s, but that’s my hope for the movies plot.

    Bring on Spiderman 4!!!!!!

  49. kilsberg vs. matt

    yeah, i think that venom deserve 2 b 1 of those characters that is not just seen and then defeted. A little like dr oc. i think he could occupy at least 2 or 3 movies. especially since in the past it has always been venom AND carnage in the same scene even if they do not always get along.

  50. kilsberg vs. matt

    Venom is not given enough credit. i think i speak for alot of people wen i say he is ma fav villian. 1st, he looks awsome and second he is pretty much better and stronger than spiderman in about every way. i rekon if they do make a movie about him, it would have the patential 2 b a horror/action.

  51. stew mcgraw

    Hey guys there is a picture of what Venom may look like on Google.Check it out! It’s under “Venom in Spiderman 3″

  52. elliott

    well ive seen trailers on but i think that its a little weird and about the pplace if you dont no wat sandman has go to the plot then dont read:

    he was the real one who killed peters uncle yes its weird but then spidey goes after him but cant hurt him then the “black” substannce takes over him because of the revnge and hatred inside him then it takes over brook for his hatred against the suit wich made spadey evil its very comp anyway the hobgob gets hit by his own pumpkin bomb im not sure if he lives or dies ummm thats about it not to sure wat happens towards the end but u see brook talking well prayin to god about why he has done tht to spidey then the black substances takes over him i think any more queries just email me at :

    [email protected] leave your name and details and ill get back to you i have connections in the cinema buissness

  53. beerboy

    first of all what created the venome suit according to the game i have with is bassed on the origanal comics peter’s dad and eddies dad both created it after they both died peter and eddie come to get there inharitence but peter puts on the suit and it bods with him after her takes it off eddie gets it and now the suit is trying to get back to gether with peter any way thats according to the comiics and video game withc is called the amazing spiderman so i think the movie is wrong and they should go back to the comics to fix it.

    but thats just me

  54. Jason

    First, to Beerboy: the story from the game Ultimate Spider -Man is taken from the “Ultimate Spider-Man” comics, which is (in my opinion) a bastardization of the actual Spider-Man comics rewritten for a younger audience. Here is the story of the real black suit -> Venom: In a 1980’s Marvel crossover comic series, many of the Marvel heroes were warped from earth to another planet to do battle with many of the Marvel villians. I believe it was called the “Secret Wars”. Anyway, here, Spidey found a strange black substance that bonded to his body and enhanced his abilities including increased strenght, speed, could metamorph into any clothing, and generate organic webbing (as you may recall, in the comics he had mechanical web-shooters that he made himself). Much later, after returning to earth, he found out that the suit was alive and was slowly taking control of his mind, making him do bad things. So he discovered that its weakness was strong sonic vibrations (and also intense heat, i think) so went to a belltower to “scare” it into leaving him. The suit stayed around in the belltower until reported Eddie Brock (who had been trying all his career to get good shots of Spider-Man and hated Peter for being the only one who got them) happened upon it. The suit bonded with Eddie and their combined hatred for Parker and Spider-Man created Venom.

    Second of all, I don’t know how a lot of you can call yourself Spidey fans and think that Harry is the Hobgoblin! Harry Osborne is NOT (and never was) the Hobgoblin. The Hobgoblin is a hired criminal (i think hired by the Kingpin) who is given some of the deceased Green Goblin’s old gear. Harry later on uses his father’s exact same costume and equipment to become a second Green Goblin. There have in fact been at least 3 or 4 different people who have been the Green Goblin in the comics.

    Third of all. If some of the trailers are any indication, Venom will be in a large part of the end of the movie. Its sad, I know. I’m afraid that this movie might end up being like X-Men 3, where they crammed together too much disjoint material from the comic and it made the movie feel rushed and poorly researched and screwed everything up.

    If you are interested in seeing more of Venom, check the video on this site:
    I recommend just saving it to your computer then playing it later, as it takes quite a while to download.

  55. Bobby

    Ok Venom is in the movie more than just in the end he kidnaps mj and then Spider-man goes to save her if you watch one of the trailers at the end it shows Venom pull Spder-Man up. Personaly I think that bringing Gwen Stacy into the movie was kind of a mistake because now he has to choose weather he stay’s with Mary-Jane or Gwen. I think in the forth movie they should kill Gwen off by Venom if he’s in the next film. That would give the series a twist in events. It would also bring more drama into Spider-Mans life.

  56. beerboy

    in the comics gwen stacy dies but what they do eith the move is a mystery to me

  57. Bobby

    Ok Beerboy yeah they killed Gwen Stacy in the comic books but i dought that they are going to have her die the same way if they kill her off. Even though Gwen plays an inportant part in Parkers life she probably only complicates things for his job as spiderman. I think that even though Gwen died in the comic books I think they should save her death tell the last movie so they get you thinking about how it well afect Peter and M.J.’s life together.

  58. beerboy

    your probly right BOBBY they wont kill her just yet but anyway i cant wait to see this move i got a question for you how much of a fun are you?

  59. BOBBY

    well you could say that i am a big fan i sometimes read the comic books but i really like reading the novels.

  60. Micheale

    The Hobgoblin is a hired criminal (i think hired by the Kingpin) who is given some of the deceased Green Goblin’s old gear. Harry later on uses his father’s exact same costume and equipment to become a second Green Goblin. more at:

  61. beerboy

    well im such a fun ive even watch the spiderman skate video (thats skateboarding) its ok but its not really spiderman its tony hawk dressed like him anyway BOBBY e-mail me at [email protected] and we can talk ferther on this subject.

  62. Cowgurl

    wow, i mean i aint realy into action kinda movies but spider-man is awsome and i can’t wait for the next one to come out it is gunna be a yeahaw kinda movie i mean i will be real sad if M.J. or aunt May die but it looks exciting and i just can’t wait.

  63. cowgurl

    Spider-man and harry o. should sit down or sumtin and talk about how harry’s dad really died and why cuz i think that harry and spiderman becoming enimies is a bad idea it just kinda ruins the movie i think but don’t get me wrong i can’t wait 4 it to come out N.Eways g2g

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