Ocean’s 13

I really enjoyed Ocean’s 11. I even liked Ocean’s 12… just not as much. Well now here comes the word that Ocean’s 13 is on its way:

George Clooney’s an Academy Award winner, he and his crew are returning to their thieving ways. Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon will star in “Ocean’s 13,” the third flick in their franchise about a gang of lovable crooks, distributor Warner Bros. announced Monday.

Word is that most of the supporting cast are coming back as well… except this time there doesn’t seem to be any mention of Julia Roberts or Catharine Zeta Jones Douglas Campea (last part is just wishful thinking). Does that mean there will be a new love interest? Or none at all (that would be my vote).

I like this news… mostly because as an actor, I really like George Clooney, and I still think Brad Pitt is one of the 10 best in the business today. The two of them had (in my opinion) fantastic on screen chemistry as partners in crime. I just hope this one is better than the second one. (via MSNBC)


  • 1. I Am Johns Arrogant Ass replies at 28th March 2006, 4:56 pm :

    I saw Oceans 12 again the other day and it was absolutely horrible. Doing the capoeira to avoid a laser security grid? Bernie Mac spending the whole movie in a jail cell? The master plan is to point out the Julia Roberts characters looks like… Julia Roberts?

    Oceans 12 was such a stuck up movie that they forgot every single thing that made the original good. Everyone was supposed to have a role but instead it was a confusing, unfunny, unbelievable and ego-filled mess.

    The first one was good though. It really did a well in utilizing the actor to develop the character. The only thing i didn’t like about it was that they didn’t stick with their original casting of Owen and Luke Wilson as the “brothers” instead of Scott Caan and Casey Affleck.

  • 2. Drewbacca replies at 28th March 2006, 11:22 pm :

    I read over at JoBlo that J-Lo is going to have a role in the film.
    I’m sure that makes Campea happy - HA!


  • 3. sween replies at 29th March 2006, 9:41 am :

    The rumour that I have heard is that Ellen Barkin (!) is in the movie as an older love interest of Matt Damon’s.

  • 4. Marla Singer replies at 29th March 2006, 1:42 pm :

    i always thought that those 3 would be so much fun to take a road trip with, haha.

  • 5. Kristina replies at 29th March 2006, 5:05 pm :

    Ocean’s 12 was the suck.

  • 6. ilovedit replies at 10th April 2006, 9:55 pm :

    I loved 0ceans 12. So there.

  • 7. Jane replies at 24th May 2007, 2:12 pm :

    After watching the trailer and exclusive clip on zannel, I am convinced that Ocean’s 13 will be a lot better than Ocean’s 12. In terms of casting wise, it is awesome and hopefully the story line will be awesome too.

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