John Reviews Inside Man

Posted by on 27. 03. 2006in Reviews

Inside Man ReviewOver at Movie Blog TV I’ve uploaded my quick 3 minute review of the new Denzel Washington / Clive Owen heist film “Inside Man”. Also appearin in the film are Jodi Foster and Wilem Dafoe.

To see the review you can head over to the Movie Blog TV page, or just watch it below.

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15 Responses to “John Reviews Inside Man”

  1. Crayve says:

    John, awesome review!

  2. Wingnut Love says:

    Campea, you are the man. Great review. Short and sweet and dead on target. Keep it up. Give us more of these reviews on video.

  3. Sam says:

    I forgot how sexy Campea is :D :P

    I enjoyed the film as well, though I thought it was horribly slow in places and yes there was no need for Foster to be in it, it added nothing to the story.

    Keep up the good work

  4. Jim says:

    Lemme say… i love the “No, Go, & Routh” scale. A friend of mine was watching your review over my shoulder and was like “What the hell is ‘no, go or row’”! I laughed, then explained, and he thought i was simple. But, i still love the scale!

  5. sueheather says:

    loved this review - gotta do more

  6. Bullet in the head says:

    Spike Lee is really underrated, I think too many people let his perceived political stance etc. over shadow the fact that he maybe the most talented filmmaker of his generation. I am really looking forward to seeing this, nice review.

  7. newtux says:

    What I really liked about this movie was that it was realistic. The guy didnt threaten to do something when people didnt comply and not follow through, he actually acted on his threats, making this movie more believable.

  8. Bert Grantges says:

    John - Great review, still don’t know if i will be able to get the wife to go see it though. >:( I am off to the theater!

  9. Sternberg Dietrich says:

    Good review, John, but one thing - ditch the swivel chair! It seems innocuous when you’re filming the bit, but it’s a big TV no-no to be jiggling around like that. Otherwise, great stuff.

    Maybe you can get a leather wing chair like Alistair Cooke?

  10. mogulus says:

    you’re not sexy to me, John. Have no fear.

    However, (lol) I really enjoyed this. This is the first video I’ve really been able to enjoy on this site. I think this could be the way to go with your vid clips. It loaded very quickly with next to no buffering time and the picture was clear as a bell.

    you have a good grasp on the broadcasting artform. your body language draws the viewer into the piece ( but you’re still not sexy to me ) and you had more than a few good points to say.

    I would like to see more of this type of review.

  11. Joel Gustafsson says:

    After a shaky start, video has finally found it’s place on the movie blog. 3 minutes is perfect (I don’t have to feel bad about watching it at work). More of this! :D

  12. momo says:

    Oh my golly. Good text, - but could you possibly watch less E! Less salespitch more personality please.

    Great work you do here anyway boss. Don’t get me all to wrong

  13. DarKing says:

    Nice job! I hope you can do this type of reviews for ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ and ‘Superman Returns’.

  14. SGirard says:

    Enjoyed the movie. Could someone tell me what happened to the large diamond ring?

  15. roy says:

    i will go see this movie i love crime movies i loved denzal in man in fire so i will go and see this nice review john