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“Fuck” the Movie

By Richard - March 28, 2006 - 13:24 America/Montreal

I guess it was only a matter of time. Here comes “Fuck” the movie. Hot on the heel of “The Aristocrats” (which is just hilarious by the way), a movie which traces the life of a single joke as told by 100 comedians, ThinkFilm is following up with a movie that traces the history and origins of the dirtiest of words.

The good folks over at M&C give us this:

Think decided to pick up the Steve Anderson helmed ‘Fuck’ after it played at the South by Southwest film festival earlier this year. Theatrical release is planned for late 2006.

Good grief. This may be the first time in history that a movie gets an “R” rating just for it’s title. All joking aside, I think this could actually be a little interesting. I’m always facinated by the origins of popular sayings or words… I guess I never really thought about this one. But really… when you think about it… who came up with the word “Fuck” in the first place and why?!?!


  1. Jax says:

    Ask and ye shall receive…


  2. John Campea says:

    Jax, you are now my hero. That was HILARIOUS!

  3. Darren Conley says:

    As I linguist, I am privy to such delicate information as this. One of my professors even wrote an article about it. The best guess is that it comes from a German word meaning “to strike”, but there is still uncertainty. Perhaps this movie will clear things up?

  4. Frank says:

    From about.com:
    The word fuck did not originate as an acronym. It crept, fully formed, into the English language from Dutch or Low German around the 15th century (it’s impossible to say precisely when because so little documentary evidence exists, probably due to the fact that the word was so taboo throughout its early history that people were afraid to write it down). The American Heritage Dictionary says its first known occurrence in English literature was in the satirical poem “Flen, Flyss” (c.1500), where it was not only disguised as a Latin word but encrypted ‚Äî gxddbov ‚Äî which has been deciphered as fuccant, pseudo-Latin for “they fuck.”

  5. Donnie Boy says:

    Hey guys, University of Geneva, Department of Linguistics here to cash in our ideas:

    The OED (Oxford English Dictionary) Is considered to be the most authoritive book for study of word meaning and origins. In it, Fuck is traced back to Middle English ‘fucken’ and is first sighted in written use in 1503.

    The ideas that it comes from German and Dutch are possible, but not the only answer. All these languages come from an older language known as Germanic. The idea that the German ‘to strike’ started the whole thing seems to have become popular from ebaumsworld. I can’t find anything to confirm it.

    Not being of very much help, I have to offer that we have an origin of written use, but little else. The origins are probably lost, but like most great bar talk, all of the little funny stories we hear about the world are 100% false.

  6. SpideyFan says:

    I hate gimmick movies.

    This one will be popular to Junior High school / high school kids and College freshman, and that’s about it.

  7. James Russell says:

    Fuck: the Movie? It’s been done:
