Deal - A Burt Reynolds Poker Movie

The popularity of Poker in North America over the last 2 years has been insane!!! An absolutely no disrespect intended to poker fans out there (I like to watch it myself from time to time) but WHY THE HELL are Sports networks showing Poker tournaments?!?!?! What’s nexts? ESPN Presents the world Monopoly Championships”?

Anyway, even though the popularity of the game is shrinking a little, you just KNEW another Poker film would be on its way to capitalize on the trend. And you also just knew in your soul of souls that such a movie would have to star Burt Reynolds. Well folks, your instincts were correct, because here comes “Deal“.

The good folks over at Cinematical give us this:

In the movie, Reynold’s character - an ex-gambler - “teaches a hot-shot college student how to ‘play the player,’ vs. just the cards.” You’ll be stunned, I’m sure, to learn that the two have a falling out which eventually finds them “competing against each other in the World Poker Tour championships.” Shocking.

Hmmmm… sounds WAY too much like “The Color Of Money” to me… except with poker instead of pool. Still, a film with Burt Reynolds as an old time gambler, picking up women half his age and spanking ass seems like a draw to me. I’ll be there.

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One Response to “Deal - A Burt Reynolds Poker Movie”
  1. x x

    actually, espn does broadcast the annual spelling bee, oddly enough.

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