This entry was posted on Monday, March 27th, 2006 at 7:50 pm.
Categories: Uncut Podcast.

Today on the Audio Edition Darren, Doug and I discuss Lindsay Lohan’s desire to be Wnder Woman and who we can see in the role, the take off of March of the Penguins “Farce of the Penguins”, some pointless Transformers chatter and we review “Inside Man” and “Stay Alive”… and I still can’t believe Rafe liked this one! All this and a few things more.

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15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Darren Conley

    This isn’t related to the most recent podcast, but to the Audio Edition in general - What happened to the links for all of the previous podcasts? All of the links before March 13th give an error message.

  2. darren seeley

    Good heavens.

    “I looked at the posts and not one in favor of Lohan”.
    You posted the Audio Edition at what-? 7: 50?

    While not entirely in favor of Lohan, I said in the comments section, “give her an audition”.
    a near full hour before, John. I even thought it is possible she COULD pull it off, although we’d be seeing Lohan and not Wonder Woman. This suggests that you don’t read all the comments section or that you simply dislike Lohan, so anyone (even JUST one) who thinks she isn’t a terrible young actress and should be a ‘dark horse’ consideration is dismissed.
    I’ll give you the benifiet of the doubt and say you started recording the Audio Edition minutes after I posted, so you may simply did not check back. I’m not saying you should have singled me out; what I am saying is that you said “everyone who posted thinks Lohan would stink/does stink’. That isn’t entirely true.

    And as much as I like Monica Bellucci, I’d see Kate Beckensdale in the role before Monica. You know where I stand on Jennifer Garner, I think, but in case you don’t…she’s extremely overrated. To this day I never understood what made ‘Alias’ so popular except for her cleavage and wigs. I despised Garner in ‘13 going on 30′- although to be fair, I think that was more of a script problem than an acting one.

    If you look at my comment under the post…tell you what, John. Google the name Naureen Zaim. Humor me, John, Doug and Darren C. Not a huge name actress, but given her background…

    Are there a lot of better choices/considerations than Lindsay Lohan? Of course there are. But I have to be honest here, John. I’d rather see Lohan as Wonder Woman more than I would Jennifer Garner…OR Jennifer Connelly. Yes, you heard me right. Now, I’m not saying Jennifer Connelly is a bad actress. Far from it. She’s one of my favorites (Dark Water excluded, of course) but after being in 1990’s wonderfully underappreciated ‘Rocketeer’ and in 2003’s “Hulk’ which I really liked- those comics related films didn’t do well as expected in thier respected years. Even I have to admit that.

    2) I did not see ‘Stay Alive’. While I’m glad to hear movie reviews…comments…you don’t really have to torture yourselves, do you?

    3) Props to Spike Lee on directing Inside Man, a slight departure for him, but still a reminder that Lee is still one of the best filmmakers around. And yes, a great cast. It’s interesting that polls showed that moviegoers were lured in because of Denzel Washington being in the film; where were they on his last few pictures? As you said, Jodie Foster is more of a supporing part. I think it was a combination of the cast-and it’s a heist picture.

    4) You know where I stand on Transformers. I promise I will not bitch that you spend way too much time on it. I will, however say this: who gives a damn about extras casting, unless Doug Nagy was one of those extras?

    5) As for Doug, was it me or did the microphone glitch out a little? And if there really is ‘a movie review theme song’, Doug needs the uke, not the puke.

    -Sealer has spoken.

  3. Hey Darren,

    We actually started recording the show well before you left your comments. An hour to do the show… then we all went out for some pizza… and THEN I came home, encoded the show and uploaded it.

    So as of our recording… yes… no one sounded in support of Ms. Lohan.


  4. Wolf

    I’m telling you guy’s Evangeline Lilly would be the perfect Wonder Woman. She’s sexy and she’s got the body. Have you seen her in Lost? She kicks major ass.

    John what happened to the last 100 comments on the Navigation?

  5. Wolf

    Here is a picture of Miss Lilly, come on you can’t go wrong with her.

  6. Marco Shimomoto

    Hey I vote Paz Vega or Gretchen Mol as Wonder Woman. The problem is that I would like to see Paz Vega in any movie. :)
    Because besides the looks you need to pull the talent (Spidey anyone?).
    See ya!

  7. Norddeth

    Quotable Quotes:

    “Her (Wonder Woman) first major battle” LMFAO!!!!!

    “Don’t ever say that again or I will cut you”

    “Oh FUCK Connolly, it’s a goddamn robot planet, are you fucking kkidding me” I think I played that like 5 times in a row, laughing uncontrollably the whole time.

    By the way, do you fuckers have Turrets? Im tryign to listen to this at work and suddenly someone starts yelling Fuck this Fuck that!!!


  8. Kristina

    I was yelling Monica’s name right before you guys said her name for Wonder Woman. Well done guys.

  9. Hey there Krista…

    Ummm…. were you doing something with Monica at the time that we should know about? ;)

  10. Norddeth

    John, you are so fucking smooth….lol, hitting on women who post on his blog!!


  11. antonio


  12. Vix

    What about Lucy Lawless? I think she would be great for Wonder Woman.

  13. Drewbacca

    I went to a Kate Beckinsdale fansite (looking for computer wallpapers) and I read that she has expressed interest in playing Wonder Woman. I think she would be PERFECT. Great body, hot as hell. She would just have to give an American accent.


  14. Kristina

    Campea, so dirty!

    And please tell me the water elf song is the OFFICIAL movie review song! He must sing that every week that there is a review. So sayeth Kristina!

  15. DaJackal

    Wonder Woman = Julie Strain she would be perfect in this role. She has the look, the height and the kick ass ability for a Wonder Woman the role she was born to play!

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