Stay Alive Trailer

The Stay Alive trailer has hit the web… and all I can say is “Whhoopdy-Fricken-Do”. Don’t let the title fool you… this isn’t a sequel to John Travolta’s “Staying Alive”. Staying Alive has 3 extra letters in its title than Stay Alive does… and it appears it also has some kind of quality to it… unlike Stay Alive.

Here’s the Stay Alive synopsis:

After the mysterious brutal death of an old friend, a group of teenagers find themselves in possession of Stay Alive, a next generation horror survival videogame based on the spine-chilling true story of a 17th century noblewoman known as “The Blood Countess.”

Ooooo… so it’s a game you play… but once you PLAY it, you become cursed to die. You see your horrible fate in the game and that happens to you in real life. Wow… haven’t seen any of that before have we. Oh wait… yes we have… it was called The Ring, The Ring 2, Final Destination, FearDotCom and many many others all rolled into one.

This trailer is just terrible and gets ZERO interest from me for the film

If you want to see the Stay Alive trailer you can go here.


  • 1. CrzyDJM replies at 27th February 2006, 3:36 pm :

    Yeah, this one looks pretty stupid….FearDotCom was absolute garbage as well…I’d been thinking it looked good….oops on me I guess

  • 2. darren seeley replies at 27th February 2006, 4:03 pm :

    Final Destination has zip to do with the same themes.

    May I nominate instead: Hellraiser : Hellworld, where the Lamont box is virtual?

    Or how about “Devour” with Dominique Swain?

    Crazy, John, you brung up that William Malone piece of shit called FearDotCom. Thank you for reminding me of the 96 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back.

  • 3. John Campea replies at 27th February 2006, 4:05 pm :

    Saddly, Final Destination 3 does follow a similar theme. The characters all get a snapshot of how they die in advance.

    As far as FearDotCom goes…. I’m here for ya buddy! :)