Angry Bond Fans Threaten to Boycott Film

File this one under one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my life (well, maybe that’s an exaggeration… but you get my point). A group of people who evidently don’t know anything (did that sound insulting? Good… it was meant to) have started an online petition at a site called “Craig Not Bond.Com”.

What’s the point? They’re trying to get the studio to stop production on the new Bond film and replace Daniel Craig who is the new James Bond. According to the good folks at Yahoo News quote the lunatics (oh sorry… I mean “fans”) as saying:

“EON Productions angered fans around the world when they fired Pierce Brosnan at the height of his popularity as Bond,” said a statement on the site. “To add insult to injury, EON cast a short, blond, odd-looking Daniel Craig in the role of Bond.”

“Craig, described by The New York Times as having a ‘pale, flattened face and large, fleshy ears’ is a terrible choice for Bond. If EON Productions and Sony Pictures will not accept they’ve made a big mistake, then Bond fans promise to boycott Casino Royale!”

Ummm… so let me get this straight. This bunch of clowns want the studio to halt their multi-million dollar production that’s already filming and fire Daniel Craig as Bond because…. they don’t like his look?!?!?!

Notice it’s not because they think he’s not a good thespian… it’s because they don’t like his look. HOW FRIGGING STUPID! Acting is not about the “look”. It’s about what that actor can emote, what they can portray, what kind of presence the actor can project from the big screen. Nowhere does it say “JAMES BOND IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE THIS”.

Who knows, maybe Craig will suck as Bond. Or maybe he’ll be the best Bond of all time. Who knows. I don’t know yet… and I can guaran-damn-tee you that the clowns over at “Craig Not Bond” don’t know yet either. He’s a decent actor, and the studio apparently believes in him. So give the guy his one shot and see what he can do. Oh… and get a life while you’re at it.


  • 1. John replies at 22nd February 2006, 10:50 am :

    Yeah, I thought it was pretty stupid too. I’m really looking forward to Craig playing Bond. I hope he does a fantastic job… it would be a perfect two-fingered reply to these idiots.

    (On another subject, are you boycotting the BAFTAs, John? I know it doesn’t count for a great deal, but surely it’s worth a mention).

  • 2. Simone replies at 22nd February 2006, 11:00 am :

    Purefoy. James Purefoy.

  • 3. darren seeley replies at 22nd February 2006, 12:52 pm :

    Hmmm…guess they all wanted Jude Law, eh? Paris Hilton or Jessica Simpson as a Bond girl? Hmmm…

    The only chances of Craig being replaced as Bond at this point:

    1) He’s a bad actor. [no, won’t happen there]

    2) He loses more teeth [no, teeth can go digital, or, if “Bond” has a chipped tooth during brawl, it may add to realism]

    3)Since this “is” Casino Royale, there at *least* four other dudes saying that they are the real Bond [no, because this isn’t the spoof. This is the action packed redo]


    Nope! They are shit outta luck!

  • 4. Bruce replies at 22nd February 2006, 2:46 pm :

    Give Craig a chance. I think we should be more worried about director and the producers ruining it again.

  • 5. Rob Merritt replies at 22nd February 2006, 6:19 pm :

    The movie is already doomed. No saving it now.

  • 6. Marla Singer replies at 22nd February 2006, 7:00 pm :

    again.. CLIVE OWEN. the movie could still have a chance

  • 7. Lilly replies at 22nd February 2006, 8:41 pm :

    Simone, you saucy vixen, you read my dirty little (heavy on the little) mind. I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuves me some Marc Antony. Rwar!

  • 8. Darko replies at 23rd February 2006, 5:06 am :

    Craig is gonne do a fantastic job. I heard that he got his teeth replaced with metallic ones, so he will be ready when Jaws wants to bite his big floppy ears.

    I still believe they made a big casting mistake. James Bond is 50% looks and 50% acting. Has anybody noticed that Craig looks CREEPY !!! But yeah, now it is too late to change it, but it is not too late to change it for other Bond films. So let them shout. I am sure the money-greedy-producers will get the message.

  • 9. Simone replies at 23rd February 2006, 5:09 am :

    LOL @ Lilly!

    Isn’t he adorable? I met him when I went to the Anthony Powell Readings at the Wallace Collection here in London last December, he was fantastic, and very handsome indeed. You can check my blog entry about it too! ;-)

  • 10. Lilly (formerly John Campea's part-time fiance) replies at 23rd February 2006, 8:07 am :

    OMG, Simone!! I would give my right arm and my husband’s left testie to have been at that meet and greet. And if Ray Stevenson was there, too…………….. **drooooooooooooooooolling**

  • 11. Darko replies at 23rd February 2006, 8:09 am :

    Girls, girls, you should get out more .


  • 12. Simone replies at 23rd February 2006, 8:50 am :


    Hey Darko, we do get out more, I just thought it would be ladylike to say hello to one of the gorgeous actors in my neck of the woods!

    Lilly, he smells very nice too and charming. *winks* And definitely oozing with sex appeal. He should have been James Bond.

  • 13. Lilly (formerly John Campea's part-time fiance) replies at 23rd February 2006, 9:35 am :

    Oh, fuck! I wish you hadn’t told me he smells nice, too. Crap. Now I’ll have to stalk him during my summer break from work! :-D

  • 14. Gerrit replies at 23rd February 2006, 10:32 am :

    Is this “Face-ism”?

  • 15. Josh replies at 23rd February 2006, 10:35 am :

    Imagine Jude Law as Bond???

    Sienna Miller can break him over her leg.

  • 16. Robert MacCombe replies at 24th February 2006, 7:03 am :

    According to Digital Spy, he can’t drive the Bond car either:

    How much bad publicity can a Bond get?

  • 17. Jerry replies at 24th February 2006, 9:26 am :

    Looks aren’t everything. George Lazenby looked the part perfectly but couldn’t act worth a damn.

  • 18. Simone replies at 28th February 2006, 5:28 pm :

    Lilly, I am trying to contact you from your blog, it doesnt seem to work, its about James Purefoy.