Uwe Boll to direct Metal Gear Solid?

MetalGearSolid.jpgI frankly hope a big fat no, and can hardly believe the rumour from Boll’s own lips that he’s been approached with the script for a Metal Gear Solid movie, and all from the back of Bloodrayne.

According to Bloody Disgusting through Cinemablend Boll is quite open about it:

The crew at Bloody-Disgusting.com spoke with Boll about his upcoming projects where he declared the emotional weight of his next film (an adaptation of Dungeon Siege) and made a rather startling announcement:

“Now people are coming to me with metal gear solid. They wrote a script, and Konami basically paid these people to write it. And I hope that Metal Gear Solid will be working.”

Like Rafe over there I don’t believe a word of it, I really think Boll is blowing his own trumpet on that score, I can’t see him being handed that franchise, not one bit.

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  • 1. Sam replies at 9th January 2006, 5:36 pm :

    I bloody well hope not too. Let Hideo Kojima direct it, he has/is still doing such a great job at making the games he would seem the number 1 choice to make a movie from it.

  • 2. Crayve replies at 9th January 2006, 8:20 pm :

    Dear god….help us all if they that guy does the movie….hell i didnt even know Hideo Sold rights for MGS…but god dont make the movie…please dont *begs*

  • 3. Frank replies at 9th January 2006, 8:35 pm :

    This guy must have had a bad experience with a videogame as a child and now he is trying to get revenge on all the best videogames by turning them into horrible movies. He is like the evil victor von doom.

  • 4. Rich replies at 10th January 2006, 5:35 am :

    i would cut off a finger of ever one of his close relatives for every day he is on the set directing this film. there! im holding his family hostage, damn asshole!

  • 5. adam replies at 10th January 2006, 3:39 pm :


  • 6. Officer Don replies at 12th January 2006, 2:39 am :

    Never in a million years.

    Konami won’t give the reins to Boll when Ryuhei Kitamura is Hideo Kojima’s pick to direct it.

    I’m guessing Boll has heard that the MGS movie is coming and is claiming he’s been contacted when he’s probably just begged Konami to have talks with him.

  • 7. The 1mperfex Collector replies at 14th January 2006, 2:34 am :

    Me neither, even after what he said to the audience during the premiere of BloodRayne. I wonder if he thinks he’ll get some respect from Hollywood, ’cause he will make himself a bigger loser (if possible). If you don’t suck up your pride to do business, your career is over!

    Thank god Halo, DOA, and Silent Hill is safe from him. It goes to show that he isn’t the ONLY one to make adaptions. At least Halo is given the proper treatment it deserves!