No Toy Story 3!!!

Yay!!!! It looks like the Pixar take over of Disney is already producing fantastic results! Now you might be thinking “But wait… I thought Disney bought Pixar”??? They did… but with Steve Jobs now the single largest shareholder, and John Lasseter the new Chief Creative Officer, we’re going to see a lot of Pixar influence over at the Mouse House.

And what was John Lasseter’s first major decision? To axe that unholy abomination known as Toy Story 3!!!! Yay!!!!! our good friends over at Cinema Blend give us the following:

The word is Lasseter said progress on the movie will end effective Tuesday, and that sequels should only be made when demanded by the story and should remain the domain of those who created the original film.

Damn right John!!! Make the film when the story says it should be made and when the script is right… not just to cash in on the Toy Story name.

If this is the kind of influence the Pixar guys are going to have over at Disney… then there may be reason to have faith in the Disney animation name again very very soon.

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6 Responses to “No Toy Story 3!!!”
  1. Cole says:

    Great news. I wouldnt mind even waiting 10 years for it because even though Toy Story 2 was great, it really doesn’t feel like its ready for a sequel. But even better news is that Pixar (hopefully) should maintain creative control of the incredibles. That is one franchise that you know Disney would love to exploit with crappy sequels, disney morning cartoons and spinoffs.

    Anyway, unlike any other studio out there then Pixar has the talent and resources to create FRESH franchises. So i’d rather see them introduce new stories and only sequelize it when necessary.

  2. mrjuju says:

    So no Jurassic Park 4 (at least for the time being)and no Toy Story 3…

    This is a good day for moviedom…A good day indeed!

  3. darren seeley says:

    I need to be in favor here: Damn skippy!

  4. The !mperfex Collector says:

    Finally, somebody is taking a stand against those who are greedy to make sequels without a good story!

  5. JODSTER says:

    One can only dream of Disney becoming an Idea Factory again.

  6. nick botulism says:

    huzzah!!! great news. i’m getting more and more excited by this merger every day!

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