Nanny McPhee Reviews

Nanny McPhee ReviewsWhen I first saw the trailer for Nanny McPhee, I didn’t quite know what to think. It looked like a bit of a knock off of current kids friendly flicks in theaters… and yet by the end of the trailer I was kind of charmed by it. And now the Nanny McPhee reviews are starting to filter in.

The biggest thing Nanny McPhee has going for it is the presence of Emma Thompson. The woman can just do no wrong when she’s on screen. Although I must admit this role seems like a bit of a stretch for her… but then again that’s what good actors do.

So here’s was some of the Nanny McPhee reviews are saying:

“… an appealing tale of youthful empowerment and whimsy.”
Claudia Puig, USA TODAY

“A spicy little pastry with just the right proportions of flakiness and gooeyness.”
Gene Seymour, NEWSDAY

“Thompson never allows Nanny McPhee to become cute or cuddly, but manages to make the children — and us — love her, warts and all.”

“Occasionally sparkles with a promise of becoming something more than it ever really is.”

As of this moment, Nanny McPhee is carrying a solid 76% on Rotten Tomatoes… which to be honest is a bit better than I was expecting from it. I’ll see if for myself tonight and let you know what I think of it.

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  • 1. Rodney replies at 27th January 2006, 12:56 pm :

    Interesting enough, Thompson played “Nanny Gee (Nannette Goolsman)” on an episode of Cheers, and also played Professor Trelawney (Divination Teacher) in the Harry Potter Movies. (which honestly I thought that poster pic was of instead of McGee.

    Just sayin.

  • 2. Steve replies at 27th January 2006, 2:50 pm :

    Saw this at Christmas in the UK. I liked it, quite charming, although rushed at the end. It’s a fairy story so you can forgive it ending so perfectly.