Jurassic Park 4 On Hold

For those of you who have been anxiously awaiting Jurassic Park 4 (are there actually any of you out there?), the following news will cause a little bit of disappointment. According to Producer Frank Marshall (who works a lot with Steven Spielberg), Jurassic Park 4 has been put on the backburner for the time being.

For now, two other projects have priority over the next Jurassic Park. The Bourne Ultimatum and Indiana Jones 4 (that’s good to hear), with Bourne being at the top of the list at the moment. The good folks over at Filmforce give us this:

Jurassic Park IV] is kind of off the radar. We’ve got [The Bourne Ultimatum] here [he indicates at the top of the table he's sitting behind], we’ve got [Indiana Jones 4] here, [indicates a little further back] and we have Jurassic back here [far back - almost at the edge of table]. Steven’s obviously been pretty busy the last year, so we haven’t focused on that yet. But we will.”

So maybe the rumors about Indy 4 being “close” are more true than we thought. Well that IS good news.

As far as Jurassic Park 4 goes… you can bet they’ll get around to doing it eventually… it’s a guaranteed $200 million boxoffice flick. But waiting a while isn’t hurt that. I’m not really sure what else they can do with the franchise though. They’ve been on the Island.. they’ve been on ANOTHER Island, they’ve been in the city… what’s next? Dinos in space?

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7 Responses to “Jurassic Park 4 On Hold”
  1. Jax says:

    It seems Frank’s priorities are still out of order, but at least he’s moving in the right direction. I want my Indy 4 now!

  2. adam says:

    Seems like I heard a few years ago that the script at that time was about the dinos being trained as weapons/soldiers er something like that. Could be really dumb or could be kinda cool if done right. I’d probably watch it.

  3. darren seeley says:

    Give me the next Indy Jones swashbuckler as well; at least you know they still debate on “a” storyline. Call me mad, but it would tickle me pink if Indy got some eye injury or burn (in the TV series the elderly Indy wore an eyepatch) but I don’t want to have Sean Connery back. John Rys Davis, yes, but not Connery.

    I know, I know. Darren J Seeley is a big ol’ grump! Now eat your shrimp.

    As for “Jurassic’ - there IS a story they can come up with. Quite several, in fact. But after King Kong handed them thier tails lietrally between their legs, I’m just not T Rex crazy right now.

    Oh, what can they do, you ask?

    Well, there’s a few unanswered questions from the first film for starters,such as if dino DNA was retrived from mosquitos trapped in sap, who was the host for the dino DNA if there are no Dinos around? What if they could bring back Sabretooth Tigers and/or Mammoths? Cavemen?

    And then there could be room for a friendly contrast between evolution and creationism: and the next mean dino is one ticked off living Plesiosaur - which wasn’t created by Hammond, but could be the Loch Ness monster and/or helped creae the legends of sea monsters/dragons?

    What if a one armed Sam Jackson and other folks got stranded on the first island and played Survivor? Does someone attempt to get ahold of some T Rex pee?

    What if some Dinos migrated to Guam or Hawaii and have to be contained and some dumb ass reptile or two dosen’t get with the program?

    Lots of possibilities.

    The next Park, though, when it happens, should not be the same old thing. Yes, folks want the dinos having dinner, but it has to have new perspectives and ideas in order to be worthy to be made.

    -Sealer out.

  4. lyndon says:

    I’m personally more excited about JP 4 than Indy 4. and, JP 3 was so awesome that i can’t wait to see how much better the fx will be in the new one. Plus, Harrison Ford is just too old to be playing superhero now. if imdb.com is correct, he’s about 64 yrs old.

  5. mogulus says:

    well, jp3 had the spinosaurus, who ate t-rex’s for breakfast.

    there Is a class of sauropods that are just like brachaeosauruses ( from the first JP ) that are called Ultrasauruses and Supersauruses ( the names are dumb, but they are real i assure you ) and they are like, twice as big as brachaeosaurus. Then you have Anchylosaurus, various marine creatures that are extinct…. who knows?

    i for one enjoyed JP 3 because of the cast and the light heartedness of the story compared to the “life will find a way” mess that dominated the first 2 films. If it’s a good adventure flick with a well rounded cast, i’d be mroe than happy to see it.

    bring it on. and take your time. i’m gonna be here a while, mr. speilberg.

  6. nick botulism says:

    come on, you all know the answer to this one…


  7. Christopher Kelley says:

    OH MY GOD! This movie is gonna kick some butt. I mean I have watched the movies 200,00,000,000 times!!! I can not wait for this movie to come out!!! We (my brother and I) have dreamed of this ever since we saw the first one four years ago!!!

    -Jurassic Park Lover Out

    P.S. This movie is going to be so

    much better than any other

    movie(eccept 1) in the Jurassic

    Park trillagy!!!!

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