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August 22, 2005

Which actor for President?

— Posted by John Campea

PresidentialSeal.jpgAfter posting the link to Christopher Walken for President in Readers Lives #2 it got me thinking, which actor would I like to see as President…well since I’m Scottish it’s a bit unfair of me to choose, but jokingly, I like Arnie for it, seriously I do believe Martin Sheen would make a good President!

Here’s the thing though, if you had to choose an actor for President, who would it be and why?

As I said, I would choose Sheen because he is an active campaigner in real life for many excellent causes, plus he knows all about being President, what to do, how to behave and where all the rooms are in the West Wing! Now you guys…

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  • BJ

    How about Romy White from ‘Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion’? She invented Post-its!

  • kare

    Oh Dear, I would much rather see some of the characters these actors played being president than any of them. Talk about shallow and misinformed. Can we have a duet and nominate Penn and Teller? Ofically it would be a President and a Vice President…this way the Vice President would not stick his foot in his mouth by speaking as has happened in the past.

  • crackerjack

    P.S. I would totaly vote for Bruce Campbell. I would volunteer in his campaign.

  • crackerjack

    I agree with the canadian about Eastwood. He seems so no b.s. Oprah though? We would have Tom Cruise running amuck in the white house jumping on couches in the oval office. The truth is and the problem with our government is the smart people are too smart to run for office. Eastwood was talked into being mayor of Carmel California, I doubt he would eccept the Commander and Chief. Martin Sheen? Good on tv but in real life leans a little too far one way to represent a nation of opionated fools as we are. Arnie is not really the man trying to change the rules but other senators are. I say again, any actor who would make a good president would be too smart to run.

  • tom

    i can’t recall his name but whoever acted as President Palmer in 24 would be awesome.

  • Richard Brunton

    Indeed, there is now a site to promote another actor for President, or rather character. MacGyver.

  • Paul ” The EB Guy “

    I know he is not American but I think that Richard Dean Anderson should be president, this is based on a couple of items I have seen. First he has had international relationships through his time being McGuyver, second if he can keep the whold world safe from the invading hordes of Anubis and friends I think he would be just what the United States needs. I mean he can fix anything with a spoon and a piece of bubble gum. That is my blog read it or not that is what I think.

  • Edward Lee

    Clint Eastwood.

  • Richard Brunton

    Oooh…Bruce Campbell would be a cool choice!

    David, love the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels comment…very apt!

  • Marla Singer

    HAHA how bout my man STEVE BUSCEMI?

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