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October 14, 2005

Things I Hate About Going To The Movies

— Posted by John Campea

You know, for all the bitching and moaning a lot of us do around here about the movies these day (and that includes posters and commentors) it struck me that I’ve never put together an authoritative list on the things that bug me about going to the movies these days. And since today is a pretty slow news day, I thought this is the time to write it.

Now, before I go any further, let me preface all this by saying I still LOVE going to the movies. There are very few things in life that I find more fun. Ok going with an actual DATE to the movies is more fun. Ok ok ok… going with a date and then there being sex afterwards is also a hell of a lot more fun… but I digress.

So here you go folks, my list of things that bother me about going to the movies these day:

  1. Cost of admission ($10 for a ticket!?!?)
  2. Cost of Concession stands ($14 for 2 cokes an a popcorn?!?!?!)
  3. Huge Concession stand line ups
  4. Commercials running when the movie was supposed to start
  5. No pre-selected seating
  6. Parents who don’t take their crying kids out of the theater
  7. Teenagers who don’t shut the hell up
  8. The guy in the back who thinks everyone wants to hear his oneliner joke
  9. Theaters designed so that line ups are outside instead of inside
  10. Theaters with outside line ups that don’t spend $500 to set up overhead shelter to protect people in the line from the rain. It’s very simple to do.
  11. Theaters that have the “Ticket checker” set up past the concession stand. There are 30 people behind me waiting to get into the theater because I can’t get at my ticket in my pocket since my hands are full carrying 2 cokes and a bag of popcorn that cost me $14. And they don’t even set up a place to set down your stuff to get at your ticket for them!!!
  12. I know this falls under “Concession stand prices”… but it deserves to be mentioned on it’s own: $3.50 for a SMALL BOTTLE OF WATER!!!
  13. Bad sightline design. Theaters that don’t take into consideration that a tall person MAY actually sit in front of you and you may have a hard time seeing the movie you overpaid for. Increase the slope of the seating… raise the screen a little.
  14. Bathrooms with no paper towels and weak air hand dryers. I hate standing there trying to get my hands dry on the 1 operational dryer with 6 impatient guys standing behind me waiting to use the same one.
  15. People kicking the back of my seat (this doesn’t happen often… but when it does…)
  16. Sitting in an empty row with your buddy… and then 2 sweet looking woman come and sit in the same row… and you think “Oh yes”… and then 2 minutes later their bodybuilder boyfriends show up with the popcorn. Well… at least they had to pay $14 for it. Jerks.
  17. Late shows that start too late. Ok… I can’t get there on time to see the 7pm show… THE NEXT ONE DOESN’T START TILL 10:30!?!! I’ve gotta work in the morning!
  18. Early shows that start too early. “Yeah baby, we’ll do dinner and a movie… but we have to have dinner at 4:30pm because the STUPID FRICKEN MOVIE STARTS AT 6:10!
  19. People who stand in line to buy tickets and don’t actually start to decide what they want to see until they get up to the ticket girl… with 50 other people waiting behind them as they go “ummm… how about that one? Oh no… I don’t like that actor… how about that other one?”
  20. Theaters without free available parking
  21. Seats designed by some guy who really hates people and wants to inflict suffering
  22. People who don’t turn off their cell phones. How hard is that? DIE DIE DIE!!! (no kidding, I once had a guy whose phone rang 3 different times in the same movie… justifiable homicide your honor).
  23. Cup holders that aren’t actually big enough to hold the large cup. WHY!?!?!
  24. When the movie you invested $40 bucks in for tickets and snacks and 2 hours of your life ends up sucking.

Ok, I think that’ll do it for now. So what do you think of my list? Is there anything else that you’d add to it?

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  • MechoPower

    Man, you all pay some money for tickets…we (Marines) can get tickets on base for 5 bucks a pop and use them out in town!!! But what I totally despise about going to the movies is noisy ass little kids. Please parents, (and I have a 2 year old daughter so I am not being biased) how can you take your little bratty kid to a movie and expect him to sit still and quiet the whole time especially when the movie is not a cartoon? Yeah, I know there are a few kids with decent parents who actually know how to raise them, and they are well behaved…but for the other 95%…please get a baby sitter.

    Remember when laser pointers were the fad like 10 years ago? Those things pissed me off to no end when you would be watching a movie and some dumb immature teenager would start laser pointing boobs and ass everytime a girl would pop up on screen. Our theatre actually started kicking people out for it so it stopped for a time.

    And last but now least…the people who put their feet up on the seats and you can smell their nasty smelly feet. And then they start wiggling and kicking and all you want to do it turn around and stab them in the eye. I have actually found that if you sneak a water bottle with the pop cap into the theatre and pretend to stretch and squirt the person annoying you…he usually gets the point and stops!!!

  • Brian

    To me, going to the theater is a great experience. Where i live(Jacksonville,Florida), the matinee is 6 bucks, and i go to the Baskin Robbins that is 5 minutes from the theater to get my drinks($1.50 for 44 oz. fountain drink). The popcorn makes me puke, so I never get the popcorn. I buy snacks in advance (candy that costs about 3 bucks). So it costs me a whoppin’ 10 bucks to go to the theatre on Saturday afternoon.

  • Jeff

    And after all that, we wonder why people choose to invest money on home theater. I agree with just about every point and I also agree with John about experiencing blockbusters in the theaters. Of course, after the last dozen or so attempts to enjoy a movie, that I’m making an “exception” for, I must say that I continue to be reaffirmed that I’ll enjoy the experience more if I just stay home and watch it there. I may be a little behind but I’m a lot happier.

    Price for my wife and I to attend a film in Southern California = $20 - $30 depending on whether we want to snack or get something to drink. Plus, an annoying time due to very rude people (see above).

    Price of watching it at home = $16.49 if I catch it at Best Buy during the first week of release.

    So, in the end I own it for about half the price of going out - for us, its a no brainer…

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