The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 14

Well here we go again. This week on The Audio Edition Doug and I have some more Revenge of the Sith talk, the double standard between the acceptance of Gays on film vs. the acceptance of Lesbians on film. Marlon Brando in the new Superman, Russell Crowe being targeted by Osama Bin-Ladin and more. Click here to download.

  • Xun Shin

    OMG THERES NOW A TIE, I actually had to see both these films…and I LOVED highlander and conan was uhm MEh…YES JOHN, YOU HAVE TAKIN BACK THE THRONE WITH A TIE…must have a tie breaker….

  • mogulus

    great job as usual.. this audio edition thing is the highlight of my internet surfage experience, and i’m so relieved it’s back.

    and i hope you guys can both stay off the Coke.

  • s in g

    About morality and studios…

    It’s not clear why the fact that something is a business clears it of moral responsibilty. This is just a general point, but, if a studio was choosing to make films that encouraged certain morally reprehensible acts/beliefs would they not be doing something immoral? Would we want to clear them of any responsibility because the films made them a lot of money?? Why wouldn’t moral issues trump money? To try and drive home the point: think about nazi propaganda films. The producers were paid to make these films. Hilter was concerned with a slick use of media venues like this as persuasive tools. The producers were well aware of the agenda. Hollywood itself has never itself shied away from using film as a pulpit to push certain agendas. My point is that the question of moral correctness ought not be ignored because people are willing to pay to see a film. Hopefully, if something is moral/immoral, then it remains so despite the fact that there is money to be made. As such the people who make films are responsible to the moral truths, not their wallets. I’m not passing judgement on the particular issue of the protrayal of homosexuality in film, there may or may not be a problem here. Yet the fact is there is at least the potential for a problem that wouldn’t rightfully be ignored because of dollars and cents.

  • Simone

    “This is the Revenge of the Sith of the AudioBlog.”

    I think the bug got to you now Rich, keep it going! *winks*

  • doug nagy


    You are not wrong for liking cadavers.
    There is no test my friend, you simply do.
    Boning cadavers is a cheap date,
    heck - when I am dead you can have sex with me.
    Don’t worry about a condom - what ever you have, I probably deserve.

    To quote my friend chris pick:
    “The best thing about having sex with the dead is that you can get them into positions no living person could endure.”

  • Peter

    The Audio Edition is always a enjoyable mixture. Keep it goin´!

  • Screen Rant


    Nice work on the audio edition this week. Good stuff.


  • Richard

    If there ever was a break from form on the AudioBlog, then this is the return. This is the Revenge of the Sith of the AudioBlog.

    I’ve just written three long paragraphs and deleted them about censoring original materials. I don’t think we have different viewpoints at all John. Sure on that particular post that the discussion came out, but in general we are both right. Studios censor original material to suit their sales, it’s not right, but they have the money to do it. Anyway…

    Cracking AudioBlog…and finally I get a mention, over and above the bagpipes of course!

    Cut out the smoking too John!