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October 3, 2005

Single Play DVDs. Same Stupidity, Different People.

— Posted by Rodney

stupidsquared.jpgAh, the Single Play DVD. First it was Best Buy. Then Disney tried it… Now it’s Microsoft’s turn to be totally stupid… well, okay fine, even more stupid than usual.

I first read about this back in July when it was mere √¢‚Ǩ≈ìrumblings√¢‚Ǩ¬ù - believable only in the same vein as Spam Emails because it was simply too ridiculous that they would consider this. Because hey, I’d never actually consider trying to consolidate my phone bill and mortgage while trying to make my penis bigger either. I mean.. because … pfff.. hey.. I don’t have a mortgage.

But sadly, it’s true. Well, it might be - I only have this link I’m about to give you to go on… But either way, it’s proof that far too much money tends to completely clog your brain. Microsoft is working on releasing single-play DVDs. Single Play? Yeah, that’s right. Play it once = it’s death. No more. Just chuck it. You had yer chance. Did you like that really cool part? Wanna see it again? Yeah? Well tough! You get nothing else! While we’re at it, we’re gonna cancel Christmas and take a piss on your cookies.

First off let me say this:

How many of you have ever heard of EZ-Ds? Odds are, unless you’re a geek like myself, you haven’t. Why? Because it was a STUPID idea. And what was this stupid Idea you ask? It was for Disposable DVDs √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú a concept that, is not only exactly like this one, but two years ago was obviously going to flop and Disney tried to push it on people anyway. It failed miserably because, well, the concept was dumber than a sack-o-bolts and thankfully, the general public isn’t THAT dumb yet. (On that note, I’d like to remind everybody to walk left and stand right… you total morons)

Want Proof of this whole, virtually IDENTICAL DVD situation happening and flopping? Yeah? Well, here’s us mocking, complaining and gloating over the failed ‘EZ-D’ concept: almost 2 years ago to the day. (EZ-D Article)

If not the EZ-Ds, then some of you may remember a √¢‚Ǩ≈ìdvd√¢‚Ǩ¬ù format called DIVx (not to be confused with the avi codec ‘divx’). Basically, it was stupid, similar to one-time play dvds, and was masked under the coat of ‘convienience’, when what it was really doing was wiggling into peoples butts and sucking the blood of their income through their tender spots.

This stupid concept has failed twice already – not to mention the waste it will create: Imagine everyone throwing away their Blockbuster rental everytime they rented something? Damn. I mean, you could melt it all down and build new civilizations.

Why are they doing this anyway? - Well, they’ll say it’s because they want to give consumers options or some other garbage like that. They’re also saying it will cut down on piracy. Let Me Say That Again. They think it will cut down on piracy. - No It WON’T. Since it’ll only play once, the people who want to pirate it, will just have to get the job done the first time. - or maybe even: get this… They’ll buy a ‘Video Out’ cable from their tv! OOOOhhh Bang! There goes millions of dollars of One-Time-DVD marketing.

Folks, if this goes through, please √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú I know we don’t agree on everything, and we as a culture are lazy asses, but please, let’s all meet on the same level with this √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú and simply don’t buy any one-time play DVDs. I mean good grief, they cost 5 or 6 bucks to buy… Why would I buy one when I could buy the movie on a REAL DVD for a few bucks more? Yeah, that’s a stupid question, but it’s obviously far too deep for the ol’ Microsoft suckers to ponder.

The biggest cure for piracy is to stop making consumers hate you.

I’ll say that again.

The Biggest Cure For Piracy is To Stop Making Consumers Hate You.

If anyone out there ever buys a Single-Play DVD, you are not our friends and you’re not invited to the annual MovieBlog sing-song.

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who has written 8884 posts on The Movie Blog

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  • Aaron Myers

    Well, what if they released these single play DVD’s at the same time that they released the movie in theaters? Like, it was just the movie, no extras, no fluff. None of that stuff. I personally think that would be pretty cool. Then you could have your friends over and you could all watch it on your nice tv with nice sound system instead of enduring the kids and jokers that normally watch the flick with you. Then after the 5 months or whatever it is when the real DVD comes out, that can come out in the same format as usual with all of the extras and everything. Because essentially it is the same deal as watching it in theaters. You get to watch it once, and only once or you have to pay again to watch it. Just a thought.

  • Terry

    What happens if the power went out? Any ways just another thing to increase our landfills…hope they are at least biodegradable, but then again who will buy them.

  • Goon

    can you pause an EZ-DVD?

    yeah, I hate these more than anything, because of the waste. I hate anything that threatens to replace DVDs already. I’m sick of the planned obsolescence that goes on in the industry. DVDs are popular for severeal reasons - easy skipping around, features, widescreen/fullscreen choice, and better picture/sound. superior to VHS in every way.

    all these new variations on discs arent significantly enough of an improvement to justify rebuying a collection as a ‘blu ray’ disc or a UMD or any of that crap. I still cant tell the difference between a regular dvd and a Superbit one, not everyone has a big special speaker system.

    anyways… back to EZ-DVD

    whether or not you can pause these is the real make or break, to me, of whether or not they succeed among the morons who will actually give them a chance. at a theater you might miss parts because of a bathroom break, but you know its your choice, you cant let the movie stop because of all thsoe other people. at home though, that would just be stupid. what if someone knocks at your door, or the phone rings? or your kids come running downstairs looking for a snack? or something important comes up that has to be taken care of right away?

    its just plain stupid. this will do nothing but create more problems for retail store people, who got enough complaints about ‘no more late fees’ when that wasnt true, and already deal with enough phony complaints as it is. EZ-D’s would open the door to even more fraud at the store level.

    you guys should talk about these more on the show.

  • Simone

    *Simone looking for another WTH card*

    Wormwood, I am more interested to know when is TMB’s annual sing-song. *winks*

  • T-Jax

    I guess this idea is based on the premise that you would watch the movie like you would at a cinema: you pay the ticket/buy the DVD, you watch it from start to finish, you can’t rewind it, if you want to watch some part of it or the entire movie again you have to buy another ticket/buy another DVD. But in order to work it would have to be way cheaper than cinema tickets or renting of real DVDs.

    Anyway, as Wormwood said, it would have no impact on piracy. Reading a disk one time it’s enough to copy it. And if you screw it up, you can always buy another disk and try again.

    However, I don’t think the biggest cure for piracy is stop making consumers hate you. There are a lot other issues more relevant than hate that are fueling the piracy.

  • Donna A.

    I wouldn’t want to buy one of these. I would rather pay a rental fee or just buy it. Some movies are worth seeing over again. This is such a dumb idea.

    Donna A.

  • Ray`


    and whats up with the website?.. why is the font all weird??

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