You are Here » Features » Should we care if a celebrity is a jerk?
April 11, 2005

Should we care if a celebrity is a jerk?

— Posted by Rodney

Several times over the last couple of years we’ve put up posts about various movie celebrities who have proven themselves to be jerks by either words or actions. Usually it’s because they do or say something obnoxious or annoying… not because they commit some kind of huge evil.

As an example, let’s look at Russell Crowe who has made our pages several times recently for being quite unlikable. In my opinion, Crowe is probably one of the three best pure actors working today (yes, I really think he’s that good). So here are two questions:

1) DOES a celebrity’s jerkiness effect how much you enjoy watching them?

2) SHOULD jerkiness effect how much you enjoy watching them?

Personally, here’s how I answer those questions. 1) Yes, Crowe acting like an idiot does effect how much I enjoy (or lack thereof) watching his films. 2) No, I don’t think it should effect how much I enjoy his films.

I won’t go into my personal reasons for those two answers… I’ll leave that to you guys. So… what how do you answer those questions and why?

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  • millie

    Sure, Russell Crowe can act and act really well but he’s made it painfully obvious he can’t stand Americans! (Only our money.)

    He has been an insult to the American public too many times. Throwing a phone at a desk clerk because he couldn’t connect to his wife in Australia?! Puh-leez.

    It’s about time to ignore him totally. I refuse to see his movies anymore. He needs to know he can’t come here just to take our money, insult us and then fk’off back to his native country.

    He can go straight to hell.

  • rich

    Well, everyone, I can’t take these actors being jerks. Guess what? If every actor or actress was wiped off the nations face, it wouldn’t matter. If all the truck drivers were, we’d all be in big trouble. I’m just a poor retail schlub, but one day I had the thrill of meeting laurie metcalf in the store I worked in. Laurie was extremely rude. “Where the hell are the tomatoes!” she exclaimed. Not only will I not watch any of her crap, I beg other people not to too. Russel, we loved you in gladiator now walk away.

  • a.

    How would you know Russell Crowe is a jerk unless you met and got to know him?

    Big news: Tabloids lie. Even if a story is sometimes based on an actual incident, they will blow it all out of proportion and exaggerate until it is as good as a lie. Paul Giamatti, who recently worked with Crowe, says that what gets reported in the tabloids is nothing at all like the way things really happen. He said he doesn’t know how Crowe can put up with being treated that way.

    There’s a story going around lately that he supposedly yelled at a fan at some restaraunt in Coffs Harbour. Crowe says he hasn’t been to a Coff’s Harbour restaraunt in years.

    The old Moby story about Crowe abusing him in a restroom in Australia, calling him a “stupid American” or something. Crowe says he wasn’t even in Australia at the time that was supposed to have happened and he always thought Moby was a Brit. Moby is known to make up stories.

    The old, “go, Russ, go!” story about him yelling out his name during sex is just an old joke someone once made up. It was repeated around until people started taking it seriously.

    If things get repeated often enough, people will think it’s true. Tabloids now know they can get away with saying whatever they want about him because they know people will believe it based on his tabloid-manufactured persona (which does not exist in reality).

  • Simone

    That’s my line you quoted just there and sure, you can disagree with me Doris, that’s what this site is for. Oh and like you Doris, I am also real with people, which I cant say about everybody.

    My contention here is, I am a movie fan, they are the actors, and I know my place in the circle of things. And I am not asking a lot. I am not expecting these actors to be my friends, besides who really knows these people in showbusiness well, apart from their family and friends? If they are nice to their fans, I know of some actors who go out of their way to be accomodating, then that’s good, if they want to be jerks I am not saying its good to be a jerk but hey, who isnt a jerk? How can that affect what I see on the screen? They are playing a character in the movie, that is not even them we see on the screen, so where do we draw the line and take what has nothing to do with someone’s acting to one’s personal life?

  • louis

    i’m with sean p!

  • Sean Penn

    To hell with the whole freaking lot of ya! Now where’s my coke and hookers?

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