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October 18, 2005

Most significant Sci-Fi Movies of all time?

— Posted by John Campea

RoughGuidetoSciFi.jpgJohn Scalzi is a writer, and a writer of science fiction to boot. He’s just released a new book called The Rough Guide to Sci-Fi Movies, and in it is a piece of perhaps controversial writing. It’s a Top 50 of the most significant science fiction movies of all time. From his own blog entry:

Why do I get to choose what films are in the canon? Well, you know: 15 years of film reviewing and following the business of cinema, and a lifelong interest in science fiction, gives me some amount of credibility. Being a published science fiction author doesn’t hurt, either.

Not only that though, it wasn’t just up to him, he enlisted help.

… I made an open call for people to suggest their thoughts on the most significant SF films…

You can also see that entry on his blog. So, to the point I think I hear you say, what are those top science fiction movies he’s chosen and published? First, thanks to Martin for the link, and secondly I’m going to say that this is not all the book is about, there’s discussions on the history, origin, science behind the movies, the list itself and the associated reviews, etc, etc. It looks a really fine book so I’d suggest popping over to his site and reading more.

Enough Brunton! To the list!

Oh, one more thing, he’s placed it in alphabetical order, not in order of importance.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension!
Back to the Future
Blade Runner
Bride of Frankenstein
Brother From Another Planet
A Clockwork Orange
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Damned
Destination Moon
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Escape From New York
ET: The Extraterrestrial
Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers (serial)
The Fly (1985 version)
Forbidden Planet
Ghost in the Shell
The Incredibles
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 version)
Jurassic Park
Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior
The Matrix
On the Beach
Planet of the Apes (1968 version)
Solaris (1972 version)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
The Stepford Wives
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The Thing From Another World
Things to Come
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
2001: A Space Odyssey
La Voyage Dans la Lune
War of the Worlds (1953 version)

Wow, personally I’m with him on a hell of a lot of this list. Some I don’t know, and a couple I think aren’t worthy to be in a top million list even! Yet that’s me, what about you? Is this a good list, do you agree with The Stepford Wives, The Incredibles and even Mad Max 2? What about Brother from another planet?

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  • KerryKing

    Where the hell is “Eraserhead” ??? :)

    And none have mentioned “Screamers” … But the most fatal mistake is: The best entertaining SF movie , ever made : “The man who saved the world” :))

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