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October 22, 2005

Most disturbing death scene?

— Posted by John Campea

AlienChestBurst.jpgI just read a very short article over at Entertainment Weekly where the critic answers readers questions, and they were asked what the most disturbing death scene is, they answered in an unusual way:

it’s hard to beat the childhood-scarring trauma of one hand-drawn deer’s demise in Bambi, with innocence shattered by the sound of a hunter’s bullet. For shock value, I’m partial to the first shark feeding in Jaws. But for Oscar-winning death porn, I think Braveheart reaps the grim prize.

Great choice, the Scots take a long time to die, it’s all the Haggis and Whisky…believe me, I’m delving into a bottle this evening.

Anyway, it got me thinking, what are the most disturbing death scenes I’ve seen? Well the Texas Chain Saw Massacre stays with me to this day, when I saw it aged about 12. The woman dropped onto the meat hook is awful, then popping out of the fridge later on…oh dear.

Recently though, I’d say that the death of the girl in Wolf Creek really haunts me. Watching that at 10am in the morning, press around me, I had my face in my hands and couldn’t believe how gruesome it was - mentally more than physically. His description of the act was terrible.

What about you? Let’s find out what the definitive most distrubing death scenes are in a movie, doesn’t have to be gruesome and full of gore, what’s really gotten to you? The Wicker Man burning? The Dead Zone scissor suicide?

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  • Kimberly A Gelinas

    The scene in RoboCop where the dude gets hit by the car and the scene in Irreversible with the fire extinguisher. The most disturbing death scene happens to be in Requeim for a Dream. Tyrone (Marlon Wayans) is doing business with a local ganglord who’s deaf and the deaf guy says “If you fuck me, I’ll kill you”; the little window comes down and the caucasian driver shoots at the ganglord and his bodyguards. The deaf gangbanger jumps in front of Tyrone, gets shot and his insides splatter on Tyrone’s face.

  • Richard Brunton

    Oh God JBoy! YEAAASSS! I always get in a lift and stand in one of the corners because of that scene, genuinely!

  • jboycharras

    Great calls, all of you. Won’t argue with any of them.

    For some reason, this one sticks out:

    Damien Omen 2, the doctor who gets cut in half via an elevator cable… that has always stuck in my mind since I first saw it in the theater.

  • sean sullivan

    When the surviving crew in house of a 1,000 corpses are dropped into dr.satan’s lair and the girl see’s the patients that made it and the demented look they gave her, and seeing her friend get cut open by the doctor. And the beast with gas mask chasing her in the hallways with the pus filled mouth.

  • Greg

    None of these even come close to “guinea pig 1 - devils experiment”

    with out doubt the most horrific and disturbing film ever. see it for ureself.

  • Chris

    Has any one seen battle royale ?

    The bit were the bad guy get his head blown off

    by a shotgun is very grusome.

  • Lynn

    Not mentioned yet, strangely enough, ‘Jacob’s Ladder’. It is not gory at the end. It is emotionally crushing and cathartic. In a way, the entire movie is one long death scene.

  • Greg

    A agree with Anon … the scene in “Irreversable” in the S&M club with the fire extinguisher. Horrid. Stayed with me for weeks. To this day I cannot figure out how Noe did it. It gives me chills to this day as I write this. Awful.

  • riouxda

    Well, just to be different, I would go with a scene in Nightmare on Elm street part 3…when Freddy cuts open the arms and legs of someone and starts playing with her (I think it was a girl) as a puppet!! That was kinda freaky!! And also, in Friday the 13th part 3 when the doctor in the beginning has his neck cut and then his head turned around almost 360 degrees…

  • Bill Morgal

    I don’t know if this really constitutes a death scene or not… but the scenes involving Peter Weller’s Murphy character in Robocop being attacked and taken to the hospital really got to me.

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