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November 10, 2005

More sex on US screens

— Posted by John Campea

Crash-SexScene.jpgYes please is what I bet I’ll hear most of in response to this story…I know I would. Yet there seems to be a big problem in America, watching people gunned down in the streets, seeing charred bodies in the middle of a warzone, or just plain pumping out tons of gases in order to destroy the planet are all acceptable, but heaven forbid you watch pictures of people making love, or even the smallest portion of bare flesh. As soon as that happens people are shouting and complaining about the country going down the tubes.

Wait a moment, aren’t war, famine, genocide and pollution a bit more concerning that the number of scenes on TV featuring sex? Oh, and by sex I mean such things as a portion of naked flesh, not full intercouse on screen.

According to the BBC it does appear to matter.

The survey for US health pressure group the Kaiser Family Foundation showed there were 3,783 scenes in a 1,000-hour sample, compared with 1,930 in 1998.

It found that 70% of shows had sexual content, ranging from a reference to full depiction, with five sex-related scenes per hour on average.

The foundation’s survey found the number of sex-related scenes in the leading teen TV shows was nearly seven per hour.

That would be because they are discovering sex, and heaven forbid, actually having it!

It cited examples including a discussion of sex on the WB’s Gilmore Girls to a depiction of sexual intercourse in Fox’s The OC.

Frankly I’d rather that my kids (when I have them) would watch and talk about these lose references to sex rather than knifing someone in the playground, or learning to hate, or picking up a gun. Don’t these people realise that life is all about sex? It’s one of the most natural and beautiful things in the world, and we should be doing more of that (even if it is just talking about it) rather than killing, hating and polluting?

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  • JohnIan


  • Brian

    Maybe it is a lucky guess. But ponder this. the sun is losing 5 million tons of mass per second. if the earth was millions of years old, we would have been sucked in by the massive amount of gravity and destroyed.

    The moon is slowly but surely getting farther away with each revolution. if the earth is millions of years old, it would be underwater due to the tides.

    Sure, creation has it’s gaps, too. but Johnlan, sometimes logical thinking doesn’t give us what we need as the human race-hope. You can rationalize whatever you want. you can rationalize that we never landed on the moon. You can rationalize that elvis isn’t dead. You can rationalize anything and everything. You have reasoned that life just is. nothin’ special. That leaves no hope, no faith, no morals. It leads a sad life. You have made a decision, and so have i. maybe my faith is just a crutch, a feeble attempt to escape the pain and suffering so prevelant in the world.If so, ignorance is bliss. if i’m right, then i will live forever in heaven. Thank you for giving me a chance to express my beliefs. You’re in my prayers.

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