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June 21, 2005

I’d Hate To Take Tom Cruise’s Side, But…

— Posted by Rodney

Over the last month or so my respect level and enthusiasm for anything relating to Tom Cruise has dropped about 30 feet. The way he has conducted himself during this entire ridiculous publicity stunt… oh I’m sorry… I mean “relationship” with Katie Holmes and the media circus that follows it has been nothing short of a complete joke. And if it’s not a publicity stunt… then that’s even worse because it means Cruise really IS than much of a buffoon.

By now, most of you have heard about the incident that happened at the London premiere of War of the Worlds on Sunday. For those of you who have been under a rock, the USA Today gives us this:

Four mock journalists were arrested on suspicion of assault after Tom Cruise was squirted with water from a fake microphone at the London premiere of War of the Worlds Sunday. “That was incredibly rude,” Cruise tells fake reporter (left), “You’re a jerk.” A wet, red-faced Cruise, 42, launched his own war of words after he was drenched.

“Why would you do that? What’s so funny about that?” he calmly asked the prankster. “It’s ridiculous. Do you like making less of people?” When the man tried to walk away, Cruise grabbed his wrist and continued his reprimand: “Don’t run away. That’s incredibly rude. I’m here giving you an interview … and you do something nasty. … You’re a jerk.” Cruise quickly composed himself and continued with interviews and autographs. Britain’s Channel 4 confirmed Monday that the men work for an upcoming TV comedy show that last month squirted Sharon Osbourne. “The stunt was intended to be lighthearted rather than malicious,” the network said in a statement.

I’d hate to admit it… but Tom Cruise was TOTALLY right. This wasn’t some little practical joke being pulled on Tom with the assistance of some of his close friends on some random Saturday afternoon. The man is at the world premiere of his new big movie… he’s dressed to the nines… he’s surrounded by press and media… he’s nice enough to stop and give you an interview… and they soaked his face. Ha ha ha… oh that’s sooooo funny.

To me, it wasn’t funny. It was an assault on another person’s dignity (yes… Tom Cruise is still a person) and humiliating them in front of lots of media on an important day to them just so you can get a video clip for your stupid ass show. What a bunch of low lifes.

I have very little respect for Tom Cruise anymore… but even he deserved to be treated a little better than that.

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  • el train

    i do hate to take cruise side but he was good in “colateral” and “the last samuri”

    otherwise i hate his guts and his hair in ALL! his films?

  • Jon

    I think Martha is Tom Cruise’s psoudonym.

  • mikaela

    i hate tom cruise soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes an arrogant son of bitch!!!!!!! and i totally agree HE NEEDS A SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!!!!!!! and what the hell is it with this Katie holmes thing? they’re worse than beniffer!!!!!!!!!!! HEs soooooo over-rated and almost all of his movies suck!!!!! Well anyways, you get the picture I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!

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