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May 10, 2005

How do you like your POPCORN BABY!

— Posted by John Campea

You know what, I’m just a walking Pavlovian experiment. The moment I walk into a theatre… my mouth starts to water. Even if I just came from dinner and I’m stuffed beyond belief, my mouth instantly starts craving that forbidden goodness that is POPCORN.

I hardly ever eat the stuff. Once in a while if I have the munchies I’ll throw a bad in the microwave… but that doesn’t happen often. But for some reason, when I’m going to a flick I JUST GOTTA HAVE IT!

I don’t even really think it tastes all that good. But if I don’t have a bag of it sitting beside me while watching a flick, I’ll feel distracted the whole time. How sad.

Now here’s my question: Do you usually have popcorn when going to a show (after taking out a 3rd mortgage on your house to afford it)? If so, how do you like it?

1) No butter
2) With butter that makes it mushy (I HATE it that way)
3) With butter but not mushy
4) With the topping powders?

Personally, my favourite is with butter (layered) that doesn’t make it mushy… no powders for me thanks.

Let me know… just cause it’s Tuesday and I’m curious.

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  • snacks

    I love buttered popcorn, especiallly when it is all mushy and soggy and yummy. Oooh it taste so good. I am eating some mushy and yum yum popcorn while I am on the computer. I love it when my fingers are so greasy and it takes hours for the butter to be licked off.

    Butter wont hurt you. It’s good for the soul. The theatres do not put enough butter on my popcorn so what I do is take a small tupperware bowl of hot seasoned butter and put it on my popcorn. Thats good.

    Its also better to bring your own food instead of buying your food there. I get mcdonalds all the time and eat in the theatres. Its good.

  • Simone

    Popcorn doesnt make that much noise when you eat it I dont think?

    Much as I love hotdogs, the cinema I go to dont have mustard available so I dont bother.

    Yeah Dom, I would have loved buttered popcorn! :-)

  • Richard Brunton

    Logboy, 100% with you…hence my previous cinema etiquette post. No distractions for me.

    …plus it’s really bad for you John!

    Saying that, I’m not adverse to eating a hotdog before I get in the cinema!

  • Dom Dunc

    like Simone said no butter in UK cinemas, generally I only get a drink, no popcorn, but if I do get some, I get the sweet kind.

  • Triflic

    I only drink coffee when I watch a film. One because I’m cheap. Two because I value my arteries and the smell of the toxic ‘edible oil product’ toping makes me a bit queasy. Three, I hate the sound of rattling paper.

    But mainly point number one.

  • logboy

    i cant believe someone who likes movies condones any distraction of act of consumption / noise in a cinema. those people are the reason i pretty much despise the palces and only go when absolutely necessary.

    sit down. be quiet. watch the f*cking film.

  • B A T M A N

    that doesn’t sound like good customer service lol.

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