Blocking Cell Phones At Movie Theaters

I HATE HATE HATE it when some doorknob refuses to turn his/her stupid little cell phone off when they come into the movie theater. You know what I mean. The movie you’re watching is at this really tense moment… and then… you hear some idiot’s cell phone pumping out his 50 Cent In Da Club ring tone. Ghhaaa!!! There should be a law about justifiable homicide for situations like this.

Don’t get me wrong… I know sometimes people just honestly forget to turn their phones off… and I actually feel a little bad for them when it goes off and you can tell they’re totally embarassed. But then there are those people who just CHOOSE to leave it on. Frickin idiots.

You know what buddy, if your wife is 10 months pregnant and could go into labour any time now… then perhaps you’re a dick for sitting in the movie theater in the first place. Turn the phone off or go home.

Now, according to the good folks over at M&C, The National Association of Theater Owners has asked the Federal Communications Commission to allow them to block cell phone signals in their theaters. YES YES YES!!!

John Fithian, the president of the trade organization, told the Los Angeles Times theater owners ‘have to block rude behavior’ as the industry tries to come up with ways to bring people back to the cinemas.

Finally!!! Someone is trying to address at least one of the problems that people have with going to the theaters. It’s a little thing… but important nonetheless. This is a fantastic idea that has been batted around before. There is absolutley NO GOOD REASON why this shouldn’t be implemented right away! Oh… but wait…

Seems that the telecommunications industry has vowed to fight against theaters from blocking cell phone signals. Surprise surprise. And how on earth can they justify that? Here’s what they had to say:

‘We`re opposed to the use of any blocking technology, because it interferes with people`s ability to use a wireless device in an emergency situation,’ CTIA spokesman Joseph Farren told the Times.

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY SMOKING?!?!?! What kinda of “emergeny situation” can occur while sitting in a movie theater?!?! Guess what buddy… we as a spiecies have existed for thousands of years WITHOUT cellphones. Human civilization is not about to collapse because Billy had to leave a message that their game of Halo 2 is set for Friday at 8 that Tom will get in 2 hours instead of right frigging away.

Turn the cell signals off in theaters. I’m all for it.

  • Andrew

    John Campea I’ll tell you what kind of emergency that could come up while i’m in the movies. Your Mom might need to get a hold of me if your dad is going to be home. How else am I going to be able to Tap the shit out of her.

  • Weasel

    Theaters are not the only place….but its a start….I’m really tire of all

    the “me only” mineless people any more on their cell.

    Post a sign in a restraurant, store, theater or where ever…but

    most store won’t because they need the business and they don’t

    want to offend people….We’ll they are offending me….I’ll

    not shop at these shops which allow cell phone chit chat….

    Nothing worse than trying to work out at a gym when someone is

    talking about their personal problems next to you….same as the

    movies…. turn them off….

  • crackerjack

    Here’s a thought for people so concerended about being reachable at all times, don’t go to the theater. Perfect example: My wife has recently started a business and she is pretty much always on call during business hours, I am a huge movie fan and would see every movie in the theater if I could but since she can’t go I just wait for the DVD. It is not that difficult to just say, “You know, what if the babysitter needs to get hold of us, maybe we should skip the movie and just go to dinner and take a walk or go shopping or a nightclub. There are plenty of places where your personal life will not interfere with others. Try to realize that in a movie theater there are something like a hundred or more people trying to enjoy the theater experience, weigh that against your desire to see a film with the possibility to ruin the experience for others. I may sound like the selfish one but I promise you that when I am in a movie theater I do not ruin the night of others. Try try try to think about other people more than yourself.